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culty of breathing (after two hours),353-Respiration difficult, as if almost suffocated (second night),353.

Heart and Pulse.--[2370.] Anxiety at the præcordia (after two 352-Sense of heaviness and oppression of heart (after eighty minutes), 2-Strong pulsation in the carotid arteries (second day),352-Heart's sounds very weak (after three hours), 361.-Pulse imperceptible, the heart's action feebly dierotic, irregular, with not more than 40 contractions in the minute (in half an hour),372.-Pulse very quick and irregular, and so weak as to be with difficulty perceptible,370.—Pulse 146, irregular in volume and rhythm (after two hours); 140, very feeble, compressible, and irregular (after three hours), 361.-Pulse 110 and intermittent (after three hours and a half), 3-Pulse 100 (after one hour and a half),356.-Pulse 80 on taking the drug; 84 (after five to fifteen minutes); 82 (after twenty minutes); 80 (after twenty-five minutes); 72 (after thirty minutes); 80 (after thirty-five minutes); 76 (after forty to sixty minutes); 80 (after sixty-five and seventy minutes),.-[2380.] Pulse 72, before taking; same (after five to twenty minutes); 78 (after twenty-five and thirty minutes); 80 (after thirty-five to forty-five minutes); 84 (after fifty and fifty-five minutes); decline in force, but was full (after fifty minutes); 72 (after sixty minutes); 68 (after sixty-five minutes); 76 (after seventy minutes); 80 (after seventy-five to eighty-five minutes); 84 (after ninety minutes); 80 (after ninety-five minutes); 76 (after one hundred to one hundred and ten minutes); 72 (after one hundred and fifteen and one hundred and twenty minutes); slow and full, without much tension (second morning),2-Pulse small and frequent (second night),.-Pulse feeble and quick (after two hours),--Pulse scarcely perceptible at the wrist,-Pulse slow and full (after ten hours),360.-Pulse almost imperceptible and also irregular (after three hours),-Pulseless at wrists and temples (after two hours),358.

Neck.-Weakness in those muscles which support the head erect (after one hundred minutes),352.


Extremities. Considerable rigidity of the muscles of the arms and legs (after two hours), -Power of muscular motion diminished; slight pains were felt in the recti and vasti muscles of the thigh; also pain in the arms and legs when I attempted to move them (after eighty minutes),2.


Superior Extremities. — [2390.] Fingers and nails congested (after two hours),.-Nails greatly congested (after three hours),Thumbs of both hands rigidly extended at right angles (after two hours),3 Generalities.-Finding no relief I lost sixteen ounces of blood; in a short time after I felt much better. The blood which was drawn had an inflammatory crust formed on the surface; it coagulated very firmly, and the edges by retracting within the bowl and turning up, exhibited the cupped appearance; there was a large proportion of serum,352-He was in normal health, and had fasted eighteen hours before commencing the experiment. He had never smoked tobacco. Twenty-seven pipes, equivalent to 107 grains of the Opium used by the Chinese, were smoked in two hours and three-quarters, at tolerably regular intervals. The third removed the feeling of hunger caused by his long fast, and his pulse rose from 72 to 80. The fourth and fifth caused slight heaviness and desire for sleep, but there was no hesitation in giving correct answers, though he could not guide himself about the room. After the seventh pipe the pulse fell to 70. The twelfth pipe was followed by singing in the ears, and after the thirteenth he laughed heartily, though without any cause that he can remember. Questions asked at this time were answered only after a pause,

