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Solicitor General with Jane Shore; a letter to negotiate a marriage between the daughter of Lord Chancellor Audley and the son of Sir Anthony Denny; the courtship of young Edward Trafford and Margaret Boothe under the decree of Lord Keeper Sir Nicholas Bacon; Lord Chancellor Hatton's address to the Bar on a call of Serjeants; Lord Ellesmere's decree to punish the prolixity of an equity draughtsman ; two letters of Lord Keeper Williams, and a very curious letter to Jeffreys when Recorder of London, showing the detestation in which he was held even in that period of his career. I earnestly implore that errors and omissions may still be pointed out to me.

I have made. considerable progress with my SECOND SERIES; and I trust that Volumes IV. and V. will be published before the end of the present year. These will bring

down the Chancellors to the death of Lord Thurlow. A supplemental Volume, including Lord Loughborough, Lord Erskine, and Lord Eldon, will complete the work. I then propose (life and health being preserved to me) to proceed with the "LIVES OF THE LORD CHANCELLORS OF IRELAND," among whom are to be found characters as interesting as any I have yet described, and whose history, I think, may be made to shed a new light upon the connection between the two countries.

Stratheden House,

April 22. 1846.

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Etymology of Word “Chancellor," Page 1. Antiquity of the Office in England, 3.

Original Duty of Chancellor to frame Writs, 3. And Royal Grants, 4. Custody

of Great Seal, 4. Chancellor Keeper of King's Conscience, 4. Chancellor for-

merly subordinate Officer, without judicial Power, 4. Common-law Jurisdiction

of Chancellor, 5. Equitable Jurisdiction, 7. Objections to Antiquity of

Equitable Jurisdiction, 7. Definition of Equitable Jurisdiction, 8. Extension

of Equitable Jurisdiction of Chancellor, 9. From Inrolments in Chancery under

Recognisance, 9. Fees, &c., 10. Harmony between Common Law and Equity,

11. Discretion of Chancellor, 11. Appeal from Chancellor as Equity Judge,

13. Habeas Corpus and Prohibitions, 13. Ne exeat Regno, 13. Jurisdiction

over Coroners, 13. Criminal Jurisdiction, 14. Bankruptcy, 14. Lunacy, 14.

Chancellor not ex officio Privy Councillor, 16. Speaker of Lords, 16. Protec-

tion and Precedence, 17. Chancellor no Vote or Voice in Lords unless a Peer

17. Anciently addressed two Houses at Meeting of Parliament, 17. Trial of

Peers, and Impeachments, 18. Star Chamber, 18. Trial of the Pyx, 19.

Chancellor appoints Justices of Peace, 19. Patronage, 19. Visitor, 20. Other

Functions, 20. Office of Keeper of the Great Seal," 20. Lords Commis-

sioners of Great Seal, 22. Present Title of Lord Chancellor, 22. Mode of

Appointment, 22. Tenure of Office, 23. Mode of using Great Seal, 23. Ne-

gotiation of Marriage of Henry VI. under Great Seal, 24. Use of Great Seal

by Edward IV., 25. Times of Tudors and Stuarts, 26. Use of Great Seal

since the Revolution of 1688, 26. Origin of Expression of " The Seals," 26.

Adoption of new Great Seal, 27. Care in keeping the Great Seal, 27.

Emoluments of Office, 28. Etiquette, 28. In Parliament, 29. When ad-

ministering Oaths to Prince of Wales, 29. To King's younger Son, 29. Το

Peers in Chancery, 29. Lord Mayor's Day, 30. Statute respecting Apparel of

Chancellor, 30.

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Chancellors under early Norman Reigns, 40. Chancellors of the Conqueror, 42.

MAURICE, 42. Made Bishop of London, and resigns Great Seal, 42. Conduct

of Ex-chancellor Maurice on the Death of William Rufus, 43. OSMOND, 44.

His Character, 44. His literary Works, 44. ARFASTUS, 45. BALDRICK, 45.

HERMAN, 45. WELSON, 46. W. GIFFARD, Chancellor under three Reigns, 46.

His Character, 46. Conduct of Giffard on Death of Conqueror, 47. Chancellor

to William Rufus, 47. Dismissed, 47. BLOET, Chancellor to William Rufus, 47.

