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public declaration of that Church whose name it bears.

This Apology being published during the very time of the last meeting of the Council of Trent, was read there, and seriously consider ed, and great threats made that it should be answered; and accord ingly two learned bishops, one a Spaniard and the other an Italian, undertook that task, but neither of them did any thing in it.

But in the mean time the book spread into all the countries in Europe, and was much applauded in France, Flanders, Germany, Spain, Poland, Hungary, Denmark, Sweden, and Scotland; and found at last a passage into Italy, Naples, and Rome itself; and was soon after translated into the German, Italian, French, Spanish, Dutch, and last into the Greek tongue, in so great esteem this book was abroad: and at home it was translated into English by the Lady Bacon, wife to Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper of the great seal of England. It very well deserves the character Mr. Humfrey has given of it, whose words are these: "It is so drawn, that the first part of it is an illustration, and as it were a paraphrase of the 12 Articles of the Christian Faith (or Creed); the second is a short and solid confutation of whatever is objected against the Church; if the order be considered, nothing can be better distributed; if the perspicuity, nothing can be fuller of light; if the style, nothing more terse; if the words, nothing more splendid; if the arguments, nothing stronger." The good Bishop was most encouraged to publish this Apology by Peter Martyr (as appears by Martyr's letter of the 24th of August) with whom he had spent the greatest part of his time in exile.


Martyr only lived to see the book which he so much longed for, dying at Zuric on the 12th of November

* Mr. Camden, in his Annals, expressly saith it was first printed in the year 1562.

following, after he had paid his thanks for, and expressed his value of this piece in a letter.

In the year 1664, appeared Harding's answer to his famous challenge at Paul's Cross, and in the year after his reply to that answer; when the University of Oxford, in honour of his services to the Church, gave him (though absent) the degree of D.D.

He had no sooner brought this reply to a conclusion, but Harding put out an Ant-Apology, or answer to his Apology for the Church of England: a defence of which the Bishop forthwith began; which he finished, as appears by his epistle to Mr. Harding at the end of it, the 27th of October, 1567.

The next year after Mr. Harding put out another piece, which be entitled, A Detection of sundry foul Errors, &c. which was a cavilling reply to some passages in his defence of the Apology, which not seeming to deserve an answer by itself, he answered rather by a preface to a new impression of his former Defence, which he finished the 11th of December, 1569, and dedicated his works to the Queen; Harding having told the world that she was offended with Bishop Jewel for thus troubling the world.

The same year Pope Pius IV. having published a bull of excommunication and deprivation against the Queen, Bishop Jewel undertook the defence of his Sovereign, and wrote a learned examination and confutation of that bull; which was published by John Garbrand, an intimate acquaintance of his, together with a short treatise of the Holy Scriptures, both which, as he informs us, were delivered by the Bishop in his Cathedral Church, in 1570. Besides these he wrote seve. ral other large pieces: as, 1. a Paraphrastical Interpretation of the Epistles and Gospels throughout the whole Year, 2. Divers Treatises of the Sacraments and Exhortations to the Readers. 3. Expositions of the

Lord's Prayer, the Creed, and Ten Commandments. And also, 4. An Exposition upon the Epistle to the Galatians, the 1st of St. Peter, and both the Epistles to the Thessalonians; which probably were his sermons; for he was of opinion that it was a better way of teaching, to go through with a book, than to take here and there a text; and that it gave the people a more clear and lasting knowledge.

In the beginning of the next year was a Parliament, and consequently a Convocation, when Thomas Cart wright, and others of that faction, having alarmed the Church by their oppositions to the established religion, it was thought fit to obviate their bold attempts, and thereupon command was given by the Archbishop,-That all such of the lower House of Convocation, who had not formerly subscribed unto the Articles of Religion agreed upon anno 1562, should subscribe them now; or on their absolute refusal, or de lay, be expelled the House: which occasioned a general and personal subscription of those Articles. And it was also farther ordered,―That the book of Articles so approved, should be put into print, by the ap pointment of the Right Rev. Dr. John Jewel, then Bishop of Sarum.

It was in some part of this year also, that he had his conference, and preached his last sermon at Paul's Cross about the cere monies and state of the Church, which he mentioned on his death bed and about this time also he wrote a paper in answer to Thomas Cartwright, upon certain frivolous objections against the government of the Church of England.

But however this holy man sought nothing but the peace and welfare of the Church, by these gentle and mild ways of correction; the Dissenters of those times treated him for it with as little respect as Mr. Harding and his confraternity had


Being naturally of a spare and

thin body, and thus restlessly trashing it out with reading, writing, preaching, and travelling, he hastened his death, which happened before he was full fifty years of age; of which he had a strange perception a considerable time before it happened, and wrote of it to several of his friends, but would by no means be persuaded to abate any thing of his former excessive la bours, saying a Bishop should die preaching. Though he ever governed his diocese with great diligence, yet perceiving his death approach. ing, he began a new and more severe visitation of it; correcting the vices of the clergy and laity more sharply; enjoining them in some places tasks of holy tracts to be learned by heart, conferring Orders more carefully, and preaching oftener.

