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had nausea, feeling of distension of stomach, with great pain, as if there were a fire within him, burning in mouth, and subsequently vomiting of a greenish fluid; to these were speedily added burning in throat and along œsophagus, urgent tenesmus, with slight discharge of mucus, excoriation of anus. During the latter part of his illness he had bloody discharges from his stomach,270.-Terrible efforts to vomit, which were unsuccessful,366. Slight distress in the stomach (after five minutes); retching, with slight vomiting (after ten minutes),.-Vomiting,2620, etc.-Vomiting and purging, 229 352-Vomiting and diarrhoea, followed by collapse,.-Pain and vomiting, 289-Vomiting (after some hours); vomited matter pinkish,292.[3100.] Drink immediately rejected, 25.-Persistent vomiting,.-Vomited severely, etc.-Severe vomiting, almost immediately,".-Intense vomiting and thirst,.-Vomiting, lasting till death,2 -Chronic vomiting 36-Became very sick, and vomited frequently; occasionally vomited blood,286.-After a drink of milk, or a severe fit of vomiting, she fell back in bed utterly prostrate, and after lying quiet for a time began to toss about her legs and arms, to complain of much pain and sickness, which ended in vomiting and prostration as before,.-Sudden and violent vomiting, terminating in abortion, and afterwards death,253.—[3110.] Vomiting was attended with much anxiety and great prostration of strength, and a sensation of tightness at throat,.-Vomited a great deal, particularly when she drank anything,.-Spontaneous vomiting set in immediately, whereby much of the poison was thrown off,.-Vomiting for many hours, during which time she was very prostrate. Nothing would lie on her stomach; she continued to vomit a greenish matter, streaked with blood,332. -Vomited half-digested food,264-Sudden vomiting of food, mixed with bile,.-Found him lying on the bed with a basinful of watery, frothy fluid near him, which he had just thrown up. He had begun to vomit in ten minutes after swallowing the water, and it had continued till now (nearly two hours). Nothing would stay on his stomach; water being thrown up immediately after swallowing. The vomiting was painless," -Vomiting of glairy fluid, in the morning,.-Vomiting of glairy substances tinged with blood," Vomiting of mucus in the morning, with increased secretion of saliva," 3120.] Vomited two or three times a yellowish fluid (after six hours),262-Frequent vomiting, watery and bilious,361. -Repeated bilious vomiting,.-Vomiting at first bilious, then bloody, 273. Vomiting streaked with blood,".- Bloody vomiting, 2.- Frequent bloody vomiting, 37-In one case a few drops of blood were vomited," Blood appeared in the matters vomited and evacuated by the bowels, Vomited repeatedly a reddish sort of matter," [3130.] Green vomiting,276-Vomiting on drinking; vomiting green,.-Vomiting, latterly of a green insoluble bile,".-Vomited matters of a bright grass green," Persistent vomiting of green matter, 362.-Vomited matters were a brownish watery fluid, which became green on standing, 20.-Stomach. Mucous membranes generally pale and anæmic,.-Indigestion in various forms,296. -For three or four weeks had had dyspeptic symptoms, and frequently had pain after meals, and could use little else than oatmeal porridge or other light farinaceous food,328.-Gastritis rapidly increasing, collapse, and death thirteen hours after the poisoning,-[3140.] Cardialgia,ás 369. Violent gastrodynia,.-Stomatitis (third day),6.-Considerable tenderness on firm pressure on the epigastrium (after five hours),293.-Tenderness at epigastrium and upper part of abdomen (after second day),312-Stomach and abdomen tender and painful to touch,352-Slight tenderness of epigas








