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imposture : but at last they, fearing lest he should discover all, resolved to poison him of which he was so apprehensive, that once a loaf being brought him that was prepared with some spices, he kept it for some time, and, it growing green, he threw it to some young wolves whelps that were in the monastery, who died immediately. His constitution was also so vigorous, that though they gave him poison five several times, he was not destroyed by it. They also pressed him earnestly to renounce God, which they judged necessary, that so their charms might have their effect on him, but he would never consent to that; at last they forced him to take a poisoned hostie, which yet he vomited up soon after he had swallowed it down; that failing, they used him so cruelly,

the great church. The place of their execution was shewed me, as well as the hole in the wall through which the voice was conveyed to the image. It was certainly one of the blackest, and yet the best carried on cheat, that has been ever known, and no doubt had the poor friar died before the discovery, it had passed down to posterity as one of the greatest miracles that ever was; and it gives a shrewd suspicion, that many of the other miracles of that church were of the same nature, but more successfully finished.-Letters containing an Account of what seemed most remarkable in Switzerland, Italy, &c. by G. Burnet, D.D. Amsterdam, 1686.

whipping him with an iron chain, and gird- To the Editor of the Remembrancer.

ing him about so strait with it, that, to avoid further torment, he swore to them, in a most imprecating style, that he would never discover the secret, but would still carry it on; and so he deluded them till be found an opportunity of getting out of the convent, and of throwing himself into the hands of the magistrates, to whom he discovered all.

The four friars were seized on, and put in prison; and an account of the whole matter was sent, first to the Bishop of Lausanne, and then to Rome, and it may be easily imagined that the Franciscans took all possible care to have it well examined: the bishops of Lausanne and of Zyon, with the Provincial of the Dominicans, were appointed to form the process. The four friars first excepted to Jetzer's credit; but that was rejected: then being threatened with the question, they put in a long plea against that; but though the Provincial would not consent to that, yet they were put to the question; some endured it long, but at last they all confessed the whole progress of the imposture. The Provincial appeared concerned, for though Jetzer had opened the whole matter to him, yet he would give no credit to him; on the contrary, be charged him to be obedient to them, and one of the friars said plainly that he was on the whole secret, and so he withdrew; but he died some days after at Constance, having poisoned himself, as was believed. The matter lay asleep some time, but a year after that, a Spanish bishop came, authorized with full powers from Rome, and, the whole cheat being fully proved, the four friars were sofemnly degraded from their priesthood, and eight days after, it being the last of May 1509, they were burnt in a meadow on the other side of the river over against



I HAVE this moment laid down Review of Nolan and Falconer on the case of Eusebius. I have read neither of the pamphlets, to which your remarks apply, but I have read Mr. Nolan's Defence of the Greek Vulgate, with inexpressible pleasure, and I take up my pen to say, that I think you have, no doubt inadvertently, mistaken the drift of that gentleman's argument. He does not speak of Eusebius as a wilful corrupter of the sacred text,

We are equally inclined with our correspondent to admire the ability and zeal displayed by Mr. Nolan in his elaborate work on the Greek Vulgate. There are few, perhaps, who can compete with this learned writer on his own ground. Our opinion against him related only to a single point in that work which had been made the subject of controversy.-Nor have we asserted that the disputed passage of St. John's Epistle cannot be proved to belong to the sacred canon. Our view was confined entirely to one argument adduced in its support, which we think altogether invalid.

+ How does our correspondent then interpret the following passages:

"If two points can be established against Eusebius, that he wanted neither the power nor the will to suppress these passages, particularly the latter, there will be fewer objections lying against the charge, with which I am adventurous enough to accuse him; in asserting that the probabilities are decidedly in favour

course, become Arians or Socinians*. Nolan has proved, that

this edition is founded on false principles: and in doing so, he has stood forth the undaunted, and successful champion of truth, and of our common Christianity.

