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First period (the preliminary examination), 3d to 10th of April, 1877.

The average state of the barometer, 758 minims. The average temperature of the air, 9.5° C.

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1582 1528 1021.5 Sour. Urea...

Uric acid..

Sulphuric acid... 2.25

Phosphoric acid. 3.18

34.25 grams.

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Second period (0.5 gram of Calcium chloride), 10th to 17th of April, 1877.

The average state of the barometer, 758 minims. The average temperature of the air, 9° C.

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1102 1582 1596 1022 Sour.

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Third period (1.0 gram of Calcium chloride), 17th to 24th April, 1877.

The average state of the barometer, 763 minims. The average temperature of the air, 10.5° C.

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Particular ingredients.


Uric acid.....

Sulphuric acid... 3.26

Phosphoric acid. 3.442

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38.57 grams.

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Weight of body.

89,668 grams; less for 7 days, 532 grams; less for 1 day, 76 gravis.


Fourth period (1.5 grams Calcium chloride), April 24th to May 1st, 1877.

The average state of the barometer, 765 minimis. The average temperature of the air, 108° C.

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Particular ingredients.


.61.854 grams.

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39.675 grams.
Uric acid...... 0.442
Sulphuric acid... 3.945
Phosphoric acid. 3.972

13.82 "6

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The taste of Calcium chloride is salt and disagreeably bitter. It caused no burning, and particularly no disagreable feeling in the stomach and in the intestines during the whole examination.

The appetite was not increased, but also not lessened. The tongue

.2884 grams.

showed no change, as also the heart and pulse no difference from their normal state.

Only the feeling of thirst began to increase in the middle of the III period of examination, and it was necessary to allay it by drinking more water (75 grams per diem). For the rest the supply of solid food remained the same; it produced also no need for more food, but rather an indifference for it.

Calcium chloride has a diuretic effect, as the tables show. In the II period (0.5 gram per diem) the secretion of the urine increased daily to the amount of 68 grams. This effect began first on the fourth day of the II period, and increased in the following days. In the III period it increased daily to the amount of 29 grams, and in the IV period, however, by daily increased supply of 75 grams of water, to 60 grams.

The dejecture was not changed in regard to the compactness; in the III period the same increased daily to the amount of 6 grams, and in the IV period of 19 grams, in comparison with the I period of the preliminary examination. The consistence in the IV period was more pappy.

The discharge through the skin and by the lungs had, in the II period, hardly changed at all; in the III it on an average daily diminished to the amount of 13 grams; however in the IV period increased daily to 40 grams. This increase is probably to be attributed to the higher temperature in this period; the activity of the skin was greater during this period with regard to the secretion of perspiration.

Notwithstanding the diuretic effect the Calcium chloride increased also the solid parts in the urine. The specific weight of the same increased regularly from 1021.5 in the period of the preliminary examination to 1023.2 in the IV period.

The quantity of all the solid ingredients of the urine, with the exception of the uric acid, was increased.

The urea gradually increased in the course of the III period, and was finally secreted, in the IV period, to an average daily amount of 5.42 grams more than in the I period of the preliminary examination.

On the contrary, the uric acid was regularly less secreted, upon an average daily of 1.146 grams in the I, and 0.442 gram in the IV period, therefore less 0.704 gram per diem.

Sulphuric acid and Chlorine offer an almost equal progressive increase; the former in the

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The phosphoric acid was only a little increased in the II and III periods; however in the IV, on an average daily of 0.79 gram, in comparison with the results in the I period of the preliminary examination. The regular decrease of the weight of the body corresponds with the increased oxidation. In the I period it remained nearly the same; in the II period it

decreased to 43 grams; in the III period to 76 grams; in the IV period to 125 grams, on an average daily; so that the body had lost during three weeks 1700 grams (1.7 kilo.). Also the state of health had changed towards the middle of the fourth week. A feeling of exhaustion, weakness, and disinclination to work began to be felt. Although a part of these feelings may be attributed to the spring air, the steady decrease of the weight of the body and the falling of subcutaneous cellular texture (paniculus adiposus) were too evident facts.

Although it had been my intention to continue the examination for the fifth week, these feelings hindered me.

The process of oxidation was much increased in the II period (0.5 gram Calcium chloride) and in the III period (1 gram Calcium chloride), and, nevertheless, the need of food was not increased; however the oxidation in the IV period increased to such an extent (daily average decrease of the weight of the body 125 grams) that one might have expected in consequence an increased need of food. Instead of this a certain indifference for food was felt,2.


Calotropis gigantea, R. Br. (Asclepias gigantea, Roxb.).
Natural order, Asclepiadaceæ.

Common name, In India, Mádár; Sanscrit, Arka.

