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no balancing of arguments in the arrival at this conclusion; there was no half-way period of doubt and uncertainty, to emerge into full credence. At the instant the idea occurred at all, it commanded the assent with the same fulness as when in perfect mental health does the idea of our own existence. The thought certainly occurred that it was a delusion, but it made no more impression than the suggestion would, that the sense of sight was a figment of the brain, and objects seen had no existence, except in the imagination. This belief was not a transient one; it was the first hallucination to appear, and continued with varying degrees of intensity, as the thoughts were more or less occupied with other objects, till all others had disappeared. The belief in the reality of the vision was never for an instant absent; it pervaded the whole being, and was often the point on which the thoughts turned seemingly for a long time. The painful attempt to regulate these disturbed states of consciousness, was soon given up, and half involuntarily, half by a species of moral compulsion, the whole psychical nature surrendered itself without further struggle, to the fullest and most complete belief in the actual existence of a thousand hallucinations. During this time the thoughts were becoming more and more disordered; ideas, between which, apparently, there was not the slightest connection, thrust themselves in, till finally their rapid occurrence, and the loss of that sense of governing the mind which we ordinarily possess, induced the belief that I was the victim of diabolical agency; that some terrible demon had taken possession of my whole intellectual being, and identified himself with every thought, in the same way that a man might direct the physical movements of a child. The feeling of utter powerlessness to check the wild current of thought was complete, and there was a sensation as though, if there had been the ability, the will could not be exercised. The firmest intentions were forgotten in an instant. There seemed to be no difference between the idea and the expression of it in words. A moment was long enough to forget whether it had been expressed or not. The sound of persons whispering in the room, brought with it the belief that they were laying some plot. It was not a vague suspicion that they were intending some injury, such as whispers and glances might excite in any one, but everything they had said, the particulars of the whole plot, were present, with the same vividness and overpowering conviction as they always are in true hallucinations. The fantasia had now arrived at its height. It was an hour and a half since the first sensation of excitement and wandering commenced. About the same time passed before it had completely subsided. The mental phenomena in this stage were as remarkable as while the effects were coming on. One after another the delusions disappeared as rapidly as they came; not by any exercise of the gradually returning regularity of thought, but suddenly, with a bound, so that it was surprising to have believed a moment before what now appeared so absurd,-Majoun produces effects like laughing-gas, except that they last for many hours. Some cry, some laugh, some fall into drowsy listlessness; some are rendered talkative and funny. They see visions, imagine themselves reduced to poverty, or become emperors and commanders of armies, the natural disposition predominating in the derangement. Men under its influence were pointed out to me in the streets. They walked along with fixed eye, heedless of all around them. Some take it daily in small quantities, producing, as one of them described it, "a comfortable state of mind,” without appearing to impair the general health. Under its influence the mouth is parched; it is not in their power to spit; their eyes become red