You will oblige me by publishing
this letter in your next Number.
I am, Sir,

Your faithful servant,
and constant Reader,

but he represents him as inclined to use that edition, must, almost of favour the adoption of those readings, which were then found, and are, many of them, still found in MSS., which were written in that hot-bed of heresy, Egypt: from which first sprang the specious absurdities of the ascetic hermits, monks, and friars; and from whence arose the readings so eagerly em braced by Griesbach, which would shake the foundations of our holy religion. Griesbach has built his system upon a false foundation. Mr. Nolan has proved it to be false. He has shewn the leaning of Eu sebius to the subtleties of Origen and of the School of Alexandria. He has clearly proved that two of Griesbach's recensiones are one, and the same. Whence he has demonstrated the gross absurdity, of which the German editor is guilty, in adopting a reading found in two MSS. rather than another, which is found in two hundred. I fear the

excellent Bishop of Peterborough has done, inadvertently, like yourselves, unspeakable mischief to the Church, by recommending in such high terms of approbation the Greek Testament, edited by Gries bacht. All "unstable souls," who

of his having expunged, rather than the Catholics having inserted, those passages in the sacred text."

Nolan's Inquiry into the integrity of the Greek Vulgate, p. 27.

"The main position of my absurd hypothesis' remains to be considered,' that Eusebius of Cæsarea, bishop and historian, was a corrupter of the holy Scriptures:' inasmuch as he suppressed or altered the following passages in the circulated edition, John viii. 1-11. Mark xvi. 9-20. Acts xx, 28. 1 Tim. iii. 16. 1 John v. 7." Nolan's Remarks, &c. p. 55. "I repeat the assertion I formerly made, that Eusebius was a professed cor recter of Scripture," Ibid. p. 62.

* Query?

+ Griesbach's edition of the Greek Testament ought rather to confirm the faith of the orthodox Christian; for the text having passed through so severe an ordeal of criticism, and yet remaining so strong on every vital point, proves that

Oswestry, 5th July, 1824.

Law Proceedings in the case of The King v. The Bishop of Peterborough,

THE following letter appeared in the John Bull Newspaper, of July 11. Some misrepresentations having gone abroad respecting the proceedings to which it alludes, we give it insertion here, as an act of justice to a highly respectable Prelate; who has stood manfully forward in defence of the rights of the Church, without obtaining that support which he was entitled to expect; and who, it appears, as to the case in question, has only conscientiously acted in the discharge of his duty.

SIR-The account which you have given in your last paper of the case which has been lately decided in the Court of King's Bench, between the Bishop of Peterborough and the Rev. C. Wetherell, has fewer inaccuracies than any other account which I have seen. But as the real merits of the case do not appear from it, I am sure you will readily insert in your next number the following authentic statement.

the faith once delivered to the saints cannot be shaken by verbal cavils, or exceptions of particular passages.

We do not believe any honest, though unstable, inquirer would become an Arian or Socinian by using Griesbach's edition, This would be an inversion of the usual process. Men are Arians or Socinians first, and then have recourse to the critical acumen of themselves or others to bolster up their prejudices.

It is true, that when the Bishop licensed Mr. Wetherell's Curate, he assigned in the licence a salary of 1204., though the Rector had previously agreed with his Curate for only 100l. For the population of the parish of Byfield amounted to more than 900 persons, and the Rector was instituted after 1813, under which circumstances the 55th sec. of the 57th Geo. III. c. 99, requires a stipend of 1207: and all agreements made contrary to the Act are void. But as the obligation to pay the salaries specified in that section attached only to those, who "shall not duly reside," and Mr. Wetherell continued to reside, after he was provided with a Curate, the Bishop reduces the Curate's salary to the sum proposed by the Rector. And this reduction had taken place before Mr. Wetherell appealed against the Bishop to the Court of King's Bench: for Mr. Wetherell, himself, stated the reduction in his very first affidavit. Nor did the monition require the payment of 120l., for no sum whatever was named in the monition.

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struction of the act, it could not have reduced the summary process to its former limit. And as the Bishop was not aware that any such construction could be put on it, he considered the Consolidation Act as applying no less to the Curates of residents, than to the Curates of absentees.

