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diately to assign the real cause of the grievance, viz. the number of public-houses in it. By the combined efforts of these gentlemen, they were by degrees reduced to fewer than one half the number, only so many being permitted to continue as they thought reasonably sufficient; when the consequence was, that complete order was restored, the men became sober and industrious, and their families were well fed and well clothed.

To enumerate all the advantages that would result from such a step, would extend this paper to an unsuitable length; it is obvious from this short statement that the most beneficial effects would ensue. It will surely then be requisite only to call the attention of those gentlemen to the subject, who possess influence, to induce them to exert it in so worthy a cause; fraught as it is with incalculable benefit to the community in general, and in an especial manner to that part of it which very properly obtains in the present day such a distinguished degree of attention.

Facts interesting to Humanity.

THE religious Society of Friends in Philadelphia, &c. sensible of

the benefits which have arisen from the Institution for the Relief of the Insane, near the City of York, called The Retreat, are establishing a similar asylum near Frankford, a pleasant village about five miles northward of the former city. On a healthy site of near 53 acres, it exhibits a uniform front of 260 feet, consisting of a centre house 60 feet square, and three stories high; connected with two wings, each 100 feet front, 23 feet deep, and two stories in height; each story thereof having a gallery in front, communicating with nine chambers, or 36 chambers in the whole of both wings, all with iron window sashes for the security of patients requiring restraint. The centre house will be appropriated to the accommodation of the more domesticated patients, and the officers of the family; and every arrangement throughout contrived as much as possible to exclude every appearance of confinement or restraint.

The erections were begun in the spring of 1814, and were expected to be covered in with slate before the ensuing winter. The estimated expense 5000l. sterling.


An important society, which has mendicity for its object, has been formed in Edinburgh. We insert the following account of its constitution, previous to some reflections on the subject, which we shall offer in our next.

"The Constitution of the Society.

"1. The Society to be called The Society for the Suppression of Beggars, for the Relief of occasional Distress, and the Encouragement of Industry among the Poor, within the City and Environs of Edinburgh.'

"2. Subscribers contributing a sum not less than 17. 1s. an. nually, to be Members of the Society, and entitled to vote at General Meetings for the election of office-bearers, &c.

"3. An Annual Meeting of the Society to be holden the second Monday of November, and to be previously advertised in the newspapers. The purpose of this meeting to be the election of officebearers for the year, the Report of the proceedings of the Society, the audit of accounts, aed other general matters.

"The business of the Society shall be conducted by a President, five Vice-Presidents, two Secretaries, two Treasurers, and twentysix Directors, as a Committee of Management.

"A convenient house to be procured as the office of the Society, to which all applicants are to be directed who are desirous of the aid of the Society.

"Business of the Society.

"1. For the sake of dividing the labour of inquiring into the situation of the poor, and of facilitating the tasks of superintending them, as the only means of preventing fraud and imposture, the city and environs shall be divided into twenty-six wards, as particularly described in the Police Act.

"2. The Committee of Management will appoint thirteen Recorders, two of whom are to attend in rotation for a week, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from one to three o'clock, for the purpose of receiving and recording applications for relief. Their duty is to obtain from the applicant the particulars of his case, which they are to record in a set of printed Queries, according to the answers received on the following points:-1. Name. 2. Age. 3. Married or not. 4. How many children to support, and their ages. 5. Place of residence. 6. What circumstances of distress. 7. Employment. 8. Usual earnings. 9. Legal parish. 10. What aid from parish, other societies, clubs, or individuals. 11. To whom reference can be made for character.

"In cases of immediate distress, the Recorders will recommend the applicants to the early attention of the Visitors.

"The Committee of Management will also appoint two or more respectable persons as Visitors in each district. Their duty is to attend on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at three o'clock, to receive from the Recorders the applications of the persons they are to visit. They are then to visit personally the applicant; and, by inquiries of him and others, to ascertain the truth of the answers he gave to the Recorders. They are particularly to inquire into the moral character of the applicant. The result of these inquiries they

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will report in the Society's books previous to the Meeting of the Managers on Monday.

"In some cases of immediate necessity, Visitors are empowered to give relief to a small extent, without waiting for the directions of the Committee.

"These Visitors to continue for six months; but they will be relieved of their duty at the end of any month, upon giving a week's previous notice to the Committee of their desire to retire.

"4. The Directors are to be divided into four Committees, whose more immediate attention will be directed to the following depart


"1. The relief of the impotent, and those who can contribute nothing to their support.

2. The superintendence of those who can in part support themselves.

"3. The education and instruction of the children.

4. The providing food for the poor.

"These Committees shall meet once a week, or oftener, if found necessary, for the purpose of receiving the Reports of the Visitors, and for giving the requisite directions in each particular case, which are to be regularly entered in a book. One of the Secretaries and one of the Treasurers are always to attend these meetings when necessary.

"The General Committee of Management shall meet the first Monday of every month, at two o'clock, before whom a Report of their proceedings shall be laid by the different Committees of Directors, and for the purpose of receiving their sanction and advice.

5. One of the persons relieved by the Society shall constantly attend the meetings as porter, for the purpose of carrying messages, and shall at all times be under the orders of the Committees.


