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tour, and in the feeblest outline the tendons of the extensor carpi radialis longus et brevis display themselves, but without producing any corresponding movements. It is remarkable that muscles which have their functions quite unimpaired, and are used at will by the patient, and of the action of which he has never complained, should react either not at all, or only in the smallest degree to the strongest induced currents. This is the case for both the deltoids (except the clavicular portion), for the biceps and brachialis internus. With the constant current the deltoid, biceps, supinator longus, and the extensors of the hands and fingers of both sides, with strong currents (thirty to forty elements), give only fibrillar twitchings; in fact we have in the paralyzed, as well as the unparalyzed muscles, the most marked degenerative reaction,



Authority. 20, D. Webster, M.D., Med. Record, June, 1877, p. 357, Thomas C., æt. seventeen years, while powdering the resin got some in his face and eyes.

The next morning he first noticed that his face and eyes were red, and the skin about them discolored. The discoloration extended over the whole of his face, his forehead, and the front part of his neck during the day, and the following night his eyes became so painful as to prevent sleep. On the following day all the parts which had been exposed to contact with the powder were of a yellowish-red color, but not swollen to an appreciable extent. The ocular conjunctivæ were much injected, the palpebræ only slightly, the pupils small, the eyes painful and sensitive to light,20.


Pyrus Americana, L.

Natural order, Rosaceæ.

Common name, Mountain ash.

Authority. H. P. Gatchell, M.D., Northwestern Annalist (Amer. Hom. Obs., vol. xv, 1878, p. 520), the tincture of the bark was used, several drops in a cup of water, and repeated doses of a teaspoonful of the water were taken; 1, effects on myself; 2, effects on a married lady; 3, effects on a lad; 4, effects on another lad.

Some irritation of the eyes; no other symptoms,'.-Feels like crying; feels as if the knees are immensely swollen, as if the toes the same; knees and toes ache; feels constricted around the waist, obliged to loosen the clothes at once; headache begins over the eyes; left side of head aches terribly, like a toothache; aches everywhere, in every joint; left great toe feels as if torn from its socket; sense of prolapsus of womb, bearing down and pressing out as if swollen, and burning all over; pains in the head knifelike; all the pain intense, acute; thinks the conditions that of inflammatory rheumatism; as if the lungs were congested, especially at the base; can hardly breathe, as if cold water in stomach; thinks mucus accumulated in the cold stomach; craves hot teas; headache extends to the right side; head feels as if it would burst; great weight on top of head; toes burn; aching at heart; twinging pains in arms, legs, and toes; as if rectum were shrunken, dried up; bearing-down pains, and pressing out like labor-pains; feels gloomy and discouraged, but can't cry; very cold, shivers

internally; thinks she must look blue; cold creeping all over; pain in knees subsides, and is succeeded by pain as in the tendons and along the calves. "Oh, such a drawing pain, cutting and drawing also, like that in the head." Feels resolute, as if full of a gloomy determination; thinks meat bad for her, would not digest; needs soft, mild food; irritation of bladder and urethra; feels as if prolapsus of bladder; dreads to move, especially on account of the joints; sensitive to cold; stomach still feels as if full of cold water; sick feeling under right scapula; thinks bile deficient; shooting pains in forehead; feeling as if coldness in stomach extends up under sternum; same feeling in the gullet; excessive aching of bones of toes, seems unendurable; thinks the stomach very weak, as if it would digest nothing; thinks it is dry and wrinkled; hypochondriac not nervous; feels lazy, as if she would like to lie in bed and be waited on; selfish; headache penetrating in temples; thinks she is clairvoyant; can read character and understand motions; can see into herself; thinks the blood dark blue; feels pains drawing, rending along posterior aspect of thighs and down to toes; left side most affected; feels as if the left leg were drawn up and would never straighten again; pains seems to move in meandering lines; seems to be able to go out of herself for a short distance to walk around and return into the body; thinks she is looking down upon her own body; seems to her that the fundus of the stomach is depressed in the abdomen, as if on fire at the pyloric end of stomach; thinks there is a red spot there looking like raw beef, as if the stomach were burnt up with raw whiskey; exclaims in a plaintive tone, "Don't get out of patience. with me" (of which I had given no indications); cries, feels babyish apprehension; fears something terrible is about to occur; very chilly; can't talk loud; voice gone; she feels weak, as if about to die; moans and groans; calls for help; oppression about the heart, as if it had stopped beating, as if going into convulsions; feels as in a spasm of the heart, tetanic, as if the blood were too thick to circulate; thinks she would have died but for the Camphor I gave her; felt as she did when near dying of hæmorrhage; brain is active, intellect clear, thoughts vivid, the whole being intensified; next morning sense of constriction at base of lungs; some cough; clammy feeling of skin; very sensitive to air,'-Causes a glow all over; hands sweat; some pain in finger-joints; throat feels obstructed; some hoarseness; dry cough, as if the pharynx were stuffed with cotton; it is an effort to talk; tongue feels partially paralyzed, cannot direct it; throws the paper down, has lost inclination to read; feels indolent, indifferent; feels chills when air strikes; spasmodic breathing, like a nervous woman, silly, mystical; pain in finger-joints continues; feels like crying; sad, weeping mood; tears will come; eyes smart; heart aches, as if from some great sorrow; eyes feel as if they had been crying a long time, as if swollen, burning; very sensitive to cold; easily chilled; chills down the back and both legs; ends with a very tranquil feeling, particularly of consciousness; next morning, tight feeling of patella; joints all feel constricted and sore,.-Very chilly, can't endure cold at all; other symptoms not recorded. In all three, pains and chilliness were much increased by moving about,*.