372 373



trium,273.-Sensitiveness of the epigastrium,359.-Epigastrium painful to pressure, 3.-General distress in the stomach, followed by nausea and vomiting,[3150.] Burning pain in stomach,273 334 361-Severe burning pain in stomach,264-Sense of burning extending from pylorus to throat," -Burning pain in epigastrium and over upper part of abdomen, especially when pressed,3-Burning pain in the stomach (after five hours); increased (after six hours),293.-Burning pain in the stomach (after half an hour); increased burning in the cardiac portion of the stomach (after three hours),35 -Burning in stomach, great tenderness of epigastrium, and cramps,279. Dreadful burning in the stomach, with a great deal of thirst,In ten minutes she became very sick. During the night there was much burning pain in the stomach. Pain in stomach and bowels, and slight tenderness; more tenderness at the large end of stomach than at any other part of abdomen,250-Smarting pain in the stomach,325-[3160.] Sensation of coldness at pit of stomach,26-Heat in stomach, throat, and mouth,2-Excessive heat in the stomach, and burning like fire,.-Sensation of fulness at stomach,Constant feeling of the stomach being overloaded,.-Constant feeling of the stomach being overloaded at early morning,287.—Spasmodic pain, writhing, twisting about, moaning, and making strange faces. On arriving at the house, found her more free from pain, but with a sensation of burning heat in throat and stomach,258.-His stomach seemed to jump, and severe pain, with vomiting ensued. The matter vomited was fluid, apparently the water he had drank, and it relieved him. The pains soon returned, however, and were very acute over the whole belly,259-Pain in stomach,2.—Pain in stomach when she drank,2-[3170.] Pain on pressure over stomach,264-In three days he had pain in stomach. On continuing the applications it became excessive; convulsive tremor of the muscles followed, and he died. The stomach was found to be in the highest degree inflamed,237.-Pain and heat in region of stomach and lower part of chest,2-Violent pain in the epigastrium and chest,.-Violent pain in the epigastrium, aggravated by pressure,.-Extremely acute pain in the stomach, 352.--Inteuse pain in region of stomach, not materially increased by pressure, 2-Constriction of the epigastric region,



Abdomen.-Sensation of a bar around the flanks,348.-Inclined to lie on abdomen,.-[3180.] Abdomen distended,347 356-Abdomen much swollen and tympanitic,.-Abdomen distended, painful,.-Abdomen meteoric, painful,-Tympanitic belly,-Abdominal muscles tense, outline distinct; firm pressure excited a little pain in right hypochondrium," -Abdomen retracted, not painful,2-Abdomen retracted,"-Mucous derangement of bowels and colic,315.-Increased contractility of intestine and stomach; increased peristaltic action of intestines,.-[3190.] Abdomen tender on pressure, and somewhat distended,.-Abdomen painful, tender,357. -Occasional uneasiness in abdomen, and sometimes ineffectual efforts to go to stool,23. Colic,336 361. — Constant colic,.-Dull griping pain in bowels,-Bowels griped and moved freely,26-Griping pains,Very violent pain in the abdomen, especially in the epigastric region,374.—Abdominal pain and tenderness to touch, 30-3200.] Pain referred to the upper abdomen, but not much increased on pressure,309.-Pain and tenderness over entire abdomen (after three hours),330.-Dreadful pains in belly,290. -Violent burning pain in the abdomen,35.-Severe burning pain in bowels,Severe burning pain in whole bowels, but particularly in the side,2-Burning heat in the intestines,-Smarting pain in the bowels,325. -Cutting pains through the bowels (second day),330.

Rectum and Anus.-Peculiar feeling of smarting and pain at the end of the rectum; inclination to evacuate, but not at all of the nature of tenesmus, -[3210.] Tenesmus, 240 275



Stool. Diarrhea. Diarrhoea,251 262, etc.-Tendency to dysenteric diarrhoea,3-Frequent diarrhoea,.-Purging; the stools were inodorous and unhealthy,2-Diarrhoea occurred in two women, one of whom had taken a purgative the previous morning (second day),".-Diarrhoea, with great prostration of strength, 07-Stools, which weakened him so much that he felt himself fainting. He could not get into bed again, his legs trembled, and his weakness was extreme. The weakness in both men was relieved by white wine,259.-Painless, watery diarrhoea, greenish color, Involuntary stools, serous and corroding, as if there were burning fire at the anus,7-[3220.] Purging (after some hours); stools a white curdy fluid,-Alvine evacuations, 1-Stools very numerous,265.-Two thin stools a day, 366-Profuse liquid stools,372-The stools are more frequent and less consistent, but this seldom, if ever, becomes changed into true diarrhoea, and more rarely still into dysentery,.-In two instances, one of them in my own household, it is credited with dysentery; and bloody stools in three cases,39.Bloody purging and tenesmus,.-Bloody stools,372. Bloody evacuations from the bowels,".-[3230.] Watery, greenish, involuntary stools (after six hours),.-Frequent green stools,-Stools frequently thin, with grumous particles,".-Stools black and solid (third day),-Constipation. Stools dry, and only every few days, 3-Frequent calls to stool, with discharge of small quantities of a brick-red fluid (one case), With the exception of one minute portion of very hard fæces, nothing was evacuated till the sixth day, when she took a dose of castor oil, after which her bowels were natural,20-Constipation,229 296, etc. Urinary Organs.-Violent pains in the kidneys, bladder, and penis,-Urethritis,.-[3240.] Frequent efforts to urinate,.-Urinated frequently,Frequent urination, pain in bladder,270.-Difficult micturition, but without pain. After eight months the impediment on urinating still continued,269.-Micturition very difficult and painful (third day),361.Urinated with pain, urine being red (fourth day),2.-Pain in urination," Urine is more abundant and more frequent. This increased secretion of urine alternates with the cutaneous transpiration, and is the more considerable the drier the skin is,.--Scanty urine,295 328. 328. —Urine very scanty (second day),.-[3250.] Suppression of urine,293 345 348, etc.-Suppression of urine; a very small quantity was drawn by the catheter, tested by Fehling's liquid, was found to contain sugar,".-Urine scanty, and depositing lithate of ammonia,2-Urine high-colored and scanty,--Bloody urine,28-Urine at first red,345.-A very small quantity of urine was drawn by the catheter, giving with Fehling's liquid the characteristic reaction of glycosuria,




