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foot was at rest, so severe for about an hour, that it brought tears to my eyes; took coffee, and pain while foot remained at rest soon ceased. Continued drinking coffee frequently to the end, and had no more pain, except when moving foot or bearing weight on it. Instep slightly red and swollen, still no outside tenderness. Could not let foot touch the ground, the pain was so acute, yet by putting the foot down very gradually in spite of some pain, and over a space of one or two minutes, and by degrees bringing the weight of the body upon it, I could stand without pain. Immediately, however, I took the weight off again, however so gently, the pain came back.

September 30th. Foot improving, can put it to the ground, and bear weight for a little time occasionally.

October 1st. Still improving, can use foot more.

A redness came out simultaneous with the improvement; used coffee as a lotion on rag for an hour, which sent the redness in and made the foot worse, so I stopped it. Slight pain in right foot before trying coffee lotion.

October 2d. Left foot better; right foot has now become affected in same manner, and now is the worse of the two.

October 3d. Still improving, but the left foot the better of the two.

October 4th. Improving, able to put on a large pair of loose boots and go into garden.

October 5th. Condition nearly normal, put on ordinary boots, and slowly took a short walk. Next day quite well.


Authority. 59, T. Wilson, M. R. C. S., Brit. Journ. of Hom., vol. xvii, p. 274, effects of vapor.

April 15th, 1857. In good health, aged thirty-eight years. Yesterday I was exposed in a small room to the vapor of the Sulphuret of carbon, for half an hour, in the evening. To-day, in the afternoon, pain commenced suddenly in the right lower eyelid, as if bruised, first observed on touching the eyelid, and near to the outer angle; after a short time the same bruised feel in the upper eyelid came on, over the region of the lachrymal gland; the globe of the eye at the upper and inner part has the same bruised feeling; the pains are all aggravated by movement of the eye or lids, also by pressure; the eyelids of the same eye feel as if swollen, but are not so; the conjunctiva of the lower eyelid redder than usual, at the outer margin of the lid; sensation as if a stye would begin. Humming noise in left ear. The above feelings were all new to me, never having had anything of the sort before.

16th. The same lower eyelid hot, painful, sore, slightly swelled, rather red near the outer angle of the eyelid.

17th. Since yesterday, continued humming in left ear, extending to the back of the head; stye forming on right lower eyelid, hot and painful. 18th. Loud humming, like wind in the distance; left ear. Lower eyelid very red and swollen, more so at the outer edge; punctured the stye with a lancet, a small quantity of muco-purulent discharge came away. When talking, I feel obliged to raise the voice on account of the loudness of the noise in the ear.

In the evening and during the night, always a feeling of fulness at back of head, with humming noise there; these sensations gone in the morning.

Yesterday took Pul. 3d without relief.

Drowsy day and night ever since exposed to the vapor of the Sulphuret of carbon.

Yesterday after dinner, and during dinner, feeling of deafness in the left ear, as if obstructed by a thick substance.

19th. Noise continues, worse after food; left ear rather deaf, and feels obstructed. Lower eyelid discharges yellow thick pus; this morning not so painful.

Took tincture of Belladonna 1st dil., a few drops yesterday, with slight relief to the noise in the ear; it returned, however, in the evening as bad as ever, with oppression at the back of the head. To-day took a few drops of tincture of Belladonna th, without the slightest relief.

20th. Noise in the ear not quite so loud. Vertigo this morning felt at the back of the head. Severe laryngeal, tracheal, and bronchial cough came on yesterday, continues to day, with soreness in the chest ; expectoration of thick mucus this morning.

Took Merc. sol., 3d trit., gr. ii, and Phos. 3d, three hours afterwards.

22d. Cough continues, but not so severe; sneezing, running at the nose, with profuse discharge of thick mucus, lachrymation, and headache in the forehead and back part. Headache worse yesterday, this evening nearly gone. Noise in the ear much less, but still continuing slightly. Symptoms of the last two days like influenza.

Took Merc. viv., 2d trit.; Kali hydr., 1st dil., gtt. iv; Hep. sul., 3d trit.; one dose of each at various periods. Eyelid about well.

27th. No noise in the ear to-day, except a little before rising in the morning. No deafuess; this is the first day since the noise in the ear commenced that I have been free from it. Still running at the nose, and cough first thing in the morning, getting easier by bedtime; ceasing entirely when lying; mucous rattle in upper part of left lung a few inches above the nipple. The right nostril bled a little yesterday and the day before.

30th. Rather loud noise in left ear, like gusts of wind through a funnel or hollow tube. Influenza continues; herpetic eruption on the upper lip. May 3d. Noise in left ear has continued since last date, more intermitting, and not so loud. Cough, with expectoration of mucus. Mucous râle in the upper part of the left lung on first waking in the morning. Took one dose of tincture of Bell., m. 1st, to day.

12th. Noise in left ear continues, other symptoms about gone. Very lowspirited from the first symptoms till yesterday.