Authority. 15, Dr. R. B. Todd, Med. Times and Gaz., 1853 (Berridge, New Eng. Med. Gaz., 1876, p. 301), John Selkirk ate freely of radishes.

Admitted May 27th. Fourteen days before his admission he began to feel a drawing pain, which extended from sternum almost to middle of abdomen; at 7 P.M., May 26th, he began to feel very ill; the pain became more intense and spread to the back, but did not reach lower than umbilicus; he took one half ounce of Castor oil; during the night he became worse, and in the morning the pain still continued very severe; about 8 A.M. the bowels were relieved, but afterwards the pains became worse than ever, and the feeling of nausea which he had felt from the beginning of the attack, became also aggravated; on the 27th, soon after admission, while in a warm bath, he vomited some dark, slimy matter; the vomitiug continued at intervals till the 29th; there were tympanitic swelling, and great pain in region of ascending and transverse colon, and also of left groin; the pain was worse on pressure; the pain was of a writhing, twisting character; pulse not above 100; an enema of gruel brought away lumps of fæces, with relief to pain and sickness; convalescent June 2d,13.


Authorities. 99, Dr. D. S. Kimball, Hempel's Jahr's New Manual, Appendix, p. 1041, effects on Dr. K. of gathering and preparing some of the Tox; 100, J. H. Sherman, M.D., New Eng. Med. Gaz., vol. xi, 1876, p. 407, a lady was poisoned; 101, H. M. Logee, M.D., Cincin. Med. Advance, vol. vi, 1878, p. 168, Mrs. W., a healthy woman, aged sixty years, drank a cup of sassafras tea, in which were some roots of Rhus rad., Friday evening, and rather more than a cupful the next morning; (102 to 105, from J. Murray Moore, M.D., Annals of Brit. Hom. Soc., Aug., 1878 (Amer. Hom. Obs., vol., xv, 1878, p. 465), effects of Rhus diversiloba); 102, Dr. Max Werder gives a case of poisoning; 103, E. B. M., a lady, aged twenty-five years, was poisoned by exposure to the shrub; 104, John W., aged twenty-three years, lay down among the shrubs while sweating, and once or twice relieved his bladder there; 105, Wilson K., aged ten years, plucked some leaves.

Mind. Intellect clouded, has little recollection of her suffering, 101. Head.-Dull frontal headache (third day),103.-Shooting semilateral pain from temples to vertex, both sides alike affected; shooting pain from nape of neck to vertex; head feels too large,'


Mouth.-Increase of saliva, with burning pricking pain in the tongue; tongue feels sore at the tip,101.

Stomach.-Great desire for raw oysters,0-Loss of appetite,10[1480.] Anorexia (third day),103.—Nausea (after third day),103.-Vomiting (fifth day), 10-Derangement of the whole digestive system was very marked for three weeks (in the fifth attack),103.—In about an hour after the morning draught, she complained of burning pains in the stomach, sickness of the stomach, with dizziness; the stomach felt as though it were too large, hanging down like a bag; soon followed by chills, running from the feet to the head, followed by flashes of heat; chilled every morning during the inflammatory stage, from 2 to 3 o'clock; the pulse was full, varying in frequency from 84 to 98 beats per minute,101.

Abdomen.-Shooting pain in the region of the liver, thence to right


Stool.-Bowels costive, 103.-The feces were unaltered until near the VOL X.-40


close of the inflammatory stage, when a painless, brown, watery diarrhoea. set in; there was occasionally a little pain before getting up from stool,1o1. Urinary Organs.-Urine felt hot when passed,10-Urine scanty, high-colored, and passed with a feeling of heat in the urethra (fifth to eighth day),13-[1490.] Urine red, frequent, and in small quantities.11. Extremities.-Stiffness of the limbs (third day), 10s-Rheumatic stiffness of all the joints; pain shooting through the knee-joints from side to side; wandering pains, sometimes on one side, and then suddenly appearing on the other; pricking in the feet and fingers; feeling of great weakness; the flesh feels as though it would drop from the arms and limbs; pain seems deep, or as the patient expressed it, "Down to the bone;" all pains aggravated by gentle friction, relieved by hard rubbing only so long as rubbing was continued; wants to move the limbs frequently, which relieves the rheumatic pain, but soon has to change position for similar relief, 101

