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Warburg's Tincture-Tinctura Antiperiodica, N.F.

White Arsenic-Arseni Trioxidum White Precipitate-Hydrargyrum Ammoniatum

Wild Cherry-Prunus Virginiana
Witch Hazel-Hamamelis

Wood Charcoal-Carbo Ligni Wormseed-Chenopodium


Yellow Peruvian Bark-Cinchona Yellow Wash-Lotio Flava, N.F.



This classification is based on the use of drugs to meet therapeutic indications. The order of the classes is arranged on the plan of progression from the class that lists the drugs used for external action to the class that lists drugs used for action on the most vital parts of the body. Under each class the drugs are named in alphabetical order, as an order of preference is impossible, one drug being more therapeutically efficient in one condition and another drug more therapeutically efficient in another condition. Later under each class is discussed the whole subject for which the class stands and briefly the action and use of the most important drugs. The drugs later described in detail appear in italics in this classification.



CLASS I.-Drugs Used to Destroy Microorganisms.

(a) To disinfect. For buildings; formaldehyde; steam; sulphur fumes. For clothing: formaldehyde; heat. For dejecta: bichloride of mercury solutions; chlorinated lime solutions; formaldehyde solutions; heat.

(b) To inhibit the growth of bacteria upon the body (antiseptics, germicides).—Bichloride of mercury solutions; boric acid solutions; chlorine solutions; cresol solutions; formaldehyde solutions; hydrogen dioxide solutions; potassium permanganate solutions; phenol solutions; salicylic acid preparations.

(c) To destroy skin parasites (parasiticides).-Balsam of Peru; betanaphthol; chrysarobin preparations; ichthyol; iodine preparations; mercury preparations; pyrogallol preparations; resorcin; sulphur preparations; any of the drugs named under "b" of this class.

CLASS II.-Drugs Used Externally for Action on the Skin.

(a) To allay irritation.-Bland oils (almond oil, cocoa butter, olive oil, petroleum oils, wool fat); boroglycerin; glycerin; dry powders (bismuth preparations, boric acid, lycopodium, starch, talcum, zinc oxide, zinc stearate).

(b) To cause hyperemia

(counterirritation).—Alcohol; ammonia; capsicum preparations; tincture of iodine; liniments; mustard preparations; turpentine; volatile oils (especially oil of wintergreen (natural or artificial, methyl salicylate), oil of peppermint, etc.).

To blister.-Cantharides preparations.

(d) To destroy tissue (escharotics).-Carbon dioxide snow; chromium trioxide; glacial acetic acid; nitric acid; potassium hydroxide; salicylic acid; silver nitrate; trichloracetic acid.

CLASS III.-Drugs Used for Action on Mucous Membranes. (a) To allay irritation.-Barley water; egg albumin; flaxseed infusion; milk; starch water; slippery elm infusion; sodium chloride (.9 per cent.) solution.

(b) To inhibit secretion (astringents).-Bismuth salts; silver (weak) solutions; tannic acid.

(c) To stimulate.-Copper salts; silver salts; zinc salts. CLASS IV. Drugs Used for Local Action in the Stomach. (a) To increase the appetite.-Cinchona, gentian, and nux vomica, liquid preparations.

(b) To aid digestion.-Diastase; hydrochloric acid (dilute); pancreatin (under certain conditions); pepsin.

(c) To reduce acidity (antacids).-Ammonia preparations; chalk; lime water; magnesia preparations; sodium bicarbonate. (d) To relieve irritation.-Bismuth preparations; milk of magnesia; demulcents.

(e) To cause vomiting (emetics).—A pomorphine (acting on the vomiting center); copper sulphate; ipecac; mustard; zinc sulphate.

CLASS V.-Drugs Used for Local Action in the Intestinal Canal.

(a) To increase peristalsis (carminatives).-Asafetida; capsicum; ginger; peppermint; all spices.

(b) To cause evacuation of the bowels (cathartics). These may be well sub-classed as:

Laxatives; agar: aloes (aloin); cascara sagrada; fel bovis; licorice (compound powder); magnesia; petroleum oil; podophyllum; rhubarb; phenolphthalein; senna; sulphur.

Purgatives: calomel; castor oil; large doses of any laxative. Saline purgatives; magnesium citrate; magnesium sulphate; potassium and sodium tartrate; Seidlitz powder (compound effervescing powder); sodium phosphate; sodium sulphate.

Irritant purgatives: colocynth; croton oil; elaterium; jalap (c) To diminish intestinal putrefaction.-Betanaphthol; lactic acid bacilli (Bulgarian bacilli); salol; sugar of milk; yeast.

(d) To remove parasites (anthelmintics).-Aspidium; betanaphthol; emetine; pelletierine tannate; pumpkin seed; quassia; santonin; spigelia; thymol; wormseed oil.



CLASS 1.-Drugs Administered Internally for Their Action on the Skin.

(a) To stimulate the activity of the skin.-Arsenic; thyroid.

(b) To increase perspiration (diaphoretics).—Alcohol; antipyrine; pilocarpine.

(c) To decrease perspiration.-Atropine.

CLASS II.-Drugs Used for Their Action on the Genitourinary System.

(a) To increase the amount of urine.-Buchu; caffeine; digitalis; scoparius; squill; theobromine sodio-salicylate.

(b) To render the urine alkaline.-Potassium citrate; sodium bicarbonate; sodium citrate.

(c) To render the urine acid.-Hydrochloric (dilute) acid; acid sodium phosphate.

(d) To prevent the growth of bacteria in the kidneys and bladder.-Hexamethylenamine; methylene blue; salol.

(e) To stimulate the mucous membranes.-Oil of santal.

(f) To increase menstruation (emmenagogues).-Corpus

luteum; iron, manganese dioxide (precipitated); ovarian extract, thyroid extract.

(g) To contract the uterus (oxytocics).-Ergot; hydrastinine; mammary extract; quinine; pituitary extract.

CLASS III.-Drugs Used for Action on the Respiratory Tract.

(a) To increase the secretion of the mucous membranes (expectorants). Ammonium chloride (small doses); ipecac; iodides.

(b) To decrease the secretion of mucous membranes.Ammonium chloride (large doses); atropine; codeine; morphine; ter pin hydrate; various balsam and aromatic oil inhalants.

(c) To relax spasm.—Atropine; bromides; chloral; morphine; nitroglycerin; stramonium; suprarenal preparations (in some conditions).

CLASS IV. Drugs Used for Action on the Circulation.

(a) To accelerate the heart.-Atropine; camphor; caffeine; strychnine.

(b) To depress the heart.-Aconite; coal-tar drugs veratrum viride.

(c) To strengthen the heart.-Caffeine; digitalis; strophanthin; strychnine; pituitary extracts.

(d) To contract the blood-vessels (vaso-constrictors).— Atropine; caffeine; ergot; pituitary extracts; suprarenal


(e) To dilate the blood-vessels (vaso-dilators).-Alcohol;


CLASS V.-Drugs Used for Action on the Central Nervous System.

(a) To stimulate the brain and spinal cord.—Atropine; caffeine; camphor; strychnine; thyroid.

(b) To depress the brain and spinal cord.-Acetanilid; antipyrine; aspirin; bromides; chloral; gelsemium; opium and its alkaloids; phenacetin.

(c) To stop acute pain (analgesics).—Opium and its alkaloids; chloroform; ether.

(d) To cause sleep (hypnotics).-—Bromides; chloral; paraldehyde; scopolamine; sulphonal; veronal (barbital).

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