20th. Noise in left ear, but less severe.

25th. Noise in the ear about gone.

28th. Another stye forming on right under eyelid. Noise in the ear heard slightly at times.

June 14th. Occasionally noise in the left ear.

July 5th. Noise in left ear returned yesterday, it has continued at intervals ever since; same noise as before.

The left ear continued affected for some months after this time by the morbid sound, but less in degree, and it finally ceased altogether,59.


Authority. 3, Henry Von Musitis, M.D., copied from MSS; a woman took 40 drops of tincture in half a tumbler of water, at 2.30 P.M., March 6th.

Numbness all over. Stupefaction of the head immediately. Mouth, blisters all over, at 7.30 P.M.

March 7th. Morning, very drowsy; heavy, unpleasant feeling. Headache, stupid, dull. Crossness. In the evening, no appetite; mouth and tongue sore, cannot eat on account of the soreness of the mouth. Face sunken, sickly look. Eyes deep in the sockets. Sleepy, no desire for anything. The abdomen feels sore to touch. A feeling as if her left leg were shorter, especially on walking. She thinks that the left side of her face is smaller. She imagines that the left side of the brain is shrunken. Backache. In the whole abdomen, a feeling as if everything were suppurating. Great bearing down in the genitals. Scanty yellow discharge from the vagina. Tongue very dry, without thirst, after eating.

March 8th. Morning, in the abdomen a slight tension and drawing from both ovarian regions, as if a thread were drawn in that direction. Head dull, left side seems smaller. Left eye seems smaller. Numbness all over the left side. The rawness and soreness of the mouth and tongue soon returned after rinsing the mouth with cold water. Fingers seem swollen. Symptoms seem relieved after breakfast,3.


Authority. 104, Drs. Flechner, Frankel, Schneller, and Winternitz, Zeit. der k. k. Gesel. der Erzte zu Wien, 1847, p. 171, three men made a proving with the tincture, beginning with 2 drops and increasing to 160, and in one case to 400.

The small doses up to 30 drops, produced scarcely any effect except a bitter taste and some eructations; larger doses caused in two persons dryness of the lips, a feeling of rawness or burning in the pharynx, visible increase of saliva and mucus in the mouth, nausea, inclination to vomit, and a constrictive pain in the throat and along the oesophagus, with rumbling or griping in the intestines, and tension caused by flatulence; the stools remained unaffected in two provers, but in one became very dry and indolent, and in another, after 80 drops, there was sudden diarrhoea. The symptoms from 100 drops and upwards, were pressive pain in the forehead, obscuration of the eyes; in one case, oppressive pain beneath the ensiform cartilage,104


For these we are largely indebted to Drs. Hering and Hughes. AGARICUS.-Austrian provings by Zlatarovich, Zeit. d. ver. d. Hom. Erzte Est., 1863, 2, 1; Adler took 2d dec. dil., 100 to 300-drop doses, then tincture, 4 to 80-drop doses; Adler's wife took 2d dec. dil., 100 drops first day, 200 drops second and third days; Rosalie, sixty years old, took 2d dec. dil. daily, 100, 200, and 300-drop doses, then daily, tincture, 10 to 45-drop doses; Baumgartner took first 8th dil. (1-9), then 7th, 6th, etc., finally tincture, 20 to 400 drops; Copainigg took tincture, 5 to 10-drop doses (he seemed very sensitive to its action); Wenzel took tincture, 5 to

20-drop doses; Huber took 6th dil. (dec.), 5th, etc., down to tincture doses of last, 1 to 20 drops; Kletzinsky took tincture, 5 to 10 drops; Kraus took tincture, a few drops twice; Landsmann 300th dil., then 3d and 1st without effect, then tincture, 5 to 300 drop doses; Lazar took 20th dil., 100– 300 drops; Linck took tincture, 10-25 drops, then 1st dil., 100 drops, one dose, then ten days later tincture, 15 to 80 drops, afterwards a fourth proving with 1st trituration of fresh fungus, 6-30 grains; Max took tincture, 5-15 drops; Rosenberg took tincture, 5 to 12-drop doses; Schmidt took tincture, 6 to 50-drop doses, symptoms only after 50 drops; Scholz took tincture 3 to 15 drops; Wagner took 2d dil., 1st dil., latter, doses of 10 to 150 drops, then tincture 10 to 200 drops; Zeiner took 1st dil., 5–20 drops, then 6th dil.; Zlatarovich took dilution 10 drops, then daily 5 drops, then tincture 5 to 270-drop doses, almost daily doses from 8th of June to 6th of November, then on 23d November began again with daily doses of 10 drops to 28th of February, then from 5 to 40 drops till 21st of March; Zoth took tincture, 10 to 200 drops, without effect.

Kretschmar, A. H. Z., 2, 62, proving by olfaction of the 2d dil., “on a cool summer's day." Symptom 1947 belongs to Kretschmar, and its authority is to be changed to 31.