When Mr. Wetherell's Curate, therefore, complained to the Bishop that he could not obtain payment, the Bishop thought it his bounden duty to issue a monition for payment, as directed by the 75th section of the act. Mr. Wetherell applied to the Court of King's Bench for a prohibition to stay further proceedings, and he obtained a rule for that purpose, as being a resident incumbent. The rule was granted on the last day of Trinity Term in 1823. The rule was argued in the following Michaelmas term, but nothing was decided. It was argued again, and by the counsel on both sides, at the end of the last Easter term. The Judges took time to deliberate, till the expiration of Trinity Term, and they at length decided, that whatever might have been the intent of the Act, it was so worded as not to include the case in question. Of course, therefore, the rule was made absolute.

As I am sure that your columns are open to the defence of a Bishop who has conscientiously acted in the discharge of his duty, you will excuse the length of an explanation which could not have been compressed into a shorter compass.-I am, Sir, your most obedient humble Servant, JOHN GATES, Secretary.

The question at issue therefore in the Court of King's Bench neither was, nor could be, the amount of the salary. In fact it was nothing more than an abstract question of law, and turned entirely on This is a true statement of what has the construction of an Act of Parliament, been strangely misrepresented in the pubnotwithstanding the formidable title which lic papers. The matter at issue was simply has been given to the case of The King v. the construction of an Act of Parliament, The Bishop of Peterborough. By a Sta-and it is surely no disgrace to a Bishop, if tute of Queen Anne, Bishops were em- he is mistaken on a legal point, which has powered to enforce the payment of Curates been subject to so much doubt and diffisalaries by a summary process. But as culty, as to require, after full argument on this Statute was confined to the Curates both sides, the deliberate consultation of of absentees, the power of enforcing pay the Learned Judges themselves. ment bad, of course, the same limitation. But Lord Harrowby's Act, which passed in 1813, provided for the Curates of those who "shall duly reside," as well as for the Curates of those who "shall not duly reside.” And as in this Act the summary process was re-enacted, it necessarily acquired under this act the same extensive application with the act itself. It became applicable to the Curates of resident incumbents, as well as to the Curates of absentees. In 1817, Lord Harrowby's Act was repealed, for the purpose of consolidating it with certain other acts, whence the 57th Geo. III. c. 99, acquired the title of the Consolidation Act. In this act the summary process for the recovery of a Curate's salary was again enacted. It was again enacted in the same general manner as it was in Lord Harrowby's Act; nor was any clause inserted, by which the summary process was again confined to the limits which it had under the Statute of Anne. Unless, therefore, such li mitation could be inferred from some con


To the Editor of the Remembrancer.

THE following advertisement is co-
pied from a Newfoundland paper, of
the month of September last.

" HENRY WINTON" "Has just received from the British "and Foreign Bible Society, Bibles, "Testaments, Psalters and Tracts, " of various sizes, which will be dis

"posed of at the Society's prices, "with a suitable advance for the "difference of exchange only."

The point which I wish to have explained, is how the inviolable rule of the Society, which limits its circulation to the pure text of Scripture, has come to be so shamelessly violated on the other side of the Atlantic, that its violation is proclaimed by public advertisement?

I have another question to propose relating to the last Anniversary Meeting. I am told, that at that meeting, one of the speakers, a Quaker, I believe, moved by what spirit I will not presume to determine, took occasion to introduce the Church of England to the notice of the assembly; and upon the ground of its circulating the Common Prayer Book together with the Bible, indulged himself in a lengthened parallel between it and the Romish Church, very much to the contentment of by much the greater part of his auditory; but to the evident discomposure of a Right Rev. Prelate upon the platform with him; who, notwithstanding, from an amiable indisposition to disturb a meeting, from which every disharmonious sound is to be, at all adventures, excluded, suffered the speaker to proceed without interruption.

I am told, further, that this supreme self-command was not general; but that the so-much-to-bedeprecated disharmony was produced by a clergyman, who came to the meeting, under the impression, that Church of England feeling was its governing principle, and who was so electrified at what he heard, that he could not contain himself,

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but started forward, and in the first ebullitions of his astonishment, exclaimed, "It is not true;" being called upon to explain, made himself more intelligible by the declaration, "it is false;" and pressed still further, completed the climax by adopting a plainness of speech which could not be mistaken, and pronouncing it to be "A LIE."