Sexual Organs.-Excessive swelling and intolerable pains in the penis, with violent efforts to urinate,.-Frequent priapism,270.-Arseniceating causes strong sexual desire,-[3260.] He thought the genitals. had been excited by the Arsenic,328-Premature delivery,.-I can trace to it miscarriage and flooding, uterine suffering, which gave way when the cause was removed,389.

269 270

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Respiratory Organs. - Bronchitis, which yielded slowly,285. Voice. Thickness and roughness of voice,291a. 91-Hoarseness, Voice hoarse, toneless, 373.-Voice feeble," -Voice weak and low,3 Voice trembling,357.-[3270.] Voice faint, 30.-Voice lost (after several



days), 354 362

354 362 - Cough and Expectoration. Cough,.-Short cough,276. -Short, dry, hacking cough,On the day before death there were cough. and muco-crepitant râles (without dulness) in posterior part of lungs,".Cough, worse at night, caused by tickling in throat, worse on speaking, causing pain in abdomen, with green expectoration,76.-Cough, especially in the morning, with expectoration of slimy purulent masses, but rather scanty,Cough, with yellowish expectoration, and bronchitic râles in chest,2-Respiration. Respiration hurried,[3280.] Respiration 25 per minute (after five hours); 30 (after six hours); more labored and rapid (after ten hours); ceased entirely (after twelve hours),293.-Breathing quick and audible,260-Respiration slow,362.-Shortness of breath,294 327-Respiration labored, sighing,3-Difficulty of breathing, 240 291, etc.-Difficulty of breathing, which lasted till death,276.-The breathing becomes more facile, and is accompanied with a certain feeling of comfort,".-Dyspnea,295.

Chest. The pectoralis muscles seemed wasted, so that the chest had a peculiar sunken appearance,-[3290.] Some oppression of chest, with difficult breathing,6-Tightness and dryness of chest,".-Complained of symptoms of the lungs, which were found to be congested,3-Sensation of weight upon the chest, 352-Violent pain in the chest and stomach,.-At first talking caused pain to shoot upwards on sides of thorax,20.-Smarting pain in the chest, along the sternum,325.-Shock in the apex of the right lung, with a somewhat higher percussion-sound than in the left; auscultation there was increased, vesicular murmur, and large and fine moist râles; the cough and expectoration disappeared after a few days, when no more signs were noticed in the right lung,.-Pain in the right side of the chest,372