Note to Symptom 727.-"The smell is not like that of horseradish, but like the offensive odor most people have after eating horseradish.”HERING.

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AGNUS CASTUS.-Symptom 25, transpose "eye" and "temple." Symptom 38, for "parts" read "places," and for "side" read "place." ARGENT. NITRIC.-"J." took, three evenings, a little of 1st dec. trit. in some water; “K.” took same, five doses; P." took same; “M.” took same, afterwards took in evening, 10 drops of 2d trit., three doses; "K. M." took 2d trit. twice; "M." afterward took 6th dil; N." took 30th dil.; "M." also took 30th, two doses, longer proving; "E" took 30th dil., two doses; "P." took 30th dil.

Authority 52, Hering, a correction, not a proving.


Authority 53, Lembke, instead of "20 drops to a teaspoonful of" read "20 drops of."

ARGENT. MET.-Authority 9, Hering, N. Arch., 3, 1, 96, clinical symptoms, except symptom 204, from Arch., 1, 186, produced by the 1st trit. ARNICA.-Symptom 104, instead of as if an extravasation of blood had taken place," read "a feeling as if beaten bloody."

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Symptom 114, instead of "(after some hours)," note the headache appeared some hours after taking the root, the painfulness followed the sweat. Symptom 194, for "with stupefaction" read, "benumbing."

Symptom 859," for lamenting" read "whimpering."

Symptom 864, for "expulsion" read "escaping."

ARUM TRI-Symptom 42, for "same" read "pressing.'

Symptom 170, for "same" read "pressing."

ASCLEPIAS TUB.-Symptom 37, for "upper" read "inner."
ASAFOETIDA.-Authority 6, for "Trinks" read "Jahr."

ASTERIAS.-Symptom 126, for “ 'shoulder" read "elbow."
ATROPINUM.-Authority 1, for "Eidherz" read "Eidherr."
BADIAGA.-Symptom 8, for "7 A.M. read "7 P.M."

BAPTISIA.-Corrections by D. C. J. Douglas, N. Am. Jour. of Hom.,

7, 228.

Add: "Inability to make any mental or physical effort." "Tongue

dry, acrid, on rubbing it against the roof of mouth smarted and felt sore as if burnt."

Symptom 324, for "barn-floor" read "bare floor."

Symptom 324, for "the other side " read "either side."

BARYTA ACET.-Symptom 147, "fifteen hours" read "eight hours." BARYTA CARB.-"Erase all of symptom 7."-HERING.

BELLADONNA.-Symptom 2312, for "worms in" read "warmth out of all the pores."

Note that all the notes to Bell. (not Hannemann's) are by Dr. Hughes, as well as the illuminations of Hahnemann's authorities.

BENZOIC ACID.-Symptom 66, is clinical, the note to 67 doubtless belongs to this.

Symptom 175, also clinical.

BLATTA.-Symptom 20, for "right" read "left."

Add: Formication in toes, at 7 A.M.

CALADIUM.-Symptom 2, for "illness " read "vexation."

Symptom 57, instead of "the whole day" read "for many days."

Symptom 77, instead of "at" read "below."

Symptom 132, instead of " oppression " read “anxiety."

Symptom 134, for "shoulder" read "axilla."

Symptoms 158, 159, for "nettlerash" read "rash."

Symptoms 165, for "carbuncle" read "furuncle."

Symptom 179, for "everything" read "every noise."

CALENDULA.-Symptom 20, for "fourth day" read "for four days." Symptom 15, for "before" read "behind."

CACTUS.-Symptom 212, for "band " read “hand.”

CANTHARIS.-Add, 113, Br. J. of Hom., 4, 91, effect on eyes, of making fly-plaster.



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Eyes turned towards the nose,.-Twitching of lids,".-Smarting and burning in lids and around balls,113.-Great pain from smarting in lids, on closing eyes,13-Lachrymation,' -Great dimness of vision,' CARBOLIC ACID.-Symptom 427, for "splenitis" read "splenii." CIMEX-Symptom 3, for "dull" read "stupid." Symptom 24, erase "liquid."-HERING.

Symptom 27, erase all following " a small piece."-HERING.

Volume III, page 636, fifteenth line from bottom, for "can" read "cannot."

Page 638, fourth line from bottom, for "J. Steining" read "IsenflammSteining."

Same page, second line from bottom, for "De Appons" read "De Appono.'

Same page, ninth line from top, for 5 read 6.

Page 639, in BELLADONNA, for "2016" read "2014."

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In BRYONIA, for "238 read "258." For "546" read "545."
In BAPTISIA, for "324" read "323."

CUPRUM.-Correction of note on page 4, vol. iv.

Hahnemann advised triturations of the pure metal, but included in his pathogenesis, provings with the acetate as well as the metal. It is, therefore, impossible to determine which of his symptoms belong to the metal and which to the acetate. All his provings therefore are given under the metal. Other provers, using, in part certainly, the acetate, are mentioned in the remainder of the note.

VOL. X.-42

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