Having promised to preach at Lacock, in Wilts, a gentleman who met him going thither, observing him to be very ill by his looks, advised him to return home, assuring him it was better the people should want one sermon, than to be altogether deprived of such a preacher. But he would not be persuaded, but went thither and preached his last sermon, out of Gal. 5. " Walk in the spirit," &c. which he did not finish without great labour and difficulty. -The Saturday following, being Sept. 22, 1571, he piously and devoutly rendered up his soul into the hands of God, having first made a very devout and Christian exhortation to those that were about him, and expressing much dislike of one of his servants who prayed for his recovery. He died at Monkton Far

* "The Saturday following, nature with all her forces being able no longer to hold with the disease, he called all his household servants about him, and after an exposition of the Lord's Prayer," (followed by a solemn declaration of the principles which had actuated him through life, prayers for the Queen and the Church, and an exhortation to those around him to pray for him as they perceived him languish) "having

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ley, when he had been a Bishop almost twelve years; and was buried almost in the middle of the quire of his Cathedral Church, and Ægidius Lawrence preached his funeral sermon. He was extremely bewailed by all men; and a great number of Latin, Greek, and Hebrew versest were made on this occasion by learned men; nor has his name been since mentioned by any man, without such eulogies and commendations as befitted so great, so good, so learned, and laborious a Prelate.

He had naturally a very strong memory, which he had strangely improved by art. It was shewn in these two instances. John Hooper, Bishop of Glocester, who was burnt in the reign of Queen Mary, once to try him, wrote about forty Welsh and Irish words; Mr. Jewel going a little while aside, and recollecting them in his memory, and reading them twice or thrice over, said them by heart backward and forward, ex

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spoken with much pain and interruption, he desired them to sing the 71st Psalm, himself joining, as well as he could, with them. And when they recited those words, Thou art my hope from my youth,' he added, Thou only wast my whole hope.' And as they went forward saying, Cast me not away in the time of age, &c. he made this application to himself, He is an old man, he is truly grey-headed, and his strength faileth him, who lieth on his deathbed. To which he added thick and short prayers, as it were pulses; concluding:

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Lord, take from me my spirit;-Lord, now let thy servant depart in peacebreak off delays-suffer thy servant to come unto thee-command him to be with thee-Lord, receive my spirit.' And so Mr. Ridley, steward of his house, closed his eyes at Monkton Farley, about three in the afternoon, Sept. 22, 1571, before he was full fifty years of age."-Prince's Worthies of Devon, folio, Exeter, 1701.

* Giles. Lawrence was Archdeacon of Wilts.-Prince's Worthies of Devon.

+ Collected and printed by Mr. Law. rence Humfrey, Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford, in the end of his Life written in Latin by the order of that University.

actly in the same order they were set down. And another time he did the same by ten lines of Erasmus's paraphrase in English, the words of which being read sometimes confusedly without order, and at other times in order, by the Lord Keeper Bacon, Mr. Jewel thinking a while on them, presently repeated them again backward and forward, in their right order and in the wrong, just as they were read to him; and he taught his tutor, Mr. Parkhurst, the

same art.

Though his memory were so great and so improved, yet he would not entirely rely upon it, but entered down into common place books, whatever he thought he might afterwards have occasion to use; which were many in number, and great in quantity, being a vast treasure of learning, and a rich repository of knowledge, into which he had collected sacred, profane, poetic, philosophic and divine notes of all sorts; and all these he had again reduced into a small piece or two, which were a kind of general indexes, which he made use of at all times when he was to speak or write any thing; which were drawn up in characters for brevity, and thereby so obscured, that they were not of any use, after his death, to any other person. And besides these, he ever kept diaries, in which he entered whatever he heard or saw that was remarkable; which once a year he perused, and out of them extracted whatever was more remarkable. Yet he was so careful in the use of his own common place books, that when he was to write his defence of the Apology, and his Reply, he would not trust entirely to his own excerpts or transcriptions, but having first carefully read Mr. Harding's books, and marked what he thought deserved an answer, he in the next place drew up the heads of his intended Answer, and resolved what authorities he would make use of upon each head, and then, by the directions of his common place book,

lead and marked all those passages he had occasion to make use of, and delivered them to some scholars to be transcribed under their proper heads, that he might have them together under his eye when he came to write.

He was an excellent Grecian, and not unacquainted with the Italian tongue; and as to the Latin, he wrote and spoke it with that elegance, politeness, purity, and fluency, that it might very well be taken for his mother tongue; and certainly he took the right course to be master of it, having made himself in his youth perfectly master of Horace (upon whom he wrote a large commentary), Tully, and Erasmus, all whose voluminous and excellent works he read over, excerpted and imitated every day he lived, especially during his continuance at Oxford, and he was then wont also to declaim extempore to himself, in Latin, in the woods and groves as he walked. And when the Lady Bacon wrote him a letter in Greek, he replied in the same language. He was excellently read in all the Greek poets, orators, and historians, especially in the ecclesiastical historians, and above all others loved Gregory Nazianzen, and quoted him on all


