COLOURS WORN BY THE JOCKEYS OF THE FOLLOWING NOBLEMEN AND GENTLEMEN, MEMBERS OF THE TURF CLUB. The Members of the Turf Club have agreed to ride in the following colours, and bind themselves to forfeit 10 sovs to the Treasurer of their Club should their riders come to the post in any other colour; the penalty to be paid before the horse is permitted to start. They require that persons not Members of the Turf Club shall in future be obliged, when they enter their horses for any race, to give in at the same time the colour their jockey will ride in; and should their jockey come to the post in any other colour, they will fine him one sovereign, and they will not permit his horse to start until the fine is settled. And, in order to carry this notice into fuller effect, the Ranger of the Curragh will strictly enforce this rule with respect to Her Majesty's Plates run for on the Curragh. The cap understood to be black unless otherwise specified. Marquess of Waterford Light blue jacket. Marquess Clanricarde Yellow and black stripe. Green jacket, laced with gold, yellow & green cap. Purple body, amber sleeves. Sea-green and white. Purple body, white sleeves, purple cap. Blue jacket and cap. Blue body, pink sleeves, blue and pink cap. Blue bird's-eye. Scarlet jacket and cap. Pink jacket and cap. Crimson body, white cap. Crimson velvet jack. & cap. Blue body, green sleeves. Purple body, yellow slvs. Rose-colour jacket. Sky-blue jacket, crims. cap White body, red sl. & cap. White body, crimson slvs. Sky-blue, crimson collar. Green jacket. Crimson jacket, white cap. Black. Scarlet body, white sl. & c. Pink body, blue sleeves. White and light blue hoop. White, blue cap. Green. Black body, purple sleeves. Purple jacket, white cap. Tartan. White body and purple sleeves. White, black cap. Purple and white hoop. White and Royal purple Purple and yellow. White and blue. Purple and straw-colour. Straw-colour body, blue sleeves and cap. The same. Blue body and crimson sleeves. Blue and orange. Light blue, crimson cap. Violet and white stripe. Blue jacket. |