GEO RAPHY; OR, A Companion to the Bible; BEING A GEOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL ACCOUNT OF THE IN TWO PARTS. PART I. GEOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL: EXTENDING FROM THE OF THE ISRAELITES IN THE LAND OF CANAAN. PART II. A GEOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE: CONTAIN- ACCOMPANIED BY THREE MAPS. I. Eastern countries, as mentioned by Moses.-II. Judea, or the Holy INTENDED FOR THE USE OF FAMILIES AND SCHOOLS. BY THOMAS T. SMILEY, A. M., M. D. "Go through the land and describe it :—and the men went through the land, Philadelphia: JOHN C. CLARK, No. 60, Dock Street. .............. Entered according to the act of Congress, in the year 1851, by THOMAS T. SMILEY, in the clerk's office of the district court for the eastern district of Pennsylvania. " From Roberts Vaux, Esq., President of the Pennsylvania Education Society It affords me pleasure, whilst I regard it a duty, to confess how much I feel indebted to Dr. Smiley for his compendious Scripture Geography," a volume, the composition of which is the result of great research into vari ous and rare authorities in this department of knowledge, that are acces sible to very few persons. THE HOLY SCRIPTURES will be rendered more intelligible and interesting after the perusal of this work, the whole scopc of which seems to me to be eminently calculated, to give "energy to virtue and confidence to truth." Every class of readers may derive instruction from its pages, and it will be especially valuable in all schools for the right education of youth. ROBERTS VAUX. From the Christian Index, edited by the Rev. Dr. Brantly. "The professions of the title-page are ably sustained, in the subsequent pages of the work. The matter is abundant, judiciously arranged, and clearly set forth. The Scripture Geography should be at once introduced into all families, and schools, and its contents well digested by young and old. Any book containing Geographical allusions cannot be understood without a knowledge of the places referred to. DR. SMILEY is already well known as the author of a most useful general Geography. |