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pire and Dominion over Mankind, was loth to be thrown out of his Poffeffion; which he was sure to be, as soon as Jesus should be believed on in the World. And therefore by procuring that he should be thus punished as a Malefactor, thought by this Means to quash for ever all his Pretences of being a Prophet, and so to secure and establish his own Kingdom. This was the Cause of Chrift which the Holy Ghost came to vindicate.

Now the Question comes, What the Holy Ghost was to do in the Vindication of it? In what Instances he was to shew himself an Advocate for this Cause which he had espoused? In Answer to this Question, if we confider our Saviour's Cafe, we cannot even, according to the Principles of common Reafon, and the Use and Practice of Mankind in these Matters, defire more to be done by him than these three Things:

Ist, To justify the Truth of our Saviour's Mission; to convince the World that Jesus Christ was that great Prophet which God had promised to fend for the Salvation of Mankind, and that it was a great Sin in those to whom he was fent, that they did not believe in him.

2dly, To vindicate the personal Innocence and Righteousness of Jesus Christ, to shew that he was really a virtuous, holy Person, however he was thought of in the World; and at the fame Time to make out the

Equity and Righteousness of God in fuffering him to be so evil treated.

3dly, To make out the Justice or the Judgment of God upon those that were the Authors of those Injuries that Chrift fuffer'd in the World: To shew that he was so far from countenancing or abetting the wicked Conspiracy against Jesus, that he gave a manifest Evidence of his Justice by retaliating upon the principal Agent and Contriver of it, what he thought to have done to Jesus: That is, destroying and cafting him out of all that Power and Dominion which he had hitherto poffefsed in the World.

These three Things, I say, in common Reason, and according to the Course of Proceedings among Men in like Cases, were the principal Points which it concerned the Holy Ghost, as an Advocate, to vindicate the Cause of Christ in. And these are the very Things which our Saviour said he should do, when he came into the World; and accordingly when he came he did them effectually.

First of all, he convinced the World of Sin, because they believed not in Jesus Chrift, viz. He gave a Proof beyond all Exception and Contradiction that Jesus Christ was the great Prophet sent from God; and that the Jews who did not receive him were guilty of a very great Sin; and still a greater in that they crucified him. For let this only



V. 9.

be confidered, that the Jews had now been four hundred Years without the Holy Spirit; fo long, at least, had the Gifts of Prophecy, and all other miraculous Powers been abfent from them; and all this Time they were expecting the Messiah. Now certainly the Holy Ghost being thus visibly fent down upon the Disciples of Christ, after fo long an Absence, and manifesting himself to their Eyes, to their Ears, to all their Senfes in so illustrious a Manner, by the mighty Works that he wrought, and the wonderful Gifts that he bestowed, could not but be an Argument beyond all Contradiction, that Jesus was from God, and confequently that the Jews, in not believing on him, were guilty of a very great Sin. For these being Things which it was not poffible should be brought about by human Arts or Devices, nor by the Power of the Devil, because they evidently tended to the Deftruction of his Kingdom, must necessarily be from God; and confequently Jesus Chrift was own'd by him as a true Prophet, which was a plain and sufficient Conviction of the Sin of the Jews in rejecting him.

Secondly, He convinced the World of Righteousness, Because, says our Saviour, I go to my Father, and ye fee me no more, v. 10. And here the Point is, what Righteousness that was that the Advocate should convince the World of: Certainly it must either be Chrift's Righteousness, or God's Righteoufnefs.

ness. The Sense is good either way; and the Reason here annexed is as applicable to the one Sense, as to the other.

[1.] The Holy Ghost coming down was a Demonstration of Christ's Righteousness, viz. that he was in his own Person very Innocent, no ways a Criminal as the Jews had accounted him, and accordingly, in purfuance thereof, had condemned him. For had he been a wicked, flagitious Person God could never have owned him for his Son, and exalted him to that high Power and Dignity in Heaven and in Earth, that it was apparent and evident he was exalted to, by his having Power to send down the Holy Ghost, and by him to atchieve such wonderful Things as proclaimed Jesus Christ to all the World to be the very Son of God, and that he was gone to his Father.

[2.] Again, the Holy Spirit's coming down was likewise a Means to convince the World of Righteousness with respect to God; that is to to say, to take off the Objection that might have been made against the Equity of God's dealing with Jesus Christ, to fuffer him, who was so innocent a Person, to fall into such hard Circumstances, and undergo such unheard-of Sufferings and Persecutions. For by his appearing with fuch mighty Signs and Wonders for the Maintenance and Justification of the Cause of Christ, he shewed clearly to all the World that God had made a sufficient Compensation to our




Lord Jesus for all that he underwent, having exalted him to his own Right-hand, and for the fuffering of Death made him Acts 2. both Lord and Chrift, and given him a Name above every Name, so that every Knee Should bow, and every Tongue confess to him, both Phil. 2. 9 of Things in Heaven and Things in Earth, 10, 11. as the Apostle speaks.


V. 11.

Heb. 2.


But [3dly] There is another Point mentioned with reference to which the Holy Ghost should convince the World, and that is in Point of Judgment. The Advocate when he cometh fhall convince the World of Judgment, because the Prince of this World is judged. By Judgment, here is plainly meant God's punitive Justice. The Devil, or Prince of the World, had by his Instruments, as he thought, effectually brought Destruction upon Jesus Christ, and put an End to his Pretences of being the Meffiah that was to rule the World. It therefore concerned the Justice of God's Providence to retaliate upon the Devil this Mischief which he had wrought; and by fending down the Holy Ghost, the Advocate, he effectually did it; for by this Means the Devil was brought to fuffer that Judgment and Condemnation which he meant to have brought upon our Saviour. He meant to destroy Jesus Christ: But now he that had the Power of Death, the Devil himself, was destroyed. And this our Lord himself foretold, when he first sent out his Disciples by


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