DISCOURSES Ο Ν Several SUBJECTS; WITH FOUR SERMONS ΟΝ ΤΗΕ Imitation of Chrift. By the Most Reverend Father in GOD, Never before Printed, and now Publifh'd With a PREFACE, giving an Account of the VOL. V. LONDON: Printed for W. PARKER, at the King's Head in D THE PUBLISHER ΤΟ ΤΗΕ REA DE R. HE firft Volume of Archbishop Sharp's Sermons was published by himself, being a Collection of fuch as be had printed upon feveral Occafions before the Year 1698. The fecond Volume was published by his Bookfeller after his Death, and takes in the Remainder of his Sermons, which were printed in his Life-time, and A 2 111 |