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to his Majefty's Defire. Two Days after he sent to acquaint Charles, that he might pass thro' Rome when and in what manner he pleased; but, before he sent the Messenger, the Duke of Calabria was introduced to the Pope in the Prefence of the Cardinals, where Alexander complained, That hard Fate had obliged him at laft to yield to the Career of Charles's Fortune to evade the Fury of his Arms, and prevent the Dignity of his Pontificate, and the holy Things at Rome from being expofed to the Infolence of the Soldiers; and then he begged the Duke to retire with his Army, to a Place where he might have an Opportunity of exerting his Valour in the Defending his Right, and where he hoped he would encounter fuch good Fortune as he had always wifhed might attend him: He further told him, that for this End he had obtained Liberty from the French to let his Army march thro' the Ecclefiaftical Territory without Moleftation.' To which the magnanimous Youth made Anfwer, That fince he had not the Fortune to ferve his Holiness, according to his Wifh in coming thither, he was willing to retreat; and as to that which the Pope faid he had obtained for him, he gave him Thanks, C but that it was the Maxim of the Princes of Arragon not to feek Security from the Enemy by any other Means than what they carried along with them, pointing to his Sword.' Accordingly, after Mafs was celebrated, he took Leave of the Pope and Cardinals, and marched his Army directly towards Naples, being accompanied out of Town by Borgia, who affured him at parting, That it was nothing but downright Neceffity had obliged his Holiness to yield to the French King's Defire in the Manner • he had done;' at the fame time telling him, 'That a forced Compliance could never be able to interrupt that Union of Blood, Affection, and Intereft, which was between them, and that he wished for

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nothing so much as for an Opportunity of giving him unquestionable Proofs thereof by his Actions.

This was tranfacted Decemb. 31ft, and the King made his Entry into Rome in the Evening by Torchlight at the Head of his Soldiers under Arms, ordering all the important Posts to be feized, and a large Guard to furround the Palace of St. Mark, where the King took up his Lodgings. With these glorious Exploits ended the Year 1494.


The King's Intention was to have immediately paid his Holiness a Vifit; but he was feized with fuch a Tremour when the French entered Rome, that he fhut himself up in the Castle of St. Angelo. This was fo refented by Charles, that he sent him a Summons to deliver up the Caftle, and, on his refufing, he made his Artillery twice advance to batter the Place; both the Pope and Borgia were thereupon feized with fuch a Panick, that, to avoid the impending Danger, Alexander fent, in a very humble Manner, to the King, to beg that he would treat with him, which was complied with, and foon after a League was concluded between them; wherein his Holiness was made to declare, That he united with his Majefty for the Security of Italy, and that Charles fhould have the Poffeffion of five of his best Towns, nor fhould he moleft the Cardinals or the Lords who had declared for France.' The Remainder of the Articles regarded only the Security of the French Troops, and the Reftitution of the Towns to the Holy See after the Conqueft of Naples.

The Pope, upon the concluding this Treaty, delivered into the Hands of the French Cafar Borgia, and Zemes, the exiled Brother of Bajazet, the Ottoman Emperor, as Hoftages for the Performance of what he had ftipulated; but Zemes foon after died, not without Sufpicion of being poifoned by the Pope's Contrivance, and that for the Sake of a Reward from the Turkish Emperor.


Upon figning the Treaty, Alexander and Charles had an Interview, January the 16th; and it was fo contrived, that they should first meet in the Private Garden of the Vatican, whither from the Chambers of that Palace the King defcended, as foon as he was informed that the Pope had paffed thro' the Gallery, which leads from the Caftle of St. Angelo.

No fooner did the Pope enter the Garden, than the King advanced towards him, and at fome Diftance kneeled according to the Roman Ceremonial. At first the Pope made as if he had not feen him; but approaching a little nearer, and Charles having kneeled a fecond time, the Pope then, as if it had been the first Time, took off his Cap, and moved forward, lifting the King up by the Arm, then kiffed his Mouth, nor would he be covered till his Majefty firft put on his Hat, which his Holinefs offered to do with his own Hand. After fundry Compliments paffed between them, the King defired a Favour of him, namely to create the Bifhop of St. Malo a Cardinal, his Request was immediately granted; then the Pope led him by the Hand into the Chamber called 'del Papagallo, where they no fooner arrived, than Alexander pretended to fall into a Swoon, and being taken up and fet in a Great Chair, Charles placed himself on a Stool near the Window; the Whole being artfully contrived by his Holiness to avoid any Disorder, which otherwise might have happened in the Ceremonial about Precedency.

