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A large proportion of all nervous disorders can be traced to faulty
nutrition. To effect their prompt and permanent relief

Gray's Glycerine Tonic Comp.

is of exceptional therapeutic value. This powerful tonic stimulates functional activity throughout the body and substantially aids the ab sorption and assimilation of nutriment. Nervous affections of functional origin usually disappear as the normal nutritional index is re-established. Samples on request.

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When writing Advertisers, please mention The American Journal of Clinical Medicine


* *


* The large group of organic compounds used in the treatment of constipation act, so far as we know, mainly by producing peristalsis of the large intestines. I will only mention rhubarb, senna, cascara sagrada, aloes, gutti, elaterium, colocynth, jalap, and croton oil. It would take too long to describe the special merits of each of these; suffice it to say that some are powerful irritants, and have, therefore, to be used very cautiously; while others, like senna, cascara sagrada, have less irritant properties, and may be given with impunity for long periods.

From this very short description of the main characteristics of different medicinal agents, their indications for use may, nevertheless, be deduced. But before doing this, I may be permitted to draw your attention to another medicinal agent, which, in helping normal absorption in the small intestines and promoting intestinal peristalsis, may be used with success in the treatment of some cases. If ox-bile be given in suitable form and in sufficient quantity, constipation may be relieved even in very obstinate cases. When given in salol-coated pills to prevent absorption from the stomach and in large quantities, fifteen to thirty grains three times a day, before meals, the evacuation of the bowels may become entirely normal. Bile acts mainly on the contents of the small intestines, and the indications for its use are, therefore, limited. But we have seen that not enough stress has been given to *Read, by invitation, before the Massachusetts Medical Society June 8, 1897, and recommended for publication by the Society. (Reprint from the "Boston Medical and Surgical Journal," September 9, 1897.)

the conditions of the contents of the small intestines in the treatment of constipation. In many cases the accumulation of fecal matter in the large intestines is thought to be entirely due to the imperfect peristalsis of this organ, and the treatment is directed to it, often with varying results, whereas a modification of the contents of the small intestine would prove curative.


Considering the chemistry of iodide of potassium as applied to internal medication, it is acknowledged that, aside from being an irritant and depressant therapeutically, potassium and other alkaline salts have properties that neutralize or destroy the full physiological action of iodine. In 12 grains of iodide of potash there is about 1-8 of a grain of iodine, in a form capable of being assimilated. The balance (11 7-8 grains) representing an irritating and depressing combination of iodine and potassium. The unnecessary tax on the digestive and eliminative organs is obvious. Nature throws out her protest in acne, coryza and digestive disturbances.

Careful and observing clinicians throughout the country have fully demonstrated the power and efficiency of Burnham's Soluble Iodine in all fields where the therapy of iodine is indicated.

No imitation has succeeded in producing the same satisfactory results, nor is any preparation or compound of iodine among the many now on the market effective in so small a dose. Burnham's Soluble Iodine possesses all the properties of Iodine in an enhanced degree and is available in many fields where the iodides would be useless.


If you send your alcoholic patient to a sanitarium for treatment, you are turning over to someone else business that you ought to have; if you treat him yourself in the ordinary way, results will be unsatisfactory and he may go elsewhere. Secure his interested co-operation in


and your results will be good and the patient and his friends will swear by you. To employ the OPPENHEIMER REMEDIES will be


for they have been successfully applied by some of the best men in the profession. The Literary Digest said

"We have interviewed a number of prominent physicians in New York City
who have had experience with the Oppenheimer treatment, and who stated
that the results obtained through it have been satisfactory from a medical
standpoint. These physicians assure us that the claims made by the Oppen-
heimer institute in favor of its treatment of alcoholism are essentially hone t.'
Literary Digest.

It's worth writing about, Address

OPPENHEIMER INSTITUTE, 317 W. 57th St., New York Oppenheimer Institute



Clin. Med.

317 West 57th St., New York

Never accept substitutes, always insist upon getting Just what you

ask for

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When writing Advertisers, please mention The American Journal of Clinical Medicine




40 PRO 100+500



Instead of

The director of exhibits of the Alaska-Yukon- Morton R. Edwin Panatela

Pacific Exposition announces that the jury of awards has awarded the H. K. Mulford Company, of Philadelphia, the Grand Prize for Antitoxin and Special Syringe Container, the Grand Prizes on Tuberculins and Serial Dilutions of same, and the Gold Medal for Biological Products-the highest awards granted.

The H. K. Mulford Company are to be congratulated upon their triumph. The Grand Prize on Antitoxin and Special Container is a special honor, not only in recognizing the excellence of the Mulford antitoxin, but their constant efforts to improve and perfect the production of antitoxin, especially in increasing the potency of the sera, reducing the bulk for administration, and their perfection of the syringe package. The latest Mulford syringe undoubtedly represents the greatest improvement of this approved style of container.

