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the strongest, the most direct, and the most unimpeachable evidence that buman testimony could supply, that the persons whom the monks of Iona pronounced worthy of the episcopate were, in fact, bishops in the proper and ordinary sense of the term. Having arrived in his diocese, (says Bedè) he built a church fit for an episcopal see; and having shortly after wards baptized Peada, the king of the Middle Angles, with all his court, he gave him four priests, one Scotch and three English, to instruct and baptize his people. In the process of time, the Scottish priest, who was called Diuma, was ordained by Finan to be bishop of that nation, as well as of the province of Mercia, The words of the venerable historian are as follow: Factus est Diuma, unus ex præfatis quatnor sacerdotibus, episcopns Mediterraneorum Anglorum, simul et Merciorum, ordinatus a Finano episcopo. At a subsequent period, Sigebert, king of the East Angles, with his friends, was baptized by the same bishop; and received, at the same time, two priests to convert and bap tize his subjects. One of these, whose name was Cedd, having, with the assistánce of his colleague, gathered together a great church to the Lord, returned to the establishment at Lindisfarm, to inform Finan of their remarkable success in evange⚫ lizing the Saxons; with which account the Northumbrian prelate was so much gratified, that in order to enable him to prosesecute his pious objects with still greater advantage, he resolved to raise the priests to the order of bishops. Finan,' says the historian, 'seeing his success in the furtherance of the Gospel, and having called to him two other bishops for the ministry of ordination, made him bishop over the nation of the East Angles; adding,' that he having received the degree of the episcopate, (accepto gradu episcopatus) returned to the province; and with greater authority (majore auctoritate) fulfilled the work which he had begun, erected churches in

different places, ordained presbyters and


deacons, who might assist him in the word of faith and in the ministry of baptism.' Dr. Jamieson, as might be expected, is a good deal puzzled with the episcopal transactions of Finan, which look so much like those of a real diocesan bishop. It must be admitted,' he observes,' that according to Bede's narrative, there is something in the conduct of Finan, which does not seem entirely consonant to the view given of the ordination of Iona. Whether this should be ascribed to some greater attachment, on the part of the Saxons, to the model of the Romish Church, I shall not presently inquire. But unless we suppose that Finan renounced the tenets of his

Mother Church, we cannot here conclude that he viewed the office of a bishop as essentially distinct from that of a presbyter. That he viewed the office of a bishop as essentially distinct from that of a presbyter, cannot, I think, be doubted by any man who has read with candour the foregoing paragraphs; and, taking this conclusion in connection with all that Bede relates concerning him, during the ten. years that he presided over the Northumbrian Church, the natural conclusion is, that he did not renounce the tenets of his Mother Church; but, on the contrary, that those tenets were in direct accordance with the principles upon which his whole public conduct proceeded. It is allowed that Finau requested the attendance of two other bishops to join with him, in giving canonical consecration to the presbyter Cedd; and moreover, that this presbyter, when raised to the episcopate, returned to his district with greater authority, and forthwith proceeded to ordain priests and deacons to assist him in the word of faith and ministry of baptism; from which facts, the inference forces itself upon our acceptance with an irresist ible degree of conviction, that the tenets held at Iona, in regard to Church government, were decidedly Episcopal, and, consequently, that Aidan, Finan, and Colman, were episcopally ordained." p. xcv.

In this dissertation, Dr. Russel shews that he is intimately versed in ecclesiastical antiquities, and that he can bring the stores of his mind into full and effective use; he treats the lame conclusions of his antago nist with much pleasantry, but never departs from the respect due to a man, venerable by age, and eminent for learning and virtue-there seems to be little bitterness in Dr. R.'s composition: he may occasionally provoke his adversary by the playfulness of his wit, but it inflicts no wound; while he overturns Dr. Jamieson's theory to its foundation, it is with some tenderness towards the amiable author, who had employed so much research and ingenuity in rearing it,