As foon as the Pope was recovered, he propofed the Bishop of St. Malo to be a Cardinal, to which the whole College unanimously confented, and he accordingly was exalted to the Purple Dignity; after which the outer Doors of the Vatican Palace was refigned to the Scots, who were then the King's LifeGuards, as were in like manner the other, Doors, which more immediately led to the King's Apart



The Day following, while the Pope, together with fome Cardinals, and the Mafter of the Ceremonies, were confulting in what Manner the Solemnity of receiving the King in the Publick Confiftory fhould be performed, Charles, whofe Mind was above Ceremonies, came unexpectedly to the Pope, to adjust some Points that were still depending between them.

Two Days after the Pope held a Confiftory, in which the King had agreed to perform his Homage, and accordingly his Majefty came attended with a fplendid Train, as well of Prelates, as French and Italian Nobility; he was met by four Cardinals, amidst whom the King walked till he came to the Chamber, where his Holinefs was, and after the Ceremony of kiffing his Feet, Hands, and Mouth was over, a Sign was given to proceed to the Remainder. Whereupon the first President of the Parliament of Paris fpoke in the following Manner :

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Holy Father,

Here is my King come in Perfon to pay Homage to your Holiness; and as it is the Custom in France, 'that whofoever makes an Offer of Vaffallage to his Lord, receives, by way of Recompence, a Grant of whatsoever Favour he asks. On this Account, his Majefty, not doubting but he fhall obtain of your Holiness thofe Things which he fhall request, affures you, on his Part, he is likewife ready to grant what will recompence the Favours. There are two Things which the King demands of you; firft, a Confirmation of the Privileges contained in the Book, the Title of which has been ⚫ before mentioned by my Mafter. The fecond Demand is, the Inveftiture of the Kingdom of Naples for himself and his Succeffors for ever.'

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Alexander was very much furprized at these unexpected Demands; yet he answered with a remarkable Prefence of Mind, That he very willingly grant⚫ed the fore-mentioned Privileges as ufual: That as

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to the Inveftiture of the Kingdom of Naples, as it was an Affair in which the Intereft of another was concerned, fo it could not be determined till after mature Deliberation, and the Advice of the Cardinals taken therein, with whom he would use his beft Endeavours, that his Majefty might receive Satisfaction.'

Charles feemed fatisfied with this Answer, and proceeded in performing his Homage, which he expreffed in very few Words; where, ftanding on his Feet, the Prefident fpoke again as follows:

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'Holy Father,

It is an ancient Cuftom among the Christian Princes, particularly the Moft Chriftian Kings of France, to teftify by their Ambaffadors the Veneration they have for the Holy See, and for those Popes whom the Almighty places over the Church; but his Majefty, here prefent, having been defirous to vifit the Sepulchres of the Holy Apoftles in this City, is come in Perfon to perform that Duty. On this Account he acknowledges you, Holy Father, to be Vicar of Chrift, and lawful Succeffor of the Holy Apoftles, St. Peter and St. Paul, rendering willingly that filial Obedience which the Moft Chriftian Kings of France, his Predeceffors, ufed inviolably to profefs towards the Popes. His Majefty therefore offers himfelf and his Power for the Service of your Holinefs and the Church.'

The Pope, holding in the mean time the King's Right Hand with his Left, conferred on his Majefty all imaginable Marks of Honour and Efteem, ftiling him Firit-begotten Son of the Church. The Ceremony being ended, the Pope led the King by the Hand to the Chamber, where his Veftments were put off, and fhewed a Defire to accompany him to his Apartments; but Charles would not permit that.

His Holinefs paid the King one Piece of Refpect, which furprized all the World, giving Orders, that

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