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The Medical
Medical Herald

Incorporating the

Kansas City Medical Inder-Lancet

Subscription, $1.00 a year, in advance, including postage to any part of the United States, Mexico and Canada. Postage to foreign countries in the Universal Postal Union, including Newfoundland, 50 cents a year additional.

The Medical Herald aims to reflect the progress in the sciences of medicine and surgery, especially throughout the Missouri Valley and Southwest, the territory of its greatest distribution.

Concise and practical articles, news and reports of interesting cases invited, and should be type-written.

The privilege of rejecting any communication is reserved, and all papers accepted must be for exclusive publication in this magazine, unless otherwise arranged. To contributors of original articles a liberal number of copies of the Herald will be given (or mailed free of expense if addresses are furnished) and the publishers will furnish reprints at printers' cost, application for same to be made when proof is returned.

The editors are not responsible for the utterances of contributors or correspondents.

Illustrations will be furnished at reasonable rates, if drawings or photos are furnished.

Address all remittances, correspondence, articles for publication, books for review and exchanges to the Managing Editor.

Subscribers changing their addresses will please notify us promptly, as magazines cannot be forwarded without adding postage.

Advertising forms close on the 20th of each month. Time should be allowed for correction of proof.

Electrotypes and changes in advertising copy should be addressed to the Medical Herald, St. Joseph, Mo. Advertising rates on application to the Managing


Poetic Reprints-Do not mutilate your Medical Herald by tearing out any piece of poetry that may strike your fancy. Write to the Managing Editor, and he will send you a reprint. Reprints are made of all verse appearing in this magazine.

Wanted-Salesmen and detail men who call on physicians, and would like to learn of a proposition to increase their income, may do so by addressing "Proposition,' care Medical Herald.

To Our Subscribers-You will confer a favor on the publishers by remitting promptly on receipt of statement. The amount is very small to each one, but the expense of sending out duplicate bills is quite heavy. Kindly report change of address promptly, giving old address as well as the new location.

(Entered at the St. Joseph P. O. as second class matter.)

A Real Tonic-According to recognized authority a tonic is "a remedy which restores enfeebled function and promotes vigor and a sense of well being." A stimulant, on the other hand, is "a remedy which produces temporary exhilaration and excitement of bodily forces, which is soon followed by a reactionary depression." In the conditions of debility or malnutrition which accompany nervous diseases, wasting disorders and convalescence, the body always requires more than "temporary exhilaration." It needs support, a reenforcement of function, and a general restoration of tone to assure a return to normal conditions. In such cases medical men have found Gray's Glycerine Tonic Comp. a real tonic which can be depended upon to restore the strength

and vitality of the whole organism; every organ shows an increase in functional efficiency which is permanent-not temporary and fleeting. As a consequence, physiological processes thruout the body resume their normal activity, the defensive forces be come more effective and health is established, with its "sense of well being." There is no "reactionary depression" following the use of "Gray's." It is a real tonic in every sense of the word.

Service Bureau of the Medical Herald-Write 'to or call on us if you are in need of anything you do not find advertised in our pages, we shall be pleased to procure for you any book, instrument or equipment. No charge for our services.

CAUTION-Whenever the true merit of

a preparation is authoritatively established, imitation is sure to make its pernicious appearance. To counteract the injurious results of another of these fraudulent proceedings-in this instance affecting firm name and reputation-Sander & Sons have been compelled to appeal to law, and in the action tried before the Supreme Court of Victoria, the testimony of a sworn witness revealed the fact that this witness suffered intense irritation from the application to an ulcer of the defendant's product, which was palmed off as "just as good as Sander's Eucalyptol." Sander & Sons had the satisfaction to obtain a verdict with costs against this imitator, who is perpetually restrained from continuing his malpractice. Dr. Owen, in a report to the Medical Society of Victoria, and Dr. J. Benjamin, in the Lancet, London, both denounced, as others did before, on the strength of negative results, the application of unspecified eucalyptus products.

This forms convincing proof that only an authoritatively sanctioned article can be relied on.

(Ecalypti Extract)

1. Has stood the test of Government investigation.

2. It was proved at the Supreme Court of Victoria by experts to be an absolutely pure and scientifically standardized prep


3. It is honored by royal patronage. 4. It always produces definite therapeutic results.

Therefore, to safegaurd the physicians' interest and to protect their patients, we earnestly request you to specify "Sander's Eucalyptol" when prescribing eucalyptus.