We wish it were in our power to devote a larger space to the historical sketch of Scottish Episcopacy, which is subjoined to his volume. There is an interest thrown around the Episcopal Church, by the eminent place it once held among the

institutions of the country, by its Queen Mary. It is quite evident, long and steady attachment to the that that Prince was not guided in unfortunate family of Stuart, and his choice by any regard to theolo by its sufferings, for what was es- gical principle, but merely by teemed the sake of conscience. It considerations of political interest. is not easy to account for the odium This is placed beyond a doubt, by which has always prevailed against a letter from the Bishop of EdinEpiscopacy in Scotland: it has ge- burgh, (at p. 65 of this volume) nerally been attributed to the into who was deputed by his brethren to lerance of that Church when it was plead the cause of the Church with vested with power. We do not be the influential characters in Willieve this, because we do not believe liam's court. It is well known, that that any Church was disliked at that the Scottish bishops, to a man, adperiod merely on account of its in- hered to the cause of the abdicattolerance. Toleration was as much ed monarch, and strictly subjected beyond the view of Presbyterians as themselves and their Church to a of Episcopalians. In those days it long period of suffering and persewas reckoned both the privilege and cution. The spirit in which these the duty of the true religion to per- evils were endured, is certainly highsecute all those of a different opi- ly honourable to that religious body; nion; and perhaps even the moody and we regret that an ampler record Covenanter was sustained in his wild has not been preserved of those inretreat with the hope of a day of dividuals, whose counsels inspired retribution, to the full use of which and maintained that patient endurhe thought himself entitled. We ance which took, without a murmur, are also somewhat sceptical with the loss of fame, and fortune, and respect to the extent of the odium honour. Dr. Russel declines going under which the Episcopal Church into a minute detail of the persecu laboured. The act which abolished tions which the Episcopal party Episcopacy says indeed, that it was endured, because he has no desire odious to the people. We believe to revive old animosities; and we it was odious to a rabble of miser. cannot but approve his resolution. able fanatics, and to a few rapacious We are indebted to him for the innobles, who had possessed them-teresting account he has given in his selves of the spoils of the Church, and who feared that the prey might hereafter be reclaimed, if the hierarchy continued to enjoy its temporal honours. Another cause of its subversion, doubtless, was the refusal of the bishops to transfer their allegiance to King William and


Society for Promoting Christian

Knowledge. AT the Anniversary Dinner of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, which took place at the Freemasons' Tavern on Tuesday, the 1st of June, there were present about 120 of the Members of the Society and Friends of the Established Church.

The Bishop of London was in the

Appendix; and we cannot but think that a more expanded history of Scottish Episcopacy would be ac ceptable, if it were to proceed from the pen of one who has shewn himself so well qualified to do justice to such a work.


Chair, supported by the Bishops of Oxford, Lincoln, Exeter, Gloucester and Limerick, Lord Kenyon, Mr. Justice Park, the Stewards, and several of the dignified Clergy and Laity of rank.

After the loyal and appropriate toast, "Church and King," had been drunk with customary cordi. ality, &c.

The Bishop of London rose to propose

the health of the Archbishop of Canterbury; to whom, said his Lordship, not only on account of his private virtues, but of his high public character, we all look up with affection and reverence.

The Bishop of Oxford then gave the health of the Right Rev. Prelate in the Chair, of whom it were unfit, he said, to speak in his presence as he deserved; but whose health he was sure would be cordially drunk by a company which was well qualified to estimate his virtues and his talents.

The Bishop of London returned his sincere thanks for the flattering manner in which the mention of his name had been received, and assured the company that with the blessing of Divine Providence on his humble endeavours to promote the interests of the Society and to perform his duty in other respects, he should hope to continue to merit their approbation. His Lordship concluded with proposing a toast, which on that day certainly needed no preface, the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge-and with offering his congratulations on the increase of its prosperity, which would appear on the face of the Report, to be read by the reverend Secretary.

The Rev. Mr. Parker having stated that it was the custom on this occasion to raise a small sum, not for the general purposes of the Society, but for the aid of a certain number of poor Widows; and Dr. Gaskin having, by particular request, as in former years, read the Thirteenth chapter of St. Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians-the usual collection was made.

The Bishop of London said, that there were two Gentlemen then present, to whom the Society was much indebted for their activity and judicious arrangements, whose health therefore he should have the pleasure of proposing, the Treasurers, Mr. Archdeacon Cambridge and Mr. Joshua Watson.

Mr. Archdeacon Cambridge returned thanks for his colleague and himself, and expressed his hopes that the operations of the Society might be still beneficially extended in the Colonies and especially in the West Indies, where the newly arranged Ecclesiastical Establishment would open fresh sources of connexion with the Society, and present a wide field for the exertions of those who were appointed to watch over the spiritual interests of those distant portions of the Established Church.

The Report for the last year was then read by the Rev. Mr. Parker, from which REMEMBRANCER, No. 67.

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exhibiting on the whole an excess of 54,107 above the distribution of the preceding year.

