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And globy vases line the sills without,
And little golden fishes swim about,
Lashing the mimic sea in bubbly whirls,
Looking like ingots on a bed of pearls;
Canaries chirp, and finches draw their cars,
And peck the seeds between the shining bars,
And humming-birds, and yellow-girdled bees,
Float round with summer scents and melodies;
And overhead a glittering chandelier,
Swaying on slender chains of silver bright,
Hangs like a bunch of dripping chrysolite,
In some old wood in moony radiance clear;

A frame of broidery worked with flossy thread,
(The needle in a rose-bud opening red,)
Lies on a stand beside a knot of flowers,
Its counterfeit, begemmed with dewy showers;
A fan of peacock feathers, drooping soft,
With all their splendid hues, and gorgeous dyes,
Sprinkled with spots and vary-coloured eyes,
Glows like a rainbow, Pleiad-lit, aloft
After a vernal storm, in twilight skies;

A little soilless glove, in crumples new,

Amid a heap of jewels careless tost,
Lies like a lily in the summer's dew,
Or like a snow-flake in the winter's frost;
An open-lidded casket, and a zone,
My ladye's girdle, and a shining glass
Upturned to mark the moments as they pass,
Pouring its sands adown a crumbling case;
A silver-chorded lyre, and slender lute,
And golden salvers full of luscious fruit,
From sunny gardens, in the heavenly South,
Plums, peaches, apricots, and nectarines,
Pomegranates, clefted like an Houri's mouth,
And leafy-rounded clusters fresh from vines
Misted with ripeness, sweet Arabian dates,

And all imaginable dainty cates,

And delicacies, drinking-cups of gold,

Beakers with jewelled lips, and long-necked flasks
In wicker mail, and bottles broached from casks
In cellars delved deep and icy cold,

Select, superlative, and centuries old,
Empurpled, crimson in the light of day,

Its pearls dissolving in the rubious spray,
Like soft affections, ecstacies divine,

In spirits burned and flushed with Love's voluptuous wine.


My dear and gentle wife,

The angel of my life,

Oppressed with sweetest things,

Has folded up her wings!

She lies with drooping head

In beautiful repose

Upon her bridal bed,

Like virgin spring bedrowsed in winter's driven snows!


Away! my ladye wakes in deep surprise,

And starting up, half rises in her nest;

I press her, heart to heart, with fluttering breast, And sink in ecstacies and swoons of Paradise!

Alas! my dream is flown,
And I am all alone,
Alone in tears and grief,

A sere and withered leaf,

For autumn winds to blow,

Where'er they will, around this wilderness belowMiserere mei

Alone in utter wo!



(See Engraving.)

THE sunset beamed above the tropic isle,
And bathed with beauty air and earth and sky;
No faintest breeze the rich banana stirred,
And even the bamboo's light and graceful plumes,
And the palm's lofty crown, were motionless;
When, from the guava grove, a stately pair
Came forth, the beautiful and proud young queen
Anacaona, and her royal child.

The idols of their tribe, they fearless roamed,
For, breathed upon by them, a simple reed's
Slight melody had summoned to their side,
In danger's hour, a hundred champions.

They left the sports, they left the festal rites,
Turned from their noble Andalusian guests,⚫
To seek the casa of the holy man

Las Casas, whom disease had stricken low;
And dewy flowers they brought, and tearful words
Of pity and of love, that fell like bloom
And balm and dew upon the sufferer's heart.

The good Las Casas was the Indian's friend; Of noble blood, and nobler soul, he left His fair Castile, and sought the western land Where late Columbus found the golden shore, And gave the older world its blooming bride.

Full oft the trail of the dark Indian lay Toward good Las Casas' home, for counsel wise, Or friendly aid and care, and ne'er in vain.

Twilight was deepening ere the royal pair Retraced the homeward trail, and on the air, Long ere they reached their palace gates, they heard The bravas of the gay Castilian, blent With the poor unsuspecting Indian's shout Of artless pleasure. In her generous soul Anacaona harboured no distrust, And, wearied, yet in tranquil faith, she left The subjects to their revel, while she sought The hammock with Nonana. Slumber sweet Lulled with its angel wing their innocent hearts.