The Meyer Bros. Drug Co., St. Louis, Mo., agents, will forward one original package (1 oz.) on receipt on One Dollar.


The liberal application of Pond's Extract full strength, with vigorous rubbing to the back muscles often gives marked relief from pain and lameness. A flannel compress saturated with Pond's Extract, placed over the lumbar muscles and a hot flat-iron passed over it until dry constitutes a remarkably effective treatment for lumbago. POND'S EXTRACT CO., New York and London



Silvol in eye, ear, nose, throat and genito-urinary infections

An eye, ear, nose and throat specialist of wide experience sums up the advantages of SILVOL in these words:

1. Quick solubility in any dilution suitable for application to mucous membranes.

2. Less staining effect than with other proteid-silver preparations. 3. High percentage of silver content.

4. Minimum of irritation when applied to mucous surfaces.

5. Low percentage dilutions effective as compared with similar preparations.

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You are devotedly religious, impatient of socia restraint. You dearly love freedom, but, adhere to cor ventionalities.

You are the embodiment of love, the incarnatio of jealousy.

You sympathize with our pain, but, inflict us wit heartache.

You are infinitely self-sacrificing, intensely se fish.

You are the goddess, we worship; the demo we damn.

Your love is like cheese, mellowed and strengt ened by age; but, age breeds mold.

You are alpha and omega, the start and the finish of argument.

You are the bane of our existence, the joy of ou life.

You are, inexplainable, indefinable, understand able.

You are the best thing on earth.
You are must I say it?-Woman!

-E. S. Haswell in Clin. Med.

A Smile Somewhere

Never a day that is empty of all

That makes the heart wholesome and sweet With purpose and effort-respond to the call, And laugh at the thought of defeat! Never a day that is not full to the brim Of the goldenest chances that rise To leap into action, to toil with a vim,

And to smile and be glad of the skies;
To sing and to hope and to trust and look up.
With faith in it all to the end,

No matter how bitter the wine in the cup,
Nor how rugged the road we must wend.

Ampoules much in favor-The convenience o the ampoule commends itself to the medical profes sion and more and more of them are being use with entire satisfaction. As practitioners make us of sterile solutions in this form and become con vinced of the possibilities in ampoule medication there is an ever increasing demand on the pharma ceutical houses to enlarge the extent of the formulas Eli Lilly & Company report that the demand fo ampoule formulas has been increasing to such a extent that it was necessary to greatly enlarge its facilities and also to add to its already long list o formulas. This house has, today, the reputation o offering the most comprehensive line of ampoules produced in this country and already is known, quite apart from its fine reputation as a pharmaceutica and biological concern, as the ampoule house.

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A course of Cystogen-Lithia is indicated
in ambulatory patients.

Wherever Uric Acid is a possible Etiological Factor.

is an effervescent tablet containing Cystogen and Lithium Tar-
trate, each grs. 3. Dose, one or two tablets, three or four times
a day, dissolved in a glass of water.

Samples and Literature on Request


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He Has TWO GOOD LEGS One Made by Nature


To A. A. MARKS, N. Y.: I
wish you to know how many
days the leg you made for
me worked during the year.
During the month of Janu-
ary I worked 407 hours; Feb-
ruary, 292; March, 358; April,
253; May, 280; June, 316;
July, 337; August, 376; Sep-
tember, 337; October, 391;
November, 375; December,

If you will add up the
number of hours you will find
it amounts to 4,131, or more
than 413 days for the year,
and you know there are only
313 working days in the year,
so I have worked a year and
one hundred days in the year,
wearing your artificial leg
every hour of that time, and
it has not cost me one cent
for repairs. It is as good
as it ever was.
engine that I am firing is
one of those big ones that
hauls coal from the mines to


The Other by Marks


Pottsville, No. 148. I enclose a photograph of my engine, where you will see me at my post of duty. I
get all over her with the same ease that I ever did. Sometimes I climb on top of the boiler when in
motion. I can tell you more about what I am doing with my leg if you want it. The hard use I am
giving your leg, and the excellent wear it is giving, proves it to be the best in the world.
FRANK FAUST, Pottsville, Pa.
I am respectfully yours,

This demonstrates that the loss of a leg does not debar a man from firing a locomotive.
Manual of Artificial Limbs and Measuring Sheet sent gratis. Address

A. A. MARKS, 696 to 702 Broadway, New York

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