and not always correctly. He had for some time ceased to be conscious of his actions. After the twenty-fifth pipe, questions asked in a loud tone were not answerrd. After the last pipe had been smoked, he remarked, "I do not hear well." Forty minutes later there was a slight return of consciousness, and he said, "I am quite bewildered. May I smoke some more? Is the man with the pipe gone already?" Fifteen minutes later (4.55 P.M.) he was able to go home, and then retired to bed. He woke next morning at 3 A.M., and made a hearty meal, after his fast of thirtythree hours. During the next day he felt as if he had bees in a great hollow in his head, as well as a slight headache. The organs of locomotion were first affected, next came sight and hearing, but Herr Maclay is very positive that there were no dreams, hallucinations, or visions of any sort whatever,Spasms of the muscles,.-Twitching of the tendons (after ten hours), 3-Violent convulsions, the face, neck, and extremities becoming turgid, livid, and cold,.-Frequent fearful spasms; eyes shut, pupils closely contracted, and breathing stertorous. In the interval between the spasm, he was perfectly limp, and had no control over his extremities, and his head drooped forward or fell backward in a heavy, ungovernable way,3 -Relaxation in the muscular system (after one hundred minutes),352. [2400.] Muscular system entirely flaccid,359.-Very much agitated, frequently rising from the bed, and walking with haste across the floor (after two hours),3-Began to feel languid (after fifty minutes), 352-Weak and languid (second day), 3-Considerable debility (after three hours),2.— Debility was great, and such languor and lassitude that I could scarcely walk across the room (second morning),3-Tendency to syncope (second day),-No sensibility to external impressions,.-Complete anesthesia and muscular relaxation (in half an hour),371.


Skin.-Skin dry (after three hours), 361-[2410.] The skin appears more full, as if elevated or swollen, particularly on the face and hands (after two hours),352-About noon of the second day erysipelas of the face began to be developed, and extended from the face to the head quite rapidly,568

Sleep.-Drowsiness (after two hours),352 366. -While an emetic of Sulphate of zinc was operating, there was a great propensity to sleep, but this was of short duration; she did not sleep till some time in the night ensuing, which was seventeen hours after the Opium was taken; she then slept four hours, after this was much relieved and tranquil for several hours, 353.-Profound sleep, from which it could not be aroused (after two hours),358.


Fever.-Skin cold (after three hours),".-Slight rigors were frequent (second day),2.-Face and extremities cold and livid (in half an hour),31. -Skin cold and moist,.-Extremities cold,353 357, etc.-[2420.] Extremities cold and clammy (after one hour and a half),.-Surface hot (after two hours),.—Heat on the skin, particularly of the face (after ten minutes),1.-Covered with cold clammy sweat (after three hours and a half),357. -Slight perspiration on forehead, of a cold, clammy character (after two hours),361.


Oxeodaphne Californica.

Common name, Mountain Laurel of California.

Authority. J. Murray Moore, Month. Hom. Rev., vol. xxii. 1878, p. 485. One morning I took 5 drops of this tincture (of the leaves), and ex

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perienced no symptoms except a confusion in the head. After six hours 10 drops more were taken, and dizziness, worse on stooping or on moving about, came on, followed by a dull, pressive, fronto-occipital headache. This headache passed off during the night's rest. The urine, etc., were unaffected. Olfaction of this tincture produced on me a most intense headache of a similar nature. I next tried the effect of olfaction on such of my friends as were willing. On almost all occasions the following sensations were produced, immediately after a few brief "sniffs," indeed, in two sensitives one sniff was sufficient: An intense aching, with pressure at the inner angle of the orbit, right or left, generally the latter, but never in both simultaneously, extending through the brain and across the scalp to the base of the occiput. This headache lasted for half an hour to seven hours, was aggravated by light, noise and moving, and relieved by closing the eyes and by perfect quiet.

The element.


Authority. (C. Hering, M.D., North Am. Journ. of Hom., New Ser., vol. ix, 1878, p. 136); 1, effects of triturating (first day), took, at 11.30 A.M.. a teaspoonful of the black water, obtained from washing out the mortar after making the 1st trituration (third day); a swallow of the rinsings at 9 A.M. (fifth day); 2, Mrs. Margaret C. took 3 drops 4th at 6.30 A.M. (first day), same at 5.45 (second day), 4 drops at 5.30 A.M. (fourth day); after all symptoms had vanished, took 6 glob. of 5th, then of 6th, for three mornings, without experiencing anything more; 2a, same, took 4 drops at 6 A.M., and another dose before retiring; 3, Dr. C. G. Raue took a dose of 3d trit. in the morning (first day), second dose (fourth day), third dose in the morning (eighth day); 4, Mr. Oscar Tietze took 3d trit. at 9.30 a.m., three hours after breakfast; 5, Dr. Pherson took 1 drop of 3d trit. at 9 A.M.; 6, Dr. J. R. Coxe made a proving on A. S. C. S., a woman, æt. twentynine years, who took a dose of 3d trit. at 10 P.M. (first day), another dose at 7 A.M. and 10 P.M. (second day), sixth dose at 6 A.M. (fourth day), eighth powder in the morning (fifth day); 7, M. I. C. took 2 grains 3d trit. daily for six days; 8, S. A. C., æt. ten years, took 2 grains 3d trit. daily for five days; 9, D. C., æt. fifteen years, took same daily for four days; 10, L. C. C., æt. thirteen years, took 8 grains 3d trit., within four days, without noticing symptoms; 11, I. R. C. took 1 grain 3d trit. daily for eight days; 12, Dr. C. Niedhard, Mrs. N., a nursing mother, took 1 grain 3d trit. between 3 and 7 A.M., two days before she expected her catamenia, which occurred through the period of nursing, and on the second day took a cold bath, which she had not done for a long time.