Preparation, Tincture of bark of root.

Authority. E. B. Ivatts, Hom. Worl, vol. xiii, 1878, p. 15.


Dilution No. 1.-The tincture was made by Treacher & Co., Bombay, from root, in proportion of one of root to eight of spirit.

September 23d, 1872. Began in evening to take 10 drops, and continued same twice a day.

September 27th. Dull headache at back of head, commencing about 11 A.M., gradually increasing up to bedtime 12 P.M. Experienced the same kind of a headache when suffering from a bilious attack. Bowels relieved in the morning; took meals as usual, and meat at supper-time. Headache very bad at times during evening.

September 28th. Slept well, headache gone, but head light, which feeling passed off after breakfast; bowels relieved same evening. Stopped medicine for two days.

October 1st. Recommenced medicine, same dose as before.

October 13th (Sunday). After breakfast, about 10.30 A.M., bowels naturally relieved, and went out for a walk. Shortly experienced a depressed tired feeling, which came on gradually. In half an hour, felt an inclination to vomit and faint. Sat on the roadside and drank cold water; rested half an hour and became better. Obtained a carriage and drove four miles, feeling better, but very cold, so much so, that I walked a mile beside the vehicle to get warm and keep up circulation. Reached home at 2.30 P.M.; felt dizziness in head; no pain. Urinated frequently; eructations constantly. At 5 P.M, attempted to eat a biscuit; felt faint, giddy, and inclined to vomit, so went to bed. Body cold, with frequent chills passing up the spinal cord; at same time head and temples hot, and cheeks burning like fire. After a time, with rugs on bed, I became very hot and perspired; pulse quickened, but I was too ill to attempt to count it. These

feverish symptoms of heat and cold continued alternately, with nausea, but not actual sickness until I got some strong coffee to sip, then I vomited about the contents of a wineglass, a yellow bile. This was about 5.30 P.M., and a lesser quantity was vomited an hour later. Oppression of chest and short respiration, but no inconvenience at heart. Lips and throat very dry and parched, having to moisten them with tongue every minute or so. Head painful, with throbbing and confusion. Sipped coffee as an antidote all night. Got little or no sleep, tossing from side to side. Had felt slight pain when moving, in the inside of right thigh just below crotch, two days before. During night, felt all down back of right thigh to be very sore, red, and hard, so much so that I had a difficulty in turning over in bed.

October 14th (morning). Convalescent but weak. Thigh so sore, swollen, and painful, that I could not bend the leg in walking, and walking gave me pain at every step, even with the aid of an umbrella as a walking stick. In fact, I was quite lame. Travelled 120 miles by train. Toward bedtime chills came on again though sitting close to fire. Chills continued in bed, they seemed to commence in the feet and run up the spinal cord. Occasional movement of the feet in bed seemed to bring on the chills. Alternating with the chills were fits of perspiration, the same, but less in degree than the previous night. Restless and feverish, with head and face hot; breath foul; unable to sleep. Camphor rub. gave relief and sleep. Pulse on going to bed weak and thready. Urine dark red, like homebrewed beer, and with strong smell. No noticeable deposit after twelve hours' standing. Cramplike pains in centre of palm of right hand when grasping anything, lasting many days. Pain, but less in degree, in wrist, when moving it. Slight soreness and swelling of right palate, giving pain when moving jaws in eating, lasting two days.

October 15th. Well, except thigh, which, however, is better, but has confined me to the house. Diffused red blotches came out on thigh, elevated and papular, and went away in three days; noticed to-day veins of hands, which are usually full and elevated, seemed thinner and depressed, and as I thought shrunken or contracted, so as to be hardly distinguishable. Drank coffee during day, and took several doses of Camph. rub.

October 16th. Better night. Thigh not so sore; could bend leg slightly, and walk about house a little; no pain when sitting or lying. When standing up to walk, tingling-burning pain. Aconitum lotion, on lint, with oil-silk over swelling, and Aconitum 1x internally, continuing Coffee, enabled me next day to walk out, and all symptoms passed away.


Had been taking the drug in 1x dilution for some few days, when the following physiological effects were produced.

September 27th, 1873. Slight pain in left foot, no superficial tenderness; no inflammation. Tenderness seemed located in tarsal bones of the foot; pain only on movement, or on bearing weight on foot.

September 28th. In the morning, on waking and moving foot, found increased pain; had to keep to house. Took Hepar sulph. 2x twice, which seemed to increase pain. Had a very bad night, intermittent pain without movement, while foot rested on bed. Restless; kept moving foot about the bed. Pain cramplike.

September 29th. Pain nearly all gone, except when attempting to move foot in bed; took two doses of Aconitum 1x dil. About 6 P.M., pain when

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