and small; they are ravenous for food. A young English clergyman took some Majoun as a sweetmeat. Some hours passed without any visible effects, when a musician, who had the faculty of strangely distorting his features, came in dressed as a mummer. The clergyman took him for the devil, and a most laughable scene ensued. Next morning, on inquiries after his health, he said he had slept soundly and agreeably, " as the windows and doors were bolted." Later in the day the effect disappeared entirely, and he seemed to recollect the circumstances with a confused pleasure, describing various things that had never happened. In my case I fancied my head an inverted pendulum, which it cost me a great deal of labor to keep straight, when I could resist no longer, and let it go, and it went back as if a blow had been discharged. I struggled against each relapse out of a sense of politeness towards the company, of which I did not fail to inform them, notwithstanding their roars of laughter. The back of my neck was a pivot; there was a heavy upper weight on the top of my head, and the pendulum was swinging between my legs; but the pendulum was attracted upwards to the table, and I had to struggle to keep it down by keeping my head up. The swinging fit was accompanied by bursts of laughter. I derived great pleasure from allowing my head to go back; but the laughter was unlike any mortal merriment; it seemed as never to end, and to press me, and to lead up to a mountain-top. When any one put his hand behind my head, fearing the effect of the jerks, or that I should throw the chair over, I was very much annoyed, because it disturbed, as I said, "the isochronism of the oscillations." I afterwards saw a similar effect produced on a European who did not know what he had taken. He was constantly throwing back his head and looking at the ceiling, and exhibited no other symptom, which only made this the more ludicrous. After keeping the party for four hours in a state of continual convulsion, I became irresistibly drowsy, and was moved away to bed. This operation sickened me, and brought on a slight vomiting. The instant I was in bed I fell asleep, and slept without intermission for nine hours; and then awoke, perfectly recovered and fresh, with a feeling of lightness, and in high spirits. One of the most remarkable effects was that it seemed to lay bare your inmost thoughts, and to present a mirror on which was reflected every act of your life, and that you were constrained to reveal and confess it all. One describes the effects on a party thus: "We were eight, and seven took to laughing, and one to crying, and the more he cried the more we laughed, and the more we laughed the more he cried, and so we spent the night, and in the morning we went to bed." The master of a Portuguese vessel to whom it was given without his being aware of its nature, thought himself bewi ched, and his crew were on the point of securing him as deranged. He saw a ship stranded on the bar, and ordered out his boats to her assistance; he then saw the devil cooking in the caboose, and with the demeanor of an insane person, was all the while reasoning on the evidences of his insanity,.-At 6.58 P.M. I took 0.6 gram of Egyptian Hasheesh, and half an hour after 0.4 gram in addition. Before taking, pulse 72, at 7.10, pulse 80. First sensation, pendulum-like oscillations in the head. 7.20, pulse 84; a feeling of flow of blood towards the upper part of head, and a strange sensation of contraction, and a kind of collapse within myself; the pendulum-like oscillations in the head increasing. 7.40, an irresistible inclination to laugh, loud laughter, without any particular cause, tendency to rapid movements; pulse 84. I took several quick turns up and down the room, and then sat down. 7.55, a feeling of heat and prick

ing in the head, sensation of coldness and numbness in the extremities, which are cold to the touch, and an indefinite feeling of melancholy and uneasiness; occasional starts, without any visible cause, like those of electric shocks; pulse 96. Playing on the piano, performed by one of those present, produced a magical effect; it seemed as if the sounds were wafted from a great distance, that every sound had its peculiar life, a special fulness and expressiveness; the sounds seemed to come with fearful rapidity from an endless distance, and to be reflected immediately in the ear; in a word, an ordinary performance seemed equal to that of some eminent pianist, and I thought myself a refined and profound connoisseur, calmly enjoying the playing of some distinguished musician. 8.10, pulse 104, full; the sensation of heat in the head and pricking in the temples increased; I seemed to hear a loud noise, like that of a waterfall; suddenly the nature of the noise changed, and it seemed to proceed from a number of vehicles driving in the street; then again the noise became like what is heard at the close of a performance at a theatre, the rumbling of vehicles, shouts of men, all combining into one general roar; these sounds suddenly disappeared, and give place to the booming of cannon, and reports of guns at a manoeuvre. I cut these sensations short by the force of my will, and took a quick turn in the room. I felt a violent thirst. After drinking a glass of water, I sat down on the sofa, and closed my eyes at 8.30. Scarcely had I done so, when I felt a remarkable buoyancy and flexibility in all my body; before my eyes appeared a whole series of variously-tinted luminous figures, rapidly vanishing; their shapes being in the highest degree undefined; then appeared a row of more or less well-defined shapes. The most varied and most luxuriant pictures of nature ever seen by me in reality or in drawings, transported me into a magical world; I thought I was in some virgin forests of South America, then in some cities of Switzerland, and then amidst the ocean, and again amongst heaps of ice and snow, etc. An entire series of reminiscences of childhood, the faces of friends and acquaintances, and the faces (known to me by portraits) of authors, savants, poets, politicians, etc., all these became blended in my head, presenting a kind of phantasmagoria, and the most variegated picture. All these sensations passed rapidly and distinctly before me, and I felt so enraptured that I begged to be allowed to plunge into this fantastic world, and to leave off dictating my feelings. This state lasted till 9.20. During this time those who were present observed that my face was hot, red, and moist; pulse 108. On my recovery, I got up with the intention of walking across the room, but noticed that my gait was unsteady, and that I was swerving to the left, and that the upper and lower extremities of my left side were benumbed. I drank a little water and wine. At 9.45 I experienced sharp and occasionally shooting pains in the loins and in the region of the kidneys. These pains, as well as a feeling of nausea, made my state very uncomfortable; I endeavored to induce vomiting by tickling the root of the tongue, but did not succeed. It was nearly midnight when I sat down to supper, and ate with a great appetite. At 1 A.M. I went to bed, and my first sensation was that I was flying from an enormous rock into a fearful and dark abyss. I fell asleep at once, and slept very soundly. It was 11.30 A.M. when I awoke, with a feeling of heaviness in the head, with full remembrance of the previous day, and a sensation of emptiness and incapacity for thought. Whatever I did appeared endlessly long; my words, and the conversation of others, seemed too prolonged, whereas in reality it appeared that I spoke as usual. I went out into the street to

