SERM. XI. p. 260. Preach'd before Queen ANNE, 1711. About Religious Resolutions. The great them. JOSHUA xxiv. 21. And the People faid unto Jofhua, Nay, but we SERM. XII. p. 289. What is meant by setting our Affections on Set your Affections on Things above, and not SERM. XIII. p. 318. A Vindication of the just and innocent Ufe Let no Man fay, when he is tempted, I am Then I looked on all the Works that my Hands SERM. XVIII. p. 446. ACTS xiii. latter Part of ver. 48. So the last shall be first, and the first last; for DISCOURSE I. Concerning the Witness of the Spirit. ROM. VIII. 16. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our HIS Passage is fomething dif T ficult, and commonly not rightly which there are four Things to be done. I. To shew what is meant by the Spirit. IV. How, or in what Sense the Spirit VOL. V. B The 1 |