How dread the waking! Roused by a sudden glare,
By clash of arms, and cries of pain, and rage,
They spring in horror from their couch:-too late!
The casa is in flames! the treacherous foe
Surround their home, and the young Nonana gives
To the devouring fires her beauteous life,

In dread of a worse doom. And the island queen
Alone escapes, alas! to what a fate!-
To perish on the cross!

And still, above That tropic paradise, the sunny skies Smile tranquilly, and still the bay-tree blooms, And the rich blossoms of the burning clime Fills the glad air with fragrance,—yet through all The glory, and the beauty, and the calm, The cry of the betrayed goes up to Heaven, Albeit, unheard of men!

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Ir was now the middle of May. A month had elapsed since the events detailed in the preceding chapter. The recollection of the outrage committed early in April, at Heywood's farm, was fast dying away, and in the bosoms of those more immediately interested in the fate of its master, all apprehension of a repetition of similar atrocities, had in a great measure ceased. A better understanding between the commanding officer and his subordinates had arisen. Corporal Nixon was now Sergeant Nixon. Collins had succeeded to him. Le Noir and the boy, Protestant and Catholic, had been buried in one grave. Ephraim Giles had become a sort of factotum of Von Vottenberg, whose love of whiskey punch was, if possible, on the increase. Winnebeg, the bearer of confidential despatches to Colonel Miller, at Detroit, announcing the hostile disposition of certain Winnebagoes, had not returned. Harmony, in a word, had been restored in the Fort, when one evening, in compliance with the request of his friend, Renayne thus explained the facts of his absence, on the memorable night of the massacre.

when you had that scene on the parade, you might have pleaded his sanction. However, all that is over. Let us hear your story."

"The tale is soon told," began Renayne. "On that evening, when you and Van Vottenberg were so busy-the one in concocting his whiskey punch, the other in cutting up the Virginia, I was racking my brains for a means to accomplish my desire to reach the farm, where I had a strong presentiment, from the lateness of the hour, without bringing any tidings of them, the fishing party were with Mr. Heywood, in a state of siege, and I at length decided on what seemed to me to be the only available plan. I was not sorry to see you leave after taking your second glass, for I knew that I should have little difficulty in sewing up the Doctor, whose tumbler I repeatedly filled, and made him drink off, after sundry toasts, while he did not perceive-or was by no means sorry if he did—that I merely sipped from my own. When I thought he had swallowed enough to prevent him from interfering with my project, I bade him good night, and left him, knowing well that in ten minutes he would be too drunk to move. Instead, however, of going to bed, I hastened at once to "You Yunkee! stop Ingin when him go wig-preliminaries, having first got rid of my serwam!" commenced Renayne, rising and imitating the action of one unsteady from intoxication. "Spose him tell'em Gubberner?"

"Oh you horrid wretch! I see it all now. How could I have been so imposed upon? You then were the drunken Indian I let out that night. Upon my word, Master Renayne, I will never forgive you for that trick."

"Yes you will, old fellow. It was the only way to save you from the scrape, but I confess I have often laughed in my sleeve since, when I reflected how completely I had deceived you."

"Hang me if you did not play your part to admiration; but the best of the jest is, that on reporting the circumstance to the commanding officer, on the following morning, he said I had acted perfectly right: so, had you known this,

vant, whom I did not wish to implicate by making him acquainted with my intended absence. But, tell me, did you examine my room the next day?"

"I did."

"And found nothing missing?"

"Nothing. I searched everywhere, and found only yourself wanting-the bed unrumpled, and everything in perfect bachelor order."

"And that leather dress, in which I once paid a visit to the camp of Winnebeg, from whose squaw, indeed, I had bought it, and which always hangs against the wall at the foot of my bed?"

