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Some months since the Electro Surgical Instrument Company, of Rochester, N. Y., were visited by a disastrous fire which completely destroyed their factory. They were soon, however, able to establish themselves in a modern fireproof building and with new machinery and increased facilities are now turning out even better instruments than before. The fact that they were able promptly to resume manufacturing under such favorable conditions is cause for congratulation both for themselves and their patrons inasmuch as the history of the use of the miniature electric light in diagnosis and treatment is closely interwoven with that of this company. They made the first electrically lighted urethroscope, the Koch, and they have just completed the latest, an operating and dilating urethroscopic set designed by Dr. Hugh H. Young of Baltimore. They made the first practicable cystoscope designed in this country and they have made the two latest, the E. S. I. Co. Combination and that of Dr. W. F. Braasch of Rochester, Minn.

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They were the pioneers in this line, and years of experience and the suggestions of many eminent physicians both at home and abroad have enabled them to bring their instruments to a state of perfection which renders them models of their kind and as now made by this company, properly designed and skilfully constructed, these have become indispensable for that accuracy of diagnosis and treatment which modern medicine demands. The vital part of such instruments is the small electric lamp and to every part of the manufacture of these especial care is devoted. All are of the "cold" variety, i. e., their temperature is but slightly above that of the body, they give a brilliant white light and have great endurance. The Electro Surgical Instrument Company make all kinds of electrically lighted instruments such as cystoscopes, urethroscopes, Jackson bronchoscopes, auriscopes, an illuminated eye spud, transilluminators, etc. manufacture also all kinds of current controlling devices, including a socket current controller, a socket cautery transformer, and wall plates-and everything they make they make well.





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Never accept substitutes, always insist upon getting just what you ask for

The "Capitain



Aseptic Telescopic Combination Bag and Sterilizer

Pat. Applied for

Bag and Sterilizer all in one. Both telescope together or independently. Capacity of neither limited.

Every Physician who has seen it pronounces it the most practical outfit for Obstetric, Emergency, and Surgical work.

Lack of space prevents going into detail, but send for our catalogue, which illustrates and describes this bag and about two hundred other bags and cases for physicians.

It Will Surprise You

to see how large and complete a line we make.

Combination Bill Book and Purse

[graphic][merged small]

Including your Name

Printed in gold letters


It sells at $1.75 at the Stores Made of Genuine Turkish Morocco, full leather lined, dimensions when closed 3 1-2 x 2 3-4 x 1-2 inches THE HANDIEST WAY TO CARRY BILLS AND CHANGE We offer you this purse at cost to us to enable you to judge our make of goods

WESTERN LEATHER MFG. CO., 44 Wabash Ave. Chicago

When writing Advertisers, please mention The American Journal of Clinical Medicine


In chronic skin diseases this compound should be given in small doses continued over a long period of time. It is useful in dry, scaly conditions of an atrophic type, such as dry seborrhea with falling of the hair, dry eczema, and in those skin eruptions of a scrofulous type. Should there appear any acute irritation or itching during its administration, the arsenic must be discontinued, and Idoneen alone substituted.

Idoneen with Arsenic will be found most serviceable in chronic nasal and bronchial catarrhs, especially if observed in patients of a scrofulous, tubercular or syphilitic type who take cold easily upon the slightest exposure and have hacking coughs. In these cases the combination may be used to good advantage in small doses during the entire winter

[blocks in formation]

The writer overheard an amusing chat on the street car the other day. Two physicians were talking shop and the question of the treatment of old age came up.

"Well, I wouldn't tell this to everybody," said one, “but I believe I have found the only solution of the trouble."

"Yes, ?" inquiringly said the other.

"It's malt extract. Nothing more or less. You know as well as I do how little can be accomplished, in such cases. We can supply tone-and that's all. The breaking-down of the tissues can be neither prevented nor remedied. So I simply prescribe malt_extract-taking care to stipulate Pabst Extract, because I know I can depend upon the quality of that brand."

If all physicians would practise this same frankness they would have much better results with this class of patients.


Professor Jeanbrau (Montpelier Medical, May 31, 1908) says he had his attention called to the use of collargol in cystitis by Stoos and Tavel at the Berne Infant Hospital. His result in all cases was the same as from silver nitrate. But the great advantage of collargol over silver nitrate consists in its painlessness. In acute cystitis, the nitrate is agonizing; here collargol is as effective without causing pain. Collargol quickly inhibits the pain of cystitis.

"Nothing is easier than fault-finding; no talent, no self-denial, no brains, no character are required to set up in the grumbling business."-Robert West.


Castor Oil in Powder Form-Tasteless and Odorless


50% Castor Oil

49% Magnesia Usta

1% Flavoring Material

Risiccol-Carries with it the complete endorsment of "The Incorporated Institute of Hygiene of England, whose certificate appears on every box.