His learning was much improved by his exile, in which, besides his conversation with Peter Martyr, and the other learned men at Strasburgh and Zuric, and his society with Mr. Sandys, afterwards Archbishop of York, his curiosity led him over the Alps into Italy, and he studied some time in Padua, and by the acquaintance he contracted with Seignior Scipio, a great man, seems to have been very much esteemed there. He was of a pleasant debonaire humour, extremely civil and obliging to all; but withal of great gravity, and of so severe a probity and virtue, that he extorted from his bitterest enemies a confession, that he lived the life of an angel; and though he were lame, yet till his REMEMBRANCER, No. 69.

being a Bishop he travelled for the most part a foot, both at home and beyond the seas; he was contented in every condition, and endeavoured to make all others so, by telling them when he was in exile, that neither would their calamity last an age, neither was it reason they should bear no share of the cross of Christ, when their brethren in England fared so much worse. He was so extremely grateful to all that had done him good, that when he could not express his gratitude to Mr. Bowin, his schoolmaster, he paid it to his name, and did good to all that were so called for his sake, though they were not related to that good man. He was a most laborious preacher, always travelling about his diocese, and preaching wherever he came; wherein he laboured to speak to the apprehensions of the people, hating all light jingling discourses and phrases, as beneath the dignity of that sacred place, yet he was careful here too in the choice of his words, and endeavoured to move the affections of his auditory by pathetic and zealous applications, avoiding all high-flown expressions, and using a grave and sedate, rather than sweet way of speaking, and never venturing in the meanest auditory to preach extempore *.

He was no encourager of faction by excessive lenity and toleration; though he was a man of great moderation, and expressed a lively sense of the frailties of mankind; as appears by his letter to Dr. Parkhurst, when Bishop of Norwich. "Let your chancellor," saith he, "be harder, but you easier; let him wound, but do you heal; let him lance, do you plaster; wise clemency will do more good than rigid severity; one man may move more with an engine, than six with the force of their hands." And accord

That is, without premeditation.See Wordsworth's Eccles, Biog. Life of Jewel.

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ingly he would often sit in his own consistory with his chancellor, hearing, considering, and sometimes determining causes concerning matrimony, adultery, and testaments, &c. not thinking it safe to commit all to the sole care and fidelity of his chancellor and officials. But though as a justice of the peace he often sat in the courts of quarter sessions, yet here he very rarely interposed, except his judgment were desired concerning some scruple of religion, or some other such like difficulty. So exact was his care, not to entangle himself with secular affairs; and yet not to be wanting to his duty in

any case.

Though he came to a bishopric miserably impoverished and wasted, yet he found means to exercise a prodigious liberality and hospitality. For the first, his great expense in the building a fair library for his cathedral church, may be an instance. His door stood always open to the poor, and he would frequently send his charitable reliefs to prisoners; nor did he confine his bounty to Eng. lishmen only, but was liberal to foreigners, and especially to those of Zuric, and the friends of Peter Martyr. But perceiving the great want of learned men in his times, his greatest care was to have ever with him in his house half a dozen or more poor lads, whom he brought up in learning; and took much delight to hear them dispute points of grammar learning in Latin at his table, when he was at his meal, improving them, and pleasing himself at the same time..

And besides these, he maintained in the University several young students, allowing them yearly pensions; and, whenever they came to visit him, rarely dismissed them without liberal gratuities. Amongst these was the famous Mr. Richard Hooker, his countryman; whose parents, being poor, must have bound him apprentice to a trade, but for the bounty of this good Bishop, who allowed them a yearly pen sion towards his maintenance, well

near seven years before he was fit for the University; and in 1567 appointed him to remove to Oxford, and there to attend Dr. Cole, then president of Corpus Christi College, who, according to his promise to the Bishop, provided him a tutor, and a clerk's place in that College; which, with a contribution from his uncle, Mr. John Hooker, and the continued pension of his patron the Bishop, gave him a comfortable subsistence: and in the last year of the Bishop's life, Mr. Hooker making this, his patron, a visit at his palace, the good Bishop made him, and a companion he had with him, dine at his own table with him, which Mr. Hooker boasted of with much joy and gratitude, when he saw his mother and friends, whither he was then travelling a foot. The Bishop when he parted with him gave him good council and his blessing, but forgot to give him money; which, when the Bishop bethought himself of, he sent a servant to call him back again, and then told him, "I sent for you, Richard, to lend you a horse which hath carried me many a mile, and I thank God with much ease." And presently delivered into his hand a walking-staff, with which he professed he had travelled many parts of Germany; and then went on and said, "Richard, I do not give, but lend you my horse; be sure you be honest and bring my horse back to me at your return this way to Oxford; and I now give you ten groats to bear your charges to Exeter; and here is ten groats more, which I charge you to deliver to your mother, and tell her I send a Bishop's blessing with it, and beg the continuance of her prayers for me. And if you bring my horse back to me, I will give you ten more to carry you on foot to the College; and so God bless you good Richard." It was not long after this before this good Bishop died, but before his death he effectually recommended Mr. Hooker to Edwin Sandys, then Bishop of London, and after Archbishop of York. Nor was

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