The receipts towards the general designs of the Society were 60,6071. 4s. 2d. leaving in the hands of the Treasurers a balance of 1229l. 3s. 2d.; and towards the East India Mission, 2970l. 14s. 5d. leaving a balance of 237l. 18. 8d.—the receipts of the last year exceeding those of the preceding one by 28921. 4s. 3d. for the general designs of the Society-and by 744/. 118. 2d, for the East India Mission.

The Bishop of London said, that after the luminous Report which had been heard by all with so much gratification, he begged leave to propose the health of the Secretaries, by whose diligence and zeal the concerns of the Society had been so prosperously conducted-concerns which had recently increased to an amount far beyond what any one when he first came into the room could have anticipated.

The Rev. Mr. Parker returned thanks, and the Rev. Mr. Campbell said, that having been so short a time in office, he felt, that with respect to the past he deserved little with respect to the future he hoped what had been said would act as a stimulus to exertion.

The Bishop of London proposed to pay a tribute of grateful respect to the Stewards; to those who had honoured the meeting with their company, and to those who were prevented by various causes from doing so. Among whom his Lordship mentioned Earl Talbot, Lord Lilford, the Bishop of St. Asaph, the Dean of Chester, and Mr. Roberts.

The Bishop of Limerick returned thanks in the name of the Stewards; and thus emphatically concluded, "that the Almighty may bless and prosper the Christian efforts of this Society, as he has hitherto blessed and prospered them, is my fervent prayer."

The Bishop of London wished to pay another tribute of gratitude to a body of 3 K

Gentlemen whose zeal and exertions were "well known and highly appreciated; to whom were to be attributed a large augmentation of the funds and a wide diffusion of the books of the Society - the Treasurers and Secretaries of the Diocesan and District Committees.

The Bishop of Lincoln proposed the the health of the late Secretary. Dr. Gaskin said, that he felt overwhelmed with gratitude for the kind manner in which his health had been drunk. It had already pleased Providence to protract his life to a considerable term, so that he had during a long course of years watched the gradually increasing prosperity of the Society, but that he hoped still to be permitted to see it prosper to the glory of God and the welfare of mankind.

The Bishop of London begged leave to call the attention of the company to a similar Society in a sister Island, connected with the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge in England by the most sacred ties; and co-operating cordially in the same good work-the Association in Ireland for the Discouragement of Vice and the Promotion of Christianity.

The Bishop of Limerick returned thanks; and felt it his duty to say, that the Association in Ireland has endeavoured at a humble distance, but with zeal, to follow the footsteps of her venerable sister in encouraging whatever might tend to the promotion of true religion:-that it has been the object of that Association to promote Christianity, not merely in the general sense of the term, but according to the doctrine, discipline and forms of the Established Church of England and Ireland.

The Bishop of London gave—prosperity to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts-as a younger branch of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; pursuing the same object, and equally supported by the friends of the Established Church and the Christian Religion. His Lordship then gave successively" the National Society," and "the Society for the Enlargement of Churches and Chapels" adding, that it was a gratifying fact, that for every Pound laid out by the latter Society a poor nian had been accommodated with a seat in a place of worship; that no Charity in the Kingdom had, according toits means, rendered more important or extensive benefits to the community; nor was there any one which better deserved the support of all the friends of the Church of England.

The Bishop of London next mentioned a Society the objects of which are con

fined to one class, the black population of the West Indian Islands; and his Lordship added, that the individuals into whose hands had been put the Ecclesiastical affairs of these Islands, were, he felt amply assured, perfectly competent to discharge the important trust confided to them. At the same time his Lordship was happy to say, that the West Indian Proprietors have shown the most liberal spirit, with a disposition to encourage the education of the negroes. The day he therefore hoped might not be far distant, when it might be in his power to congratulate the friends of humanity on the success of the effectual labours of that Society, the prosperity of which he now proposed-the Society for the Education of Negro Slaves in the West Indies.

The Bishop of London then gave the Clergy Orphan Society, -as one which undoubtedly had a claim on the attention of the Clergy, from whom it had obtained much patronage, but not so much as it deserved. His Lordship stated, that there was room in the house of the Institution for 150 children, but that the existing funds would not allow of the building being filledwhich he could but consider as a disgrace to the Church. His Lordship entreated that the gentlemen present who came from different parts of the country would do their best to make known the deficiency, and endeavour to supply it, in order that 50 more orphans than can at present be admitted, may receive the benefit of the education provided in the Schools-an education such as few schools can offer. His Lordship suggested that a very trifling annual subscription from Diocesan Committees would form a material addition to the funds of the Charity, and enable the Society to complete the purposes for which the School was originally constructed. If any evidence were required as to the excellence of the education given, with regard to soundness and accuracy, and its effects on the minds and manners of the children, it was only necessary to refer to the last Annual Examination. He could say, without exaggeration, that the education was better than that which could be had at most schools.