The Risiccol Co., 118 Williams St., New York

Sole Manufacturers and Patentees for the U. S.

Never accept substitutes, always insist upon getting just what you ask for

[graphic][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

A PURE CASTOR OIL Rendered by a new and improved process, which retains all the valuable medicinal properties of the ordinary oil, without its nauseous taste. Made palate-appealing by the addition of flavoring agents.

"SWEET AS HONEY" Laxol is suited to all ages and is retained by the most delicate stomach. Samples and literature, upon request.


168 Duane Street


"PATHOLOGY" not ready until Jan. 1, '10

45,000 Have Been


Vest Pocket

Abstract Series on Medicine

Flexible Leather Binding. Gold Lettering

Six Books for $5.00. Ten Books for $8.00
Catalog on request

Medical Abstract Publishing Co.
219 Sixth St.. Pittsburgh. Pa.



This new iodide possesses great therapeutic activity. It contains no alkalis or free iodine and is therefore non-irritating. It exhibits iodine in a most available form for internal administration and also for local application to the mucous membranes, as spray, gargle, douche or tampon, diluted with warm water or glycerin, as required.

The powerful resolutive and curative action of this chemical has already been proved, in the treatment of chronic enlargement of the liver, spleen, abdominal and thoracic glands, bronchial asthma, laryngitis, and incipient tuberculosis. It is especially active in tertiary lesions.

Do not administer Idoneen immediately after food, but between meal hours. Sample upon request.



When writing Advertisers, please mention The American Journal of Clinical Medicine


Of all remedies for tuberculosis, creosote was long regarded as the best. But its nauseous taste and persistent odor, added to the irritant, sometimes caustic, action upon the mucous membrane, seriously curtailed its employment and minimized its good effects. Guaiacol was open to the same objections.

The introduction of Thiocol Roche insured the full benefits of creosote or guaiacol medication without any of its handicaps. Thiocol is derived from guaiacol, contains 52 percent of that element, and while possessing the therapeutic advantages of its parent substance, excels it in being absolutely odorless, almost tasteless, non-irritating, and soluble in water. If clinical reports are of any value at all, then we must believe that Thiocol stands head and shoulders above all other known remedies for tuberculosis and other diseases of the air passages.

It is well worth the trouble for any physician to write the manufacturers-The Hoffmann-La Roche Chemical Works-for a sample of this excellent product.


In the treatment of inflammatory infections of the nasal and naso-pharyngeal cavities, Sabalol Spray fulfills four very important indications: First, it allays irritation by covering the mucous membrane with a soothing, oily coating. Second, by virtue of its antiseptic action it prevents bacterial growth, and thus reduces the resulting inflamma

tion. Third, it favorably modifies the character of the secretions and also acts as a deodorant. Fourth, it materially aids in restoring the relaxed mucous membrane to a healthy condition.

That these objects are fully realized is evidenced by the large number of specialists who are constantly using Sabalol Spray in their routine work. Particularly satisfactory results are obtained in the treatment of coryza, acute and chronic rhinitis (including ozena) and the various forms of hay fever, marked relief speedily following its application. Apart from its use in the nose, Sabalol Spray can be employed to great advantage in many affections of the lower portions of the respiratory tract as in laryngitis, bronchitis, and bronchorrhea.

Moreover, owing to its strong antiseptic influence, yet non-irritating character, this remedy has proven of great value as a prophylactic against acute catarrhal troubles.

This preparation was originated by T. C. Morgan Company, 102 John St., New York City, from whom samples and literature can be obtained on request.


We are very anxious to secure a copy of Burggraeve's "New Manual of Dosimetric Medicine,' translated by Prof. C. C. P. Silva, M. D., and W. T. Thackeray, M. D., and issued in 1888. If you have a copy let us know. Address, THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE.

TUBERCULOIDS, a Systemic Antiseptic Treatment for Tuberculosis

Full $1.50 Size
Package sent

postpaid to




Composed of Iodine, Guaiacol, Cinnamates,
and Bismuth in combinations secured by
our own special Chemical process.

The action of Tuberculoids is that of a Systemic Antiseptic. They are equally valuable in all the various forms of Tuberculosis, Pulmonary, Intestinal, etc., and in the treatment of any disease, tuberculous or otherwise, which a systemic antiseptic will antagonize.

Allied Affections: Asthma, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Chronic Coughs and Catarrh in all its various forms, often forerunners or accompaniments of Tuberculosis, are amenable to Tuberculosis Treatment. Manufactured only by



Complete Catalog, "09, E," sent on request

Never accept substitutes, always insist upon getting just what you ask for

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