take an airing, but the farther I went the more it seemed to me that I was walking a very long time, and that the houses and people were all flying away from me. Making an effort over myself, I took the first vehicle and drove back home. On my arrival, I at once lay down and slept till evening. On awaking I felt much livelier. The urine which I had collected during the experiment had a peculiar odor, something like that of Cannabis indica. During the day, according to my own observation, as well as that of others, my face was exceedingly pale, the pupils dilated, the expression that of great illness. It was only on the next day that I was able to take to my ordinary occupations,.-Great weight about the head, followed by irresistible bursts of laughter, during which, however, perfectly conscious of all that he was doing, and felt, and thought. He says: "I was astonished by the crowd of brilliant and novel fancies and ideas that rushed through my brain, returning over and over again. Imagination and perception were developed to their fullest extent. All the principal incidents of my life passed before me like a flash. This condition of mind lasted two hours. Dreams and reveries of the most pleasing character filled this extraordinary tension of the intellectual faculties. Then came a deep calm sleep, which terminated this singular fit or mental hallucination," -They saw several lunatics in Cairo Hospital who had lost their reason from the use of Hasheesh,.-[900.] They were without provocation seized with a paroxysm of frenzy, and killed and wounded several on board the ship," -Loss of sense of existence of his own body; he seemed suspended in the air; transformed into a cylinder or sphere; he seemed to see a yellow color like the color of chromate of lead over everything, changing to violet and green,.-Hallucinations,.-Excited, loquacious, and gay,.-Involuntary cries,.-Very vivacious talking was the first symptom,.-Incoherent speech,".-Constant talking and laughing,". Incoherent loquacity,.-Loss of memory,".-[910.] The action was powerfully narcotic; he felt all the symptoms of intoxication,".-Attacks of lethargy, with an unconscious stage,.-Loss of consciousness of the centre of gravity, and seeming as if on the point of falling,“.


Head. The peculiar sensation of giddiness produced by it is increased by walking about, and subsides during rest,".-Whirling in the head,.— Heaviness of the head, 57 58-Tension and heaviness of the head,.—Tension in the head,.-Sensation of tension in the brain,54 57.-Pressure in the temples,.


Eye.-[920.] Eyes brilliant (after one hour),.-Eyes injected,5 5558Divergent squint,.-Prickling in the margins of the lids,-Lachrymation,53 54 58-Conjunctivitis,".-Conjunctiva red,54 57.-Pupils dilated (after one hour),5 55 57 58-Vision confused,54 56.


Face.-Face congested, 56-[930.] The face became red, with efforts to vomit,-Trembling of the lips,.-Constriction of the jaws, 5.-It seemed to him as if he must forcibly compress the jaws,54.

