VARICOSE ULCERS or any chronic Ulceration of long standing can be promptly and permanently healed by daily applications of OXYNOLEUM The Oxygen Ointment which liberates nascent oxygen when brought in contact with open wounds, accounts for the immediate stimulation of faulty granulation in the filling out of strong new tissue, which follows its use. Pain, itching and smarting are allayed at once, and the open sore is rapidly converted into normal, resistant tissue. To demonstrate the great value of Oxynoleum, sufficient quantity, with formula, will be sent free of expense in an unlabeled package upon request. Address: BIOPLASM MANUFACTURING CO., 93 John St.. NEW YORK CITY Remoh Gems Looks like a diamond-wears like a diamond-brilliancy guaranteed foreverstands filing like a diamond-stands heat like a diamond-has no paste, foil or artificial backing. Set only in solid gold mountings. 1-20th the cost of diamonds. A marvelously reconstructed gem. Not an imitation. Sent on approval. Write for our catalog, it's free. No canvassers. If not satisfactory money refunded, Remoh Jewelry Co., 451 N. Broadway, St. Louis The Disappointment which physicians have heretofore experienced, has been replaced by the highest satisfaction when they prescribe Pheno Papine Tablets Perhaps in no class of remedies is the tendency to cheapen the product at the expense of remedial value so great as in products in which PAPAIN plays a part. Physicians can rest assured that PHENO PAPINE TABLETS are true to formula. FORMULA-Papain, Pancreatin, Phenolphthalein, Charcoal, Soda Bicarbonate, Strychnine Sulphate 1-100 and Aromatics. INDICATIONS for PHENO PAPINE TABLETS appear in disturbed functions or altered conditions all along the alimentary canal, the numberless Phenomena of gastric disturbances, duodenal pain or oppression; in the various forms of dyspepsia, in vomiting in pregnancy, in the treatment of various forms of nervous dyspepsia, it is a reliable and valuable therapeutic agent. PHENO PAPINE TABLETS can be had without Strychnine Sulphate 1-100 gr. Manufactured by The Standard Drug & Chemical Company 225-227 Sycamore Street Buffalo, New York Samples and literature free upon application Lincoln's Springfield There he lived and there his body lies entombed. Besides the interest which attaches to a visit to the grave, the Illinois State Capital contains Lincoln's old home and many other places of deep interest to visitors. If your ticket reads over the Chicago & Alton Railroad between Chicago and St. Louis, stop-over at Springfield can be arranged without additional charge. The time-tables are arranged so that passengers can spend a few hours in sight-seeing en route between Chicago, St. Louis and Kansas City. Take advantage of the above suggestion offered exclu sively by The Only Way" Send for circular of information. GEO. J. CHARLTON, General Passenger Agent. Chicago. Never accept substitutes, always insist upon getting just what you ask for Essential Facts About Dr. R. B. WAITE'S For all minor surgical operations and Ist. IT IS ABSOLUTELY PURE. Each and every ingredient which enters into its composition must meet the requirements of our chemist, being subjected to a rigid test, before it is accepted for use in our laboratories. 2nd. IT IS UNIFORM. Owing to the scientific methods and great care exercised in combining the ingredients it does not vary, and you get the same results today, tomorrow or a year hence. When writing Advertisers, please mention The American Journal of Clinical Medicine MAKE Yourself a Present of a New Case The following Cases designed by Dr. Abbott contain the greatest amount of positive medication in the smallest possible space-they combine convenience with effectiveness. Every case is guaranteed both as to material and filling. Case No. 1. Empty 80.50. Filled with your (or our regular selection) 81.50 Case No. 3. Empty, 81.25. Filled with your (or our regular selection) 84.50. A small compact pocket case should always be, with the fever thermometer, and the hypodermic syringe, the constant companion of the doctor. This should contain the principle emergency remedies. For this purpose you can select, as suits you best, from Cases Nos. 1, 2 and 3. Hand Cases Nos. 7 and 8 will delight the heart of the dispensing doctor, as being at once compact and commodious, constituting with a good carrying satchel, an ideal dispensing outfit. The