To what extent this interruption of harmony proceeded, I have not learnt; but the pacification was, I am told, completed by Dr. Stæukopff, who engaged that all that had given such just ground of offence, should be suppressed in the official report of the proceedings,

This, Mr. Editor, is one of the on dits which has been buzzing about town; and appears to me to require either a disclaimer, or further explanation. I therefore send it for insertion in your pages, and remain Your obedient servant, SCRUTATOR.

July 17th,


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be obtained from those libraries relating to the missionary efforts of the Propaganda in this remote region. This collection was, upon his death, exposed to sale at Calcutta, and purchased by Mr. Mill, the Principal of the College, on account of the Society. But besides his European researches, he also prosecuted the same object in Thibet itself, and obtained from thence, at a considerable expence, further supplies, consisting of MSS. and printed books, in the Thibetian language, totally unknown to Europeans before; some relating to the mythology, and economy of that people; others elementary, and connected with their language, together with specimens of block printing of the natives, of great antiquity. These constitute Mrs. Barrè Latter's munificent donation. Her husband directed in his will that they should be given to some Society where they might most tend to the advancement of literature and religion. Having taken the advice of friends, she has decided upon the above appropriation, as that by which the Major's wishes will be most effectually accomplished.

Valedictory Address of the Dean and Chapter, the Chancellor, the Archdeacon and Clergy of the Arch deaconry of Chester, to their late Bishop, on his Translation to the See of Bath and Wells.

To the Right Rev. George Henry Law, D.D. Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells.

THE Dean and Chapter, the Chancellor, the Archdeacon, and Clergy of the Arch deaconry of Chester, would feel deficient in energy and attention, did they not, upon your Lordship's recent translation to another See, express their sincere regret for the loss they have sustained, and their cordial and united declarations of gratis tude and affectionate respect, for the zeal and activity which they have so long witnessed in your Lordship's exemplary dis charge of all the various duties attached to your high office in this laborious Diocese. Your example has been an excitement to diligence, your firmness and decision

created confidence, and your kindness and attention conciliated the esteem and affec and higher grounds that we think it to be tion of your Clergy. But it is on other

our duty, on the present occasion, to offer unto your Lordship this united testimony of our gratitude: it is for the constancy and perseverance with which you have resisted every attempt, either in Parliament or elsewhere, to assail the principles or encroach upon the privileges of the Church; for the anxious care and diligence with which you watched over and promoted the temporal and spiritual good of all under your authority, for your indefatigable pains in acquiring an intimate ac quaintance with all the concerns of the Diocese, and the promptness and decision with which your knowledge was brought to bear upon the wants of Religion and the Church. Your Lordship's personal visitation of every parish in this extensive district, at great expence of money and bodily fatigue, the large sums collected at your suggestion, and under your influence, for repairing the venerable fabric of our cathedral, your liberality and uniform attention to the various public charities, and your paternal anxiety for the welfare of that excellent institution, in which we cannot but feel ourselves peculiarly interested, as its objects are the Widows and Orphans of the Clergy, not only justify the observations we have made, but demand this avowal of our gratitude and respect. Such instances of your zeal, ability, and kindness, will long mark the date of your Lordship's episcopacy in the See of Chester.

Whilst we regret the loss we have sustained, we beg leave to offer our congra tulations on the change which your Lordship has deemed conducive to your happiness; may this and every succeeding event in your Lordship's life add to it. We have the bonor to subscribe ourselves, Your Lordship's most respectful and obedient Servants, &c, &c.

(Answer.) To the Rev. the Dean and Chapter, the Chancellor, the Archdeacon, and Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Chester.

My Reverend Brethren,

I HAVE just received your Valedictory Address, and have read it with feelings, which I want words to describe.

Aware, however, as I fully am, how much I stand indebted, on this occasion, to your partiality and kindness, yet should I be wanting to myself, if I did not acknowledge, that during the happy period of my connection with you, it was the anxious wish of my heart, to fulfil all the

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