The jury, in awarding the grand prizes on tuberculins of graduated potency, bacterins (bacterial vaccines) and vaccines, recognized the H. K. Mulford Company as the leading house engaged in the manufacture of these products.

The jury also recognized the importance of bacterins and of tuberculins of graduated potency as therapeutic agents by grouping them with vaccines employed for the prevention of smallpox. Antitoxins, bacterins and vaccines are three epochmaking products, representing the highest scientific advancement for the prevention and treatment of disease.

The method for graduating the dosage of tuberculin by serial dilutions has made tuberculin therapy comparatively safe in the hands of the general practitioner. When it is considered that the initial dose of this potent agent is 1-10,000 of a milligram-a portion almost inconceivably small -and that the increase in doses must be graded so carefully that it requires from six months to a year before the dose of one milligram can be given, the advantage is apparent of having a graded system of dosage so arranged that each dose can be accurately determined by increasing by two drops the dose of the serial dilution.

Every dose of Mulford's Antitoxin and Curative Sera is furnished in the Mulford Perfected Syringe, which possesses the following advantages:

It is thoroughly aseptic, rendering contamination impossible.

The metal plunger screws into the rubber plug, adjusting pressure and making action positive. The metal finger-rest with rubber guard at top of syringe prevents any possibility of the syringe breaking or injuring the operator's hand.

The needle is attached with flexible rubber, permitting motion of patient without danger of tearing the skin.

The special adjustable rubber has great advantage over other packing, as it does not shred, absorb serum, or become pulpy. This syringe is simple and accurate, having no parts to get out of order. The H. K. Mulford Company publish Working Bulletins on Biological Products. Copies will be mailed upon request to the Philadelphia office.

is by all standards of comparison a 10c cigar. It will satisfy the most cranky smoker of imported brands. It is fully 5 inches long, strictly hand-made, of choicest Havana tobacco-genuine Sumatra wrapper. It smokes freely and evenly-never chars down the side, but keeps burning cooly and fragrantly to the last toothhold.

The reason this cigar is sold at $2.40 instead of $5.00 per hundred is because I buy and sell for cash. I ask no credit, neither do I give it. I personally buy my tobacco direct from the grower in Cuba, and pay him at least five weeks before the tobacco reaches the U. S. Custom House. I buy for less and sell for less. The man who buys and sells I on credit cannot compete with me. believe in what Elbert Hubbard said in April, 1907, issue of the Philistine:

"A Credit Account is the most insidious form of borrowing money. When you don't pay the merchant at once for the goods you buy from him, you are borrowing money from him, and disguised in the price is much more than the legal rate of interest. Better to borrow the act ual cash and know how much you have to pay for the accommodation; but it is better still to practice self-denial and go without the thing you want till you have the cash to pay for it."

"All the losses of the merchants who give credit are made good by the people who pay." "The merchant who gives credit is not in business for his health any more than the pawnbroker is."

Among my 35 different brands I have an "in-between" smoke called "Old Fashioned Havana Smokers." I want you to be on smoking terms with them, because they are just the thing you want when you don't want a big cigar. They are Havana-filled4 inches long-blunt at both endsmade the way the Cuban planter rolls tobacco for his own, use-without a binder.

I'm so eager to have you try this smoke that I'll send you a sample box of 12 free along with an order for my Panatelas, because you'll buy them again.

Send me $2.40 for 100 Morton R. Edwin Panatelas. Smoke as many as you like-smoke them all if you want to, and if you then tell me that you didn't receive more than you expected, I'll return your money and we'll remain friends.

If you want to know who I am and whether or not I run my business on the square, if you have any doubts as to my making good if my cigars don't, just inquire from any bank or commercial agency about me. If you don't like the report you get, keep your cash at home.


Actual Size

Illustrated Price List sent on request Morton R.Edwin

Dep. 51 64-66 W.125th St. New York Make checks payable to Edwin Cigar Co

Never accept substitutes, always insist upon getting just what you ask for

Mulford's Antitoxin

and the New Syringe

Metal Plunger


Every dose furnished in this
Perfected Syringe

Advantages of New Syringe: ASEPSIS, contamination impossible.

Positive Working: The metal plunger screws into the rubber plug, adjusting pressure and making action positive.

Metal finger-rest with rubber guard at top of syringe prevents any possibility of syringe breaking or injuring operator's hand.

Needle attached with flexible rubber joint permits motion of patient without danger of tearing the skin-a great advantage in administering to children. Our new adjustable rubber packing possesses great advantages; it is readily sterilized, does not harden, shred, absorb serum or become pulpy. Simplicity and accuracy-no parts to get out of order.

Mulford's Antitoxin is Accepted Everywhere as THE STANDARD The higher potency enables us to use much smaller syringes. Minimum bulk-maximum therapeutic results

Brochures and Working Bulletins sent upon request

H. K. MULFORD CO., Philadelphia

New York


St. Louis


San Francisco

When writing Advertisers, please mention The American Journal of Clinical Medicine

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