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priety of looking after certain richly laden vessels—
Remarks-Arrives at Ceros Island-Illness of Cap-
tain Duck-Information respecting a Spanish sloop
of war, laden with tribute money-Death of Cap-
tain Duck-The command of the vessel falls to
Mr Brown-Funeral of Captain Duck-Ship sails
from Ceros-Takes a fresh departure from Guada-
loupe-Arrives at the Island of Owyhee-Sails
again, and arrives in Anahooroo Bay, at Woahoo--
The chief refuses permission to enter the close har-
bour-Sails for Otaheite-Gets too much to the
westward, and makes for the Tonga Islands-An-
chors for the last time at the Island of Lefooga-
Mutiny and desertion of four men-Farther deser-
tion of fifteen others-Suspicious appearance of the
natives Their first plan to take the vessel unsuc-
cessful-Natives assemble on deck in great num-
bers-Signal of attack-Mr Mariner runs into the
gun-room, and, meeting with the cooper, they de-
termine to blow up the vessel-Their intention ac-
cidentally prevented-In the mean time general
massacre upon deck-Mr Mariner and the cooper
brought before the chief-Mr Mariner is sent on
shore-The state of his mind at this period--Finds
Mr Brown on the beach murdered-He expects to
be killed and eaten-Is brought before the king-
The ship is run aground by the king's orders


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The ship plundered by Finow's orders-Accidents
on board-The ship burned-Guns hauled on shore
-Visit to the Island of Whiha-Surprise of the na-
tives at the sight of a watch-Mr Mariner deprived
of his books and papers, as being considered instru-
ments of witchcraft-Anecdote of the missionaries
-Remarks on the present state of the Islands, com-
pared with that when Captain Cook visited them—
Political history of the islands during the foregoing
twelve or fifteen years, viz. Expedition to the Fiji
Islands-Insurrection at Tonga-Assassination of
the king-Civil war-Return of the expedition to




Political intrigues of Toobo Toa against Toobo Nuha
-Toobo Toa's vow-Finow's character contrasted
with that of Toobo Nuha-Sentiments of Toobo
Toa-Assassination of Toobo Nuha-Speech of
Latoo Ila over the dead body-Specious conduct
of Finow-The body laid in state-Dismal lamen-
tations of Toobo Nuha's women-Some account of
the nature of the taboo-Burial of Toobo Nuha-
Heroic challenge of Chioolooa--Chiefdom of Va-
vaoo given to Finow's aunt-Her hostile intentions
-The heroic speech of her sister to the women of

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