following cases here shown are quoted "filled" and "empty." We If no selection is made we fill what we believe to be the most desirable from the customer's standpoint. Should we not please you, you are at liberty to return any bottle in exchange for similar-priced goods. shall be pleased to send lists showing "our selection," for any case filling on request. These lists have been studied carefully, and are often very useful as leaders in helping the doctor to make his choice. Case No. 2. Empty $1.15. Filled with your (or our regular selection) 83.00 The doctor looking for a new case is apt to be influenced by price (first expense) to take one which he later finds too small. We would warn against this. It is better to have one too large. Of course the case that will fit is determined in a great measure by the practice one does, but when we see an order go through for No. 8, we always feel that there is a man who will be satisfied-one who will have a case second to none. We will send Free with Every Case Order Case No. 8. Empty, 85.25. Filled with your (or our regular selection) 822.50 when requested, our 300 page Pocket Digest of Positive Therapeutics giving dosage, Clincial applications and other information regarding the remedies in our medicine cases. Our 16-page illustrated booklet showing complete line of Medicine Cases and Satchels with our regular filling will be sent, on receipt of postal-card request, mentioning this journal. Send your order today. Money back if not satisfied. Delivery charges prepaid. SPECIAL OFFER To physicians mentioning the advertisement and sending full cash with order, we will allow credit of $2.50 on No. 8 Case, filled with our regular selection (subject to exchange for similar-priced goods), and we will ship prepaid to any point in the United States on receipt of TWENTY DOLLARS NET If it is not convenient for you to send the entire amount now, send $7.50 on account and the case complete with contents will be shipped to you immediately with the privilege of paying the jbalance, $15.00, in not more than three installments at your convenience but within 90 days. Better send cash with order. It will save you money and both of us bother. THE ABBOTT ALKALOIDAL CO., CHICAGO New York San Francisco Seattle Never accept substitutes, always insist upon getting just what you ask for Our Satchels are good, first-class in every particular, and as heavy as is desirable, wear and convenience considered, and our prices (which include free delivery for cash with order) are as low as they can consistently be made SATCHEL CASE No. 1. This is the one we recommend. It is a handy affair, in the "log-cabin" style, with no waste room. It contains 6 glass-stoppered bottles and several pockets for instruments, etc.. all so arranged (designed by our Dr. Abbott) as to give the most practical results. This and our Nos. 8, 9. 5, or 4 drug case, as you prefer, will be just the thing. It is a great case. DIMENSIONS AND PRICE 16 in. long, 6 high, and 5 wide $7.25 7.75 This is a good, substantial bag. It is made with seams at the corners, and it is one of the best of its class. It will carry any of our cases, and is one you will never regret buying. As listed above, it will be fitted with 6 regular glass-stoppered bottles. For 25c additional we will send 6 special "safety" bottles, as shown in cut-safety bottles alone, each, 15c; per half-dozen, 75c. SATCHEL CASE No. 3, This bag is intended for a more roomy obstetric satchel, and as such is quite an improvement over the old style (No. 2), while at the same time it occupies little or no more space. It is made of one piece of leather with no corner seams, which is the weak point of the old bags. It is fitted with 6 glass-stoppered bottles. DIMENSIONS AND PRICE 16 in. long, 8 in. high, and about 6 in. With screw-cap safety bottles, 25c extra. Bottles alone, each, 15c; per half-dozen, 75c. This is an excellent, all-around satchel case for a lady physician or for anyone who is willing to sacrifice some of the capacity of No. 1 for looks' sake. Note:-We can furnish any of our satchels in all lengths from 12 to 17 inches (prices on request), but we only carry the 16 inch in stock. 251 Fifth Ave., New York City 371 Phelan Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. 225 Central Bldg., Seattle, Wash, When writing Advertisers, please mention The American Journal of Clinical Medicine |