"Ah! now I recollect, that was certainly not there, although I did not notice its absence then. So, so, that was the dress in which you

went out, and I such a goose as not to remark an age, he reappeared with a dozen young it !" warriors, all armed and decked out in their

"Because, you know I had had the precau-war-paint. They remained grouped round the tion to throw a blanket over it, in the most approved Pottawatomie style, while my features were covered with gamboge and Indian ink." "We'll say no more about that-I am ashamed to have been so taken in by a Johnny Raw. We will now suppose you kicked out of the Fort. Did I not kick you out," he added humorously, "and say, 'Begone, you drunken dog -let me never see your face here again?""

"On the contrary," returned the Ensign, in the same mocking voice, "you were but too glad to be civil, when I threatened you with the Gubberner.'

entrance for a few minutes, while Wau-nan-gee changed his own dress, and Winnebeg provided me with a rifle, tomahawk, and scalping-knife. Thus accoutred, I took the lead with the former, and after cautiously creeping through the encampment, passed along the skirt of the wood that almost overhung the river. We moved off at a quick walk, but soon our pace increased to a half run, so anxious were we all to get to the farm.

"We had not proceeded more than half way, when we saw a small boat, which I immediately distinguished as that belonging to the fishing party, slowly descending the river. The Indians, simultaneously, and as if by one common instinct, dropped flat on the ground, as I supposed to remain unseen, until the boat should come opposite to them, while I, uncertain by whom it was occupied, and anxious to ascertain, after whispering a few words to Wau-nan-gee, moved cautiously in advance, along the shore. When I had crept up about fifty yards, I could distinctly see that it was one of our men, and I immediately hailed, to know who he was, and where the rest of his

"Once out of the Fort," he gravely continued, "my course was plain. I immediately hastened to the tent of Winnebeg, whom I found seated with his toes almost in the embers of an expiring fire, and smoking his last pipe, previous to wrapping himself up in his blanket for the night. You may imagine his surprise, when, after some little difficulty, he recognised me in that garb, and at that hour, particularly after the events of the day, with which he had been made acquainted by Mr. Frazer, before the latter took refuge with his family in the Fort, one of its officers. Still, true to the dig-party were. nified reserve of his race, he concealed, as much as possible, what was passing in his mind, and made me sit by his side, near which I have omitted to state, was an extremely handsome young Indian, whom he presented to me as his son, and thus bade me tell him the object of my visit.


'Scarcely had he answered, 'Collins,' and commenced a few words in explanation of the cause of his being there and alone, when the forms of two Indians, whom I fancied I had before detected creeping along the shore, regulating their stealthy progress by that of the boat, started into full height, and suddenly bounded towards me-one a little in advance of his comrade. The moment was critical. They were not twenty yards from me, and I have often wondered at the presence of mind I preserved. It occurred to me in an instant, that they would not commit the imprudence of using fire-arms so near the Fort, and that steel only would be resorted to by them. This sug

"Of course I knew enough of Indian etiquette to be satisfied that I should gain more by not attempting to hurry matters, and I accordingly suppressed my own impatience, while taking a dozen whiffs from the pipe he courteously of fered to me. Winnebeg then received it back, while he sat with his eyes fixed intently on the fire, as he puffed away in an attitude of profound attention, that encouraged me to pro-gested my own course. Throwing my rifle ceed.

upon the beach, in order that Collins, who was now pulling for the shore, might seize and use it, as occasion should require, I grasped the scalping-knife in my left hand, and with my tomahawk in my right, did not wait for the attack, but rushed upon the foremost Indian, for I knew that my only chance lay in the killing or disabling of one, before the other could come up. At the same time, in order both to apprise Wau-nan-gee, of my position, and to daunt my adversaries, I uttered one of those tremendous yells you know I so well can imitate, and receiving the blow of his tomahawk upon my own, thrown up in true dragoon style, at the same moment plunged my knife into his "After a lapse of time, which seemed to me body with such force, that on examining it

"When he had heard all I had to say in regard to the fears I entertained for the absent party for I did not confine my profession of interest to one-my own application to the commandant-and my strong reliance on him, to send a party of his young men with me to the farm, his eye suddenly kindled-his countenance assumed a more animated expression, and removing the pipe from his lips, and puffing forth a more than usual volume of smoke, he cordially shook my hand-saying something in Indian to his son, who immediately sprang up with a light bound, and disappeared from the


afterwards, I found that at least half an inch | soul was bent upon the attainment of one

of the tapering handle had followed the blade. The savage fell dead without even a groan, a sight, which instead of checking his companion, rather urged him to revenge his fall. He had now come up with me, brandishing his tomahawk, when I put myself on my guard to receive his blow, intending to use my knife as I had before, but at the very moment when I expected the descent of his weapon, he was suddenly seized from behind, raised from his feet, and thrown upon the ground. This was the act of Collins, who had gained the shore just after the first Indian fell, and had flown to assist me.