Mind.-Strong inclination to use forcible language and violent expressions (first day),'.--Time seems longer to him, as often as he looked to the clock less time had passed than he expected (fifth day),.-The child was irritable (first day),.-Ill-humored in the evening (fifth day),'.-She is in a disagreeable mood; feels as if she could not bear or put up with anything, without anything having occurred. The child is the only one with whom she is not impatient (second day),.-Though usually tired in the evening, feels mentally "gone;" is very awkward in speaking English, it is too much trouble, he is tired of it (fourth day),.

Head.-Very painful dulness in the head, stitches running to and fro in the left side of the head (after half an hour, third day),'.-Some headache,.-Headache in the morning (sixth day),.—[10.] Insupportable

headache (seventh day),.-Frequent headache, as before, inwardly in places the size of an apple or a fist, or dull crooked stitches (eighth to eleventh day),'.-Noticed no symptoms until 6 P.M. (eleven hours and a half). After a walk, dull heavy pain in left eye and in back part of orbit, lasting one hour, grew severer in spreading over forehead and vertex, then disappeared (first day). Towards 8 o'clock, after a walk, pain in right eye, temple, and around the ear. During dinner pain in right temple near the eye. Slight unpleasant sensation around the left eye (second day),2.—Headache, making her irritable and impatient; she feels as if it would do her good if "she could knock somebody's head off," but is able to control herself. Inclined to be pert, and makes faces like a savage (fourth day),.-Forehead. Dulness in frontal region, as if a heavy load were lying on the brain; each experiment is accompanied by the feeling as if this load were pushed forward from the occiput to the forehead. (It occupies more the central portion of the brain, the temples are free). (after one hour). In an hour and a half the pain had reached its climax, abated gradually, and all was gone in three hours,.-Slight fulness in forehead and a sensation as if the brain were being shaken; lasted for thirty-six hours, but was not unpleasant,.-In the afternoon, dull aching and heavy feeling across the forehead and over the eyes (first day). Next morning again heaviness over the eyes and in forehead,".-While triturating and soon after a pressure is felt on the right side of the forehead, in the boundary line of the hair covering a spot the size of a finger-tip, and lasting from half an hour to an hour; the sensation is that of a cooling or slightly burning pressure, and is quite new,'.-A fluttering pain in "cautiousness," right side, between a stinging and pressing, passes off when touching it or fixing the attention upon it (first day),-Temples. Very marked tension in temples (after four hours),-120.] Pain in temples and on the vertex, lasting several hours (after four hours),2.-While walking in the open air, dull pain in the temple and orbit (after one hour and a half),2.-Light, transient pain in the left of the vertex (after one minute),.- Vertex and Parietals. At dinner (after six hours) pain in vertex, a violent pressure, causing a numbness, as from great heat or cold. Between 2 and 3 P.M. the headache became severe, she had to lie down. She felt as if her head were being swung to and fro, from behind forward, not from side to side. Slept one hour, then the headache was better (second day),.-She had a dreamy headache, more in the upper and back part of the head, different from the headache she had had in the last few days (second day),.-Constricting sensation in right side of head, at 12 o'clock, through the entire inner head, left side, at 1 o'clock (fourth day),'.-In the evening violent sharp headache and neuralgia, left side. Took Nitric acid without relief (seventh day),.-Occiput. Dulness in occiput, lasting the entire evening (third day),'.-External Head. For several days two pimples on the scalp behind the left ear, running a slow course (fifth day),'.-Sensation of roughness on the forehead and slight itching, off and on, for two days,.