Generalities.-Extreme languor (third day),103.-Itching burning (especially in the morning), and vesicular eruption on the hands and wrist and about the eyes, with smarting and redness of the eyes, and photophobia twenty-four hours after gathering, but commencing about eighteen hours previously. Headache through the eyes and temples, with dulness and sleepiness thirty to thirty-six hours after, in the afternoon. Secretion of urine more copious and rather pale. Next day, itching, burning, and extension of the vesicular eruption around the eyes, upper lids, superciliæ, mouth, and external orifice of the ears, and drowsiness and dulness of spirits in the afternoon. Headache, slight photophobia, and obscured vision at times, as well as on the previous day. Itching of the scalp. Tongue more furred and appetite not as good. After midnight, on the beginning of the third day, pain, colic, rumbling, and griping in the bowels during repose, with sulphuretted eructations, and discharge of flatus. (Had eaten custard at noon before.) Two or three years ago when similarly affected from preparing some, had loose evacuations in the morning for several days; recurring, in addition to the colic and cutting pains in the abdomen. Rather copious secretion of palish urine continues. Rheumatic pain in the lumbar region and through the hips. Nausea, want of appetite, and loathing of food on rising in the morning, and colic and griping, etc., continue, but better after moving about during the day. Tongue still more coated. Itching of the hands and face still continues, and more extended. Took a dose of Bryonia, and it is proper to remark, that I inhaled Bryonia rather freely the evening of the exposure, otherwise I would probably have suffered still more, as I had done two or three times in as many years before. Fourth day, symptoms all materially relieved, excepting the eruption, which is more extended. Fifth, sixth, and seventh days, first eruption drying up, but coming out on new spots. From a boy up to 1842, I had always been able to handle this and the Rad., and be among it, without experiencing any inconvenience,--All the sufferings were aggravated at 2 A.M., gradually improving till about 10 A.M., and growing worse towards evening,"


Skin. The eruption made its appearance in the afternoon, after the second cup, of a bright redness, and an intense burning sensation; it soon covered the whole body from scalp to toes; the head and limbs badly swollen; the eruption, first smooth, soon assumed a minute vesicular appearance, which, in places, ran together, forming small bulbs filled with On the fifth day the vesicles began to dry up, followed by a des


quamation of the cuticle, with intense itching; the cervical glands were swollen and sore to the touch when the eruption made its appearance; swelling of the eyelids, with oedema of the upper lid,10-Sunday (the third day) there was an eruption of itching red papules behind each ear and on the neck. On Monday these papules enlarged and became more numerous, and the eyelids were red and edematous. Face was red and swelled; the cervical glands became tumid and slightly tender. On rising from bed she fainted, and again later in the day syncope came on. On Tuesday the rash had extended all over the face, over the hands, between the toes, and thighs. The itching was becoming more and more intolerable, and partook of a burning character. About the fifth day from their first appearance, the papules had become vesicles, which rapidly coalesced on the face and burst, emitting an acrid serum, which, on drying, formed a crust, so dense as to make the movement of the facial and buccal muscles painful. The nose and lips were much swollen. The oedema of the eyelids was so great as to close up the left eye entirely and the right partially. The burning and itching were somewhat relieved after the breaking of the vesicles. The acute stage was now over (six days after the commencement), but the cracking of the crusts over the face, etc., occasioned such a disfigurement that the lady was confined to the house for a fortnight more; by that time all traces of the skin erysipelas had disappeared, only an unusual irritability (to flannel, etc.) of the integument remained, and a hypersensitiveness to cold air. After a second exposure to the shrub several months later, there was very intense erysipelas of the face for four or five days. The next month there were two attacks. Five months later there was another attack, without fresh exposure, shortly after taking a bath rather too hot. The vesicles that appeared during the first two days were scattered and few, and strongly resembled the eruption of chicken-pox,103.-A fifth attack came on after taking a bath rather too hot, five months after exposure. One of the earliest symptoms was the peculiar rheumatism of Rhus, affecting the legs chiefly, a stiffness of all the joints on first moving them; aching pains in the joints, constant feeling of lameness in the legs. This rheumatism continued nearly three weeks,103.-A man was poisoned in California, in September, went back to the Eastern States, had an annual eruption for six successive years, and during the seventh attack was carried off by a pneumonia, which would not have been fatal probably to him when in his ordinary health, 102-[1500.] Within eighteen hours his face had become red, inflamed, and hideously swollen, his eyes being both quite closed, and the itching and burning were most distressing. The local erysipelas and oedema lasted one week, the papules developing into vesicles, which became confluent, and followed the same course as in the lady's case. The general eruption extended over the whole body, and did not disappear for five weeks. A salt-and-water lotion relieved this the first attack, but failed in two subsequent attacks,1%-Her face was so swollen, blistered, and mottled, that her best friends could not have recognized her; so badly were the integuments of the eyes swollen, that she could not see. She had a high fever and much burning-smarting pain over the face and head,100.— The day after he had last been among these bushes, heat and itching of the scrotum and inner adjacent surface of the thighs commenced, worse on the hairy parts. Next day the characteristic papules, on a base of diffused redness and oedema, appeared on the forehead and neck, rapidly spreading in all directions, and accompanied with heat, itching, and burning, but

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