"At the same moment, Wau-nan-gee, with his warriors, who had started to their feet on hearing my loud yell of defiance, came quickly to the spot, and were not a little astounded to see an Indian, whom they instantly pronounced to be a Winnebago, lying motionless at my feet; nor was their respect for me at all lessened, when, on passing my scalping-knife from one to the other, they perceived what a proficient I was in the use of their own favourite weapon. Of course I was not silly enough to detract from my own glory, by admitting that it was as much the result of accident as design. They made signs for me to scalp him, but showing no particular desire to possess this trophy of my successful hand-to-hand encounter, one of the young men asked me to waive my right in his favour. This I did, and the scalp of the Winnebago was soon dangling from his waist. The other spoils I certainly did not object to, and his rifle, tomahawk, and knife, are now in Winnebeg's tent, until there offers a favourable opportunity of bringing them to my quarters. But to proceed.

"So much time had passed in the examination of the body of the dead Winnebago, that the living one had time to escape. The Pottawatomies had not seen him, and Collins, after having temporarily disabled him, ran up to afford me further assistance, on seeing advancing in the rear those whom he took to be of the same hostile party. Thus left unwatched, the savage had managed to creep away into the wood, and when attention was at length directed to him, he was not to be seen.

"When Collins had explained the position of the party at the farm, whose danger, on finding himself of no service there, he was then on his way to report, I proposed to Wau-nan-gee that half of his warriors should ascend by land, while the remainder, with himself, should accompany me in the boat. We accordingly separated, and made what haste we could to our destination-the party on shore regulating their progress by that in the boat. During the aseent, my anxiety was very great;

for my



object-that of restoring Mr. Heywood, unharmed, to his family. But the absence of all sound indicating conflict, was by no means favourable, and I had already began to fear that the silence which prevailed was but the result of victory on the part of the hostile band who had departed; when, suddenly, the loud, fierce yell of disappointment which burst from them, as I have since understood, when a ladder, by which they attempted to enter, was thrown from the roof, by Nixon, rang couragingly upon my ear, and urged me to increased exertion. Our hope, however, was by no means proportioned to my anxiety; for, somehow or other, only two oars were in the boat, and as the Indians did not much care or know how to pull them in time, the task devolved wholly on Collins and myself. At length, just as the day was beginning to dawn, we reached the farm-house, about a hundred yards beyond which we put in and landed, making a detour by the barn, so as to meet the other part of our little force in the rear, and thus to place the enemy, if actually surrounding the house, between two fires.

"After waiting, however, some little time, and finding everything quiet, my apprehensions increased; for, although not the sign of a Winnebago could be seen, so profound was the stillness without, that I began to think the whole party had been captured or murdered. Suddenly, however, while hesitating as to the course to be pursued-for I feared that if the party were all right, they might fire upon us as we approached—I saw a man, whom I easily distinguished to be Corporal Nixon, issue from the back door, with a bucket in his hand, and turning the corner, make hastily for the river. Directing Wau-nan-gee, whose two parties had now joined, and were lying closely concealed in the barn, to enter the house as cautiously and noiselessly as possible, I hastened after Nixon, from whom, after recovering from his first fright at finding himself unarmed, and in the power of one whom he naturally took to be one of his recent assailants, I received a brief account of all that had occurred. On entering the house with him shortly afterwards, what a contrast was presented to my view!-on the one hand the ludicrous—the horrible on the other.