6. In the case of travellers and strangers (soldiers' wives, &c.) who may require only a temporary relief, the Recorders will, according to circumstances, grant relief to a small amount; and will require of the person so relieved, to lose no time in pursuing his journey, admonishing him, that if he be found loitering or begging in the streets, he will be taken up by the officers of police, under the provisions of the Police Act.

"Medical Board.

"As besides the necessity of affording medical assistance to the poor when sick, it is very desirable that the Society should be fully able to detect the various devices which rogues fall upon to counterfeit sickness, lameness, and incapacity for working, one of the medical gentlemen who have offered their assistance to forward the views of the Society, will be requested by the Committee of Directors, upon the report of any Visitor, to visit any of the poor, and ta report his opinion on the case,"


It is not unworthy of remark, that Commodore Owen, than whom a more distinguished officer for professional skill, bravery, and perseverance, the British navy does not produce, scarcely ever (if at all) inflicts corporeal punishments. The very same circumstance was universally remarked with respect to the lamented Lord Nelson, and various others of our most transcendent naval characters. There cannot surely exist stronger proofs than those exhibited by such high and respectable ornaments of their country, that a system of terror is not precisely the most eligible to command




It is most deeply to be lamented, that amidst the various munificent institutions which reflect so much honour on the national character, there is no permanent and established manufactory to give employment to the indigent blind. The Asylum in St. George's Fields, though a most laudable Institution, not being (as many suppose) a receptacle for the blind in all cases, but only a school for children; of course the blind, generally speaking, cannot there meet relief.

I feel persuaded such a manufactory would be an inconceivable public good; for children being kept only two or three years, and then sent back to their friends, can in my opinion be of little benefit. As it is generally admitted the blind possess providential gifts; yet if these gifts are not encouraged, where is the use of them? They must be entirely lost. I am, &c.


The Correspondent who has already furnished our readers with several specimens of Indian eloquence, has recently received the following, also well authenticated; and the more extraordinary when considered as having been exhibited by a principal chief of the Oneida Nation (called John Scanuda) when 105 years old, in a speech addressed to a council convened on the first intelligence of the alienation of the Reservation on which he lived, in favour of some white speculators, whose intrigues in effecting it had been concealed from the Indians. He was lately living, though blind and feeble, in the possession of his mental faculties. His allusion to cats and uice denotes some progress in civilization, as these animals are seldom seen in the humble wigwam of the savage.

In the same channel we learn that, although the improvements reported, in our first and second volumes, to have been made in civilizing the nations near the western extremity of Lake Erie, have been mostly destroyed or suspended by the ravages of a desolating war, those on or near the Allegany Reservation have not yet been much interrupted.


My warriors, and my children, hear! It is cruel-it is very cruel-A heavy burthen lies on my heart, and it is sick. This is a

dark day: the clouds are black and heavy on the Oneida nation. A strong arm lies heavy upon us; and our hearts groan under it. Our fires are put out, and our beds removed from under us. The groves of our fathers are destroyed; and their children are driven away. The Almighty God is angry with us; for we have been wicked; and therefore his arm doth not help us. Where are the chiefs of the rising sun? White chiefs now kindle their ancient fires. There, no Indian sleeps, but those who are sleeping in their graves! My house will be soon like theirs. Soon will a white chief kindle this fire. Your Scanada will soon be no more, and his village no more a village of Indians. The news that was brought last night from Albany hath made this a sick day in Oneida. All our hearts are sick; and our eyes rain like the black cloud when it roars on the tops of the trees of the wilderness. Long did the strong voice of Scanada cry, Children, take care; be wise; be straight!' His feet were like the deer's, and his arm like the bear's. He can now only mourn out a few words, and then be silent; and his voice will soon be heard no more in Oneida. But certainly he will be long in the minds of his children, and in white men's minds. Scanada's name hath gone far, and will not die. He hath spoken many words to make his children straight. Long hath he said, Drink no strong water, for it makes you mice for white people, who are cats; many a meal have they eaten of you. Their mouth is a snare, and their way like the fox. Their lips are sweet, but their hearts are wicked. Yet there are good white men, and good Indians."

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Lately died in Harford County, State of Maryland, William Amos, aged near 97 years, 76 whereof he had been a highly respected Minister in the Society of Friends, which he had joined when an officer in the provincial militia. His long life had been sedulously devoted, both by precept and example, to promote the civil and religious interests of his fellow-creatures. His reputation as a lover of Peace and Justice occasioned his being frequently called in by his fellow citizens to perform the Christian duty of mediation; and his exertions for the restoration of harmony were very generally successful. His descendants were uncommonly numerous, and of consequence widely spread. In 1806 as many of them as could be conveniently convened, were assembled at his request in a Meetinghouse in the city of Baltimore, when he addressed about 140 of them (one of the number being a great great grandchild) in a very pathetic manner, on subjects the most important to their happiness. It is supposed that his progeny amounted nearly to three hundred; and the following were correctly ascertained, viz. 16 children, 92 grandchildren, 133 great grandchildren, and 10 great great grandchildren: total 251. The families of several having removed to new and distant settlements, the real present number of them could not immediately be exactly stated.

# Alluding to the Indian nations eastward, succeeded by white settlers.

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