Death and Character of Bloet, 48. FLAMBARD, 49. Oppressions of Flambard,

49. Plot against Flambard, 50. His Preferments, 50. Committed to the

Tower, 51. Exile and Death of Flambard, 51. GIFFARD, Chancellor the third

time, 52. Dismissal and Banishment of Giffard, 52. ROGER, Bishop of Salis-

bury, Chancellor, 53. His Origin and History, 53. Roger's Rise, 53. His

Conduct as Chancellor, 54. Made Chief Justiciar, 54. Roger's Conduct on

Settlement of the Crown, 54. Dismissal of Roger, 55. Roger supports Usurpa-

tion of Stephen, 55. Roger besieged in his Castle, 55. Surrenders, 56. His

Death, 56. His Career described by William of Malmesbury, 56. Other Chan-

cellors of Henry I., 57. GEOFFREY Rurus, 57. Bought Office of Chancellor,

57. RANULPHUS, 58. Roger, Chancellor to King Stephen, succeeded by his

Nephew ALEXANDER, 59. His Conduct as Chancellor, 59. Character of Alex-

ander, 60. ROGER PAUPER, Chancellor, 60. Queen Matilda, 60.

her Chancellor, 61. Other Chancellors of Stephen, 61.

Parentage, 62. Story of his Mother being the Daughter of an Emir, 62. Birth

and Education, 63. Holds Office under Sheriff of London, 64. Patronised by

Theobald, Archbishop of Canterbury, 64. Made Archdeacon of Canterbury, 64.

Missions to Rome, 65. Appointed Chancellor, 65. Intimacy with Henry II.,

65. His Duties as Chancellor, 67. Fitzstephen's Account of his Habits, 67.

Story of the King, the Chancellor, and the Beggarman, 68. His Conduct as

Chancellor, 70. Becket Tutor to the Prince, 70. Becket's Embassy to France,

70. Origin of Scutage, 73. Becket's Military Prowess, 73. Siege of Toulouse,

74. Single Combat with Engleran de Trie, 74. His judicial Merits, 75. His

Views and Intentions, 75. Conversation with Prior of Leicester, 76. Death of

Archbishop Theobald, 77. Objection to Becket's Appointment as Archbishop,

on the ground of his being hostile to the Church, 77. Foliot, Bishop of Hereford,

Rival of Becket, 77. Becket elected Archbishop of Canterbury, 78. Becket

consecrated Archbishop, 79. Sudden Alteration in Becket's Character and

Conduct, 79. He resigns the Great Seal, 80. The King and Becket meet and

quarrel, 80. Struggle between Civil and Ecclesiastical Authority, 81. Con-

ference between the King and the Prelates, 82. Constitutions of Clarendon, 82.

Becket swears to Constitutions of Clarendon, 84. Great Council at Northamp-

ton, 85.
Trial of Becket, 85. Found Guilty, Further Proceedings against

him, 85. He escapes to the Continent, 87. Becket takes refuge in the Abbey

of Pontigny, 87. Measures of the King, 88. Becket goes to Rome, 88. Coro-

nation of King's son by Archbishop of York against Papal Bull, 89. Interview

between Becket and Henry at Fereitville, 89. Peace of Fereitville, 91. Henry

refuses Becket the Kiss of Peace, 91. Henry breaks his Engagement, 91.

Becket resolves on Vengeance, 91. Becket returns to England, 92. Reception



MARISCO, 129. Confirmation of the Great Charter, 129. Ralph de Neville,
Vice-chancellor, 129. Misconduct of Vice-chancellor De Neville, 130. Letter
of Remonstrance from the Chancellor to the Vice-chancellor, 130. DE NEVILLE,
Chancellor, 132. Grant to him of Office of Chancellor for Life, 132. He



WALTER DE MERTON, Chancellor, 164. His Conduct and Character, 165. ROBERT
BURNEL, Chancellor, 165. Birth and Education, 166. Accompanies Prince
Edward to the Holy Land, 166. Law Reform, 167. STATUTE OF WESTMINSTER
THE FIRST, 167. Provisions of the Code, 167. Its Omissions, 168. Conquest of
Wales, 168. Judgment against Llewellyn, 169. Lord Chancellor employed in
Government of Principality, 169. Parliament held in Chancellor's Castle at
Acton Burnel, 170. His Plan for Government of Ireland, 172. Vice-chancellor
Kirby, 172. Prosecution by Chancellor of the Judges for Bribery and Cor-
ruption, 173. Dispute about Succession to Crown of Scotland, 173. Chancellor

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