The American Journal of Clinical Medicine A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO ACCURACY, DEPENDABILITY AND HONESTY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE GENERAL EDITORIAL STAFF: A. S. BURDICK EMORY LANPHEAR E. M. EPSTEIN W. C. ABBOTT W. F. WAUGH Subscription Rates. To any part of the United States, Canada and Mexico $2.00 per year, postage free, single copies twenty cents; to all other countries an additional charge of $1.00 is made for postage. These rates are due strictly in advance. We cannot Address Changes. Notify us promptly of any change of address, mentioning both old and new addresses. hold ourselves responsible for CLINICAL MEDICINE being sent to former addresses, unless we are notified as above, and failure to motive the journal by reason of your neglect does not release your liability to pay for those mailed. If you fail to receive your copies of CLINICAL MEDICINE notify us at once, and we will supply you if we can. Complaints covering more than three months usually cannot be honored. Discontinuances and Renewals.-According to Post Office regulations, subscriptions must be expressly renewed within four months of the term for which they are paid. When this paragraph is marked and the journal comes to you in a usual wrapper," it means that your subscription expires with that issue and is a request for you to send in your renewal at Renewal blank is enclosed for this purpose. Kindly always renew promptly. ence. Nature, Function, and Pathology of Sleep...... 1341 Congenital Dilation of Colon.. Pellagra: The Latest "Medical Peril". 1344 MISCELLANEOUS 1345 A Suspicious Case: Was It Pellagra?. 1350 Dysmenorrhea and Its Treatment 1367 Glonoin and Strychnine.. How to Get Your Share of Business. 1351 The Lethal Dose of Morphine. 1369 American Missionaries in Syria. 1369 Thurber Medical Association. 1356 Epilepsy Cured by the "Clean-Out". 1372 "Auto"-Intoxication 1373 The Postmortem Findings upon the Body of a 1 MASSOLIN (CULTURE) Massolin is a pure culture of the Bacillus Bulgaricus (a lactic-acid-producing organism described by Massol), in a medium adapted for introduction into the nose and throat as well as other body cavities. Elaborated and Prepared by Lederle Antitoxin Laboratories, New York U. S. Government License No. 17. This product is the outcome of a prolonged investigation conducted by the Lederle Laboratories as to the value of the Bacillus Bulgaricus (Massol) in infective conditions. The results of this investigation fully justify the introduction of this remedy, observations thus far indicating its use in Atrophic Rhinitis, Chronic Nasal Catarrh, Inflammations of the Frontal Sinus and Antrum, Ethmoiditis, Otitis Media. LITERATURE WILL BE MAILED PHYSICIANS UPON REQUEST When writing Advertisers, please mention The American Journal of Clinical Medicine WHY USE POTASSIUM IODIDE Busahan's Soluble Sodime MAM SOLUBLE looms. Co AUBURNDALE When Something Better is at Hand? WHEREVER IODINE IS INDICATED Burnham's Soluble Iodine can be relied upon to accomplish more and better results than K. I. or other Iodine Compounds as it is a pure, non-irritating Iodine uncombined with any Alkaline Salt or other disturbing vehicle. In fact it is the realization of all that is the highest and best in Iodic medication. Thousands of physicians have demonstrated this truth to full satisfaction. Specify Soluble Iodine (Burnham's) "The Original"; there is no "just as good." Marketed in special one half and one ounce prescription sizes. Never accept substitutes, always insist upon getting just what you ask for Is pre-eminently Hemaboloids treatment of the severest ARSENIATED (with Strychnia) grades of Anemia, Debil- Samples on request. THE PALISADE MANUFACTURING CO Oxygen Hydrotherapy in Neurotic Cases Insomnia, Paresthesia, Heart Affections effectually obviates the need of depressant and habit-forming drugs (WINTERNITZ, Sommer, GROSSE, DUMSTREY, FLATAU, TORNAI, SCHNUETGEN) PEROGEN BATH Sodium Perborate with Catalyzer yields effervescing hydrogen dioxid baths evolving 35 pints nascent oxygen in some 20 minutes. Acts specifically sedative and somnifacient, producing euphoria and sound sleep. Far preferable to the Nauheim bath in cardiac processes with high blood pressurearteriosclerosis, asthma, chronic nephritis. Obviously indicated in skin diseases where H.O2 is used. Approved by Council on Pharmacy A. M. A. Literature and Sample Tin from the Manufacturers MORGENSTERN & COMPANY, 24 Cliff Street, New York. # When writing Advertisers, please mention The American Journal of Clinical Medicine |