Eye.-[30.] Eyes dry and itching, nearly every evening, rubs them, without giving relief (fifth day),'.-While walking, pain around left eye, extending beyond right eyebrow (after four hours), 2-Eyelids felt heavy, in the afternoon (first day),".-Edges of eyelids feel dry (fourth and fifth days),'.-Itching of the eyelids, has to rub them, more left than right side (first day),*.

Nose.-Slight coryza (third dry),'.-Burning in the nose, as from horseradish, followed by a watery discharge, in the evening (third day),'.

Face. He thinks he notices a marked diminution of growth in his. beard (sixth day),'.-Since several days, and particularly noticeable to-day, is a sensitiveness of the second left upper incisor, and a feeling as if it were a dead foreign body (seventh day),'.—The right corner of the mouth pains as if sore (fourth day),1.

Throat.—[40.] Frequently hawks up small solid lumps of phlegm, which he must swallow (eighth to eleventh day),'.-Peculiar pain in throat when swallowing, as if something were hanging in the region of the hyoid bone, as if breadcrumbs had lodged there; the pain disappears for several minutes, then returns suddenly, while the muscles of the throat are in a passive state, a disagreeable, tickling sensation, as if an awn had lodged in the throat (first day),'.-Dryness of fauces and tongue; the tongue looks redder in the middle; no thirst in the morning (fifth day),'.

Stomach.--Aversion to beer (eighth to eleventh day),'.-Several times tasteless eructations between 10 and 11 A.M. (after half an hour),'.-Several times eructations, the last one leaving a sourish taste in the mouth (soon),.-Violent pain, like the digging with the end of a stick, in right side, two or three inches to the right of the epigastrium, where the eighth and ninth ribs ascend to the sternum; then pressing pain under the ribs, left side (third day),'.

Abdomen.-Pain and soreness in the liver (seventh day),.-Frequent passage of small quantities of odorless flatus (third day),'.-Frequent passages of unusually small and short flatus (sixth day),'.-150.] Bellyache before rising (third day),2.-Pain in the abdomen, particularly in the region of the spleen (third day),.-Soon after rising, between 6 and 7 A.M., most violent, sharp, knifelike pains in the lower portion of the abdomen; she seldom had anything similar. It was so severe that she could not hold the child, but passed off after a passage. Two slight attacks after breakfast, with inclination to stool; nothing passed, however, but wind (seventh day),.-Is troubled at times with symptoms of tapeworm. Palladium seemed to have a special effect upon it. Sensation as if the abdomen were enlarging, very soon. Several stitches in the left side, in the region of the hip-bone, but more inward; in the intervals a peculiar pain, as if air-bubbles pressed forcibly upward through the intestines. The stitches and the peculiar feeling in the intestines returned, and extended to the right side. After 11 A.M. transient pain in the lower portion of the intestines, on the right side, as if the testicles were squeezed. About an hour later, after a meal, the above-mentioned stitches returned, but were of short duration. They returned several times, first on the left side, then less severe on the right. Often but single stitches, or, more accurately, bites, as if an animal were snapping and tearing off little bits from the inside. Flatulency and distension of the abdomen. Sensation as if the intestines were strangulated and twisted in different directions, more in the upper than lower portion. Frequent passage of flatus. Painful stitches in the left side, followed by cutting, more right than left side, almost unbearable, lasting some minutes; returns after a short interval and lasts longer (first day). Stitches in the abdomen (second day). Unpleasant sensation in the groins, painful to pressure, feeling as if emptied of viscera (third day). The prover had no more symptoms of tapeworm for more than a year afterwards,'.—Aching in the left groin at every step (seventh day),3.

Rectum and Anus.-At the approach of a stool, dull stitches, or dull aching twitches, in the left side of the rectum. The dull stitches return in the evening (tenth day),".-Pain in rectum, with a retained stool,

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