Mouth.-Tongue dry,-Tongue dry, covered with dry mucus,.Mouth dry, 5358-Dryness of the mouth and throat,.

Throat.-Dryness of the throat, 55, etc.-Sensation of devouring fire in the pharynx and oesophagus,.-[940.] Burning in the throat on inspiring air,.

Stomach.-Nausea,.-Nausea and efforts to vomit after eating,.
Stool.-Next day bowels did not act,62.

Respiratory Organs.-Respiration rapid,".-Dyspnoea,5.
Chest.-Sensation of constriction in the chest,.


Heart and Pulse.-Palpitation, 57. - Intense palpitation of the heart,.-Pulse 109 (before taking); 140 (after one hour); 92 (after three hours),[950.] Pulse 80, regular (before taking); became very rapid, 130, and irregular; afterwards small, contracted,53-Pulse 75 (before taking); ran up to 120, became small and irregular,.-Pulse 70 and regular (on taking); 115 (after one hour),.-Pulse 78, regular (before taking); afterwards 120,.-Pulse 72 (before taking); rose to 125, and became irregular,


Neck and Back.-Rigidity of the nape of the neck,".-Beating in the nape of the neck,57.

Extremities.-Contractions of the arms and legs,.-Sensation of stiffness in the limbs,.-Trembling of the arms,.-[960.] Incoördination of the movements of the lower limbs,.-Involuntary contractions of the tendons of the feet,53.

Generalities.-Trembling on moving either the hands or feet,.Muscular feebleness,52 55 58-General lassitude,.


Fever.-Frequent general shuddering,.-Extremities cold,53 54, etc.Chilliness in the limbs,.-Pyrexia,".-Skin dry and hot,".-[970.] Heat of the face,"


Authorities. 19, Andrew Robertson, Pharm. Journ., vol. vi, 1846, p. 72, quotes Mr. Bartlett, a young man took a small dose of the extract; 20, Wm. F. Daniell, M.D., Pharm. Journ., vol. ix, 1850, p. 364, effects of smoking Dakka; 21, Obs. sur Le Chauvre Indigéne, by Prosper Albert, Strasbourg, 1859, the author took 3 grams of the alcoholic extract of the leaves an hour after eating; 22, ibid., a girl, aged twenty-five years, took 200 grams of the extract of the leaves; 23, ibid., the author, at another time, took 3 grams of the extract; 24, ibid., M. L., took the extract; 25, ibid., M. L., took 2 grams; 26, ibid., M. L., took 6 grams of the alcoholic extract; 27, ibid., the author took 4 grams of the extract.




Mind.-First seemed very animated with a congested face, with great loquacity, inclining the head to the right and left,".-Great agitation," Became almost violent, when he assumed a very sad, preoccupied air," Gesticulations, 2.--Spasmodic gestures,20-[470.] She rose up and spun around on one foot and began to walk,"-Disposition to laugh," ".-Constant laughter mingled with cries,.-Whistling and singing,".-Great loquacity,-Constant murmuring of unintelligible words,".-At first she seemed very much preoccupied,".-Great sadness after the experiment,"1.— Upon the subsidence of temporary excitement, the party experiences all those soothing sensations of ease and comfort, with that pleasing languor stated to constitute the potent charm that renders it in such universal request. If the inhaling process is carried beyond this stage, inebriation shortly supervenes,20.-[480.] The action was that of a powerful narcotic. He felt all the symptoms of intoxication,19.-I seemed to lose consciousness of the existence of my limbs, a sensation compared to that when under the influence of chloroform, without complete loss of consciousness,".-She went into a comatose state, which lasted four hours,”.

Head.-Vertigo was the first symptom,".-My head seemed to describe a circular movement, which propagated itself to the whole body, so that I fell to the ground,".-Whirling in the head,26.-Head heavy,".-Great heaviness of the head,".-Heaviness of the head, and headache after the

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