273 307

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356 357

Heart and Pulse.-Very decided bruit de souffle of the heart (eighth day),359.-[3300.] Tumultuous beating of the heart, but no pulse, Heart's action quick and faltering (after five hours and a half),1-Action of the heart rapid, feeble, with no pulse at the wrist,362.-Action of the heart feeble and irregular,.-Palpitation, 2-Severe palpitation,295 373.— Pulse quick,-Pulse very rapid and nearly imperceptible,30-Pulse rapid and extremely feeble (after six hours),262-Pulse rapid and irregular.3 -[3310.] Feeble, rapid pulse,289.-Pulse 160 and very weak,.-Pulse above 120, rather unequal,26-Pulse 120 to 130, but not hard,260.-Pulse thready, 120 to 130, and in two somewhat intermittent,28-Pulse 120, soft, a little jerking (second day),325.-Pulse 110, regular, but soft and weak, 28. -Pulse 100, full and compressible; afterwards quick and fluttering; latter weak,264-Pulse 100 and weak,250.-Quick, small pulse," etc.[3320.] Quick, wiry pulse,".-Pulse quick and somewhat jerky at first, but lowered in power and frequency,3 -Pulse hard, feverish,369.Pulse slightly accelerated (after three hours); 126 and wanting in volume (after five hours); 130 and feeble (after six hours); ceased at wrists (after ten hours),293.-Pulse became more full and frequent, but sank again, and only beat with greater force and frequency when the dose was increased,17. -Pulse full and strong,.-Pulse very weak,265.-Feeble pulse," .-Pulse small,.-Pulse became small and thready, 355-[3330.] Pulse small, irreg ular, 352-Pulse very irregular,355.-Pulse 50 and soft (after half an hour); small and thready (after three hours),30-Nearly pulseless,2-Pulse imperceptible at wrist or temple, and felt over the heart to be beating faintly 150 a minute,25-Pulse imperceptible (after five hours and a half),292 348. Neck and Back.-Complete extension of the hand was not wholly possible and was painful,.-Pains in the back,".-Intense pain in back,


258 350


-Acute tearing pains in the lower portion of the spine,.-[3340.] Pain in loins,275 285.

Extremities.-In two cases within my knowledge the nails altered color and peeled off-The nails were of a dirty yellowish-brown color, with longitudinal furrows and cracks,.-Nails livid, violet,.-Swelling of limbs,2-The. muscles of the upper and lower extremities were atrophic,. -Arms and legs paralyzed, with violent pains in muscles and in bowels,2". -The upper and lower extremities became paralyzed, first noticed after five weeks; on attempting to rise from bed her legs gave way, and she was. unable to rise without assistance,.-Extremities rigid and painful, with spasms,-Occasional spasmodic twitchings of muscles of limbs,308[3350.] Trembling of the limbs with the attack,270.-Limbs tremble, cannot support the body, 369-Excitement of muscles of extremities,".-Constant agitation of the hands and feet,.-Threatened paralysis of both arms and right side and leg,.-The flexor muscles of the four last fingers of each hand and of all the toes were in a state of contraction, and the two last phalanges were flexed upon the first, and the balls of the fingers and toes rested upon the palms and soles, on account of which the patient walked with great difficulty,.-Almost complete loss of power in the extremities, more of the left side, without loss of sensibility (seventh day),359. -Lassitude in the extremities,.-Remarkable insensibility of hands and feet,-Numbness and pain in arms and legs,.-[3360.] Tingling in limbs, 282-Legs and arms feel as if something were gnawing them,250. Cramps in the limbs,341 348 354-Pains in limbs,.-Acute pains in limbs,364. -Shifting pains in extremities, particularly in the arms, which had not their usual strength,238.-Seven months before her death she had a violent attack of neuralgia of the shoulder, which afterwards extended to both groins, the thorax, and back; this was relieved for a time, but continued with most agonizing severity; the abdomen became enormously tympanitic; muscular paraplegia slowly ensued, and she died,305.


Superior Extremities.-Arms in constant motion about head, as if picking at something above the head,260.-Painful tumefaction of the right arm and hand,.-The arms and hands became sore, and mortified and sloughed,316-[3370.] Pain in the arms, particularly the left, of which he had in some degree lost the strength (after six days). The motions of the hands are much less impaired than those of the arm and forearm; in particular the power of bending the forearm on the arm is almost entirely lost,Tingling sensation in axillæ for eight days, Subsultus tendi-Neither extension nor flexion of the hand was complete,374. The interosseous spaces in the dorsa of the hands were deep furrows; the hands looked as though they belonged to a skeleton; the palms formed deep concavities,.-Finger clenched,.-Most remarkable was the complete immobility of the fingers, which were flexed on their two first phalangeal joints, forming an incompletely closed fist,".-Feeling of fuzziness in the fingers, extending up the arm, ending in complete loss of the sense of touch,74


282 354

Inferior Extremities.-Paralysis of the inferior extremities, 5.— Complete paralysis of the lower extremities,.-[3380.] In one case, which recovered after the lapse of a month, there were partial paralysis of lower extremities and desquamation of cuticle,273.-In the lower limbs the muscles of the thigh were feeble and soft, and the calf formed only a flabby bundle of fibres; the foot of the patient remained in an