"Close within the doorway lay the dead body of Mr. Heywood-his face much disfiguredand almost rigid in a pool of clotted blood. Imagine what a sight this was to me, whose chief object and hope it had been to restore him safely to his daughter, although, at intervals during the route, I had more than once dreaded something like this catastrophe. Stupified at the spectacle, I felt my heart sicken as the idea of the grief by which Maria would

be overwhelmed, when this sad tale should be revealed to her, rose to my imagination. But even then my presence of mind did not desert me, and I already determined on what was to be done. In some degree consoled by this, I raised my glance from the body, to observe what further atrocity had been committed. Three or four Indians were grouped around, evidently regarding the corpse with deep interest; for Mr. Heywood had often hunted with them, and given them refreshment when stopping to rest at his place, while on their way to the Fort laden with their game. Further on, the great body of Wau-nan-gee's people were standing, leaning on their rifles, and enjoying the mistake of three of our fellows, who, naturally, taking them, from the great resemblance of dress, to be their enemies who had obtained an entrance, were holding aloft, in an attitude of defiance-one a huge poker thrust through the carcass of an enormous bird, and two others, a blackened leg and a wing, evidently belonging to the same animal, which they ever and anon brandished over their heads, while their eyes were riveted on the dusky forms before them. The wooden partition opposite sustained their muskets, from which the interposing Indians had cut them off; and against the front door of the house, which was closed and barred, leaned the only armed man of the party, deprived, however, of all power of action."

took me to be one, continued his defensive attitude with the poker; nor was it until I had advanced and taken his weapon from him, amid the loud laughter of the young Indians, that he finally came to his senses. After all, poor devil! his distrust was but natural.


No time was to be lost. While some of the men were, according to my instructions, wrapping in a blanket the body of Mr. Heywood, after removing from it what blood they could; and others bore to the boat the unfortunate Le Noir, whom I had not at first distinguished, so completely had he been covered by his dog, I took the Corporal aside, and explained to him how necessary it was that nothing should be known at the Fort, of the fate of Mr. Heywood. On his asking what he should say, if questioned, I desired him (with some hesitation, I confess, for I knew I was setting to the men a bad example, which only the peculiar circumstances of the case could justify,) to give an evasive answer, and simply state that he had been carried off by the Indians; which, indeed, would be the fact, as I intended him to be borne off by the party I had brought. I told him, moreover, that at a fitting opportunity I would explain everything to Captain Headly, and take all the responsibility upon myself.

"On his promptly saying he would, I added that it would be necessary the men of his party asked if I might depend upon them. should be made acquainted with my views, and

He re

"What a scene for some American Hogarth," interrupted the Lieutenant, "and how graphi-plied that there was not a man among them cally you describe it. I can see the picture who did not so love Miss Heywood as to run before me now." the risk of any punishment, rather than say one word that could give her pain-and that while on their way down he would take care to warn them. Elmsley, I was touched at this, almost to tears; for it was a deeper satisfaction to me than I can well express, to know that Maria was so great a favourite with these rude, honest fellows. Assured that everything was right, I told the Corporal to embark the men immediately; while I, with Wau-nan-gee and his Indians, proceeded by land with the body of Mr. Heywood.

"I confess," resumed Renayne, "I could not, even amid all my painful feelings, suppress a smile at its extreme absurdity; for the appearance of three men seeking to defend themselves from what they believed to be fierce and bloodthirsting enemies, with the burnt carcass and limbs of an old turkey-cock, was such a burlesque on the chivalrous, that knowing as I did, how little their supposed enemy was to be dreaded, I could not suppress thoughts which, even as they forced themselves upon me, I was angry at allowing myself to entertain. To understand the thing fully, you must have seen it yourself. Had I recounted this to you yesterday, or even this morning, I could have filled up the picture more grotesquely, and yet not less truly; but now I have too great a weight on my spirits to give you more than a simple sketch.

"At the announcement of my name and purpose, the statue at the door became suddenly disenchanted-the legs and wings fell-a man dropped lightly from the loft, musket in hand; and Cass only, with his gaze intently fixed on the mocking savages before him, of whom he 28


"Don't you think, sir,' said the Corporal hesitatingly, as he prepared to execute my instructions, don't you think it would be well for the ladies' sake, that they should not be reminded of the name of this place more than can be helped?'

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