The Bishop of London, in proposing the next toast, remarked, that it was a part of the professional duty of the Clergy to support such Societies as that for Promoting Christian Knowledge; and that it was also unquestionably the duty generally of the Laity to promote the honour of God and the welfare of their fellow creatures; but, when the Laity came forward actively and prominently in aid

of such institutions as are more especially clerical they are obviously disinterested, and deserve the warmest thanks of all classes. His Lordship begged therefore to give the health of Lord Kenyon and the respectable body of Laity who were then present.

Lord Kenyon replied, that he and the laymen present had done no more than their duty in supporting a Society which so well consulted the religious, the civil, and the social interests of mankind;-and as they had done their duty, so would it always be their pleasure to encourage and sustain all the Societies that day recommended from the Chair.

Lord Kenyon again rose, and stated, that for thegratification of his personal and hereditary feelings, he had obtained permission to give a toast usually given from the Chair. It was a common saying, Justitiæ soror Fides he would add, Fidei soror Justitia. He proposed the health of Mr. Justice Park and the Judges of the land.

Mr. Justice Park, with great feeling, acknowledged the honour done him and his brother Judges, who were unavoidably absent on the occasion, and added, that he had seen for three and thirty years the gradual progress of the Society from small to great, and that nothing had afforded him greater satisfaction than its growing prosperity.-The Company then retired.

The Tenth Report of the Chichester Diocesan and District Committee, Established in 1812, in aid of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.

In submitting the Tenth Annual Report of their proceedings, the Chichester Dioce san Committee of the SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE anticipate with pleasure the gratification with which the friends of the Church of England will receive the intelligence of their increasing prosperity.

Notwithstanding that each succeeding year, since the establishment of the Committee in 1812, has exhibited a progressive improvement in its affairs and objects, it is with peculiar satisfaction that general attention is invited to the following statement; by which it will appear that the same readiness to give, and gladness to distribute, which has all along been manifested by the friends and promoters of this excellent Institution, still characterizes their zeal, and authorizes the humble hope

that there will be no weariness on their part, so long as ignorance, error, and unbelief, remain to be informed, reclaimed, and refuted.

Many additional subscriptions and donations have been received by the Committee during the last year.

The numbers of Books distributed by the Committee since the last Report, is as follows: 375 Bibles, 257 Testaments, 960 Common Prayer Books, 872 bound Books, and 4298 half-bound Tracts, &c. the whole of which, to the PARENT SOCIETY, amounted to 231l. 4s. 9d. but, owing to the very liberal terins on which its Members are supplied, the funds of the Committee have been charged only 180/. 1s. 11d.for them*.

The benefits, which we trust have been derived from our endeavours to promote Christian Knowledge, may be estimated by a reference to our Annual Reports; while the advantage which has resulted to the PARENT SOCIETY, through whose instrumentality we have been enabled to be thus useful, may be seen in the printed Account of Benefactions received by the SOCIETY from Diocesan and District Committees. When it is considered that in the last year alone we have distributed nearly sixteen hundred Bibles and Prayer Books, we may be allowed to hope that our labour will not be entirely bestowed in vain; but that some of the good seed, so plentifully sown, has fallen on good ground, and by the Divine blessing will bring forth fruit accordingly. It is, moreover, satisfactory to us to reflect, that, with which we have been so highly favourthrough the encouragement and assistance ed, we have had it in our power, not only to provide for the necessities of our poor neighbours in the District, but in the twelfth year of our establishment, to contribute a Donation of upwards of 100%. towards furthering the general desigus of the PARENT SOCIETY.

So successful have been the endeavours

of the friends of education to diffuse the blessings of it around them, that the

*A comparison between the cost and selling prices of the SOCIETY, will shew the reasonableness of the Tenth Standing Rule, which stipulates that "an entire third of all Subscriptions and Receipts by sale of Books, &c. be transmitted as a Donation to the SOCIETY." The amount of the Donation sent up by the Chichester Diocesan Committee, for the year 1823, is 1017. 38. 11d. which sum, ample as it may appear, does not make good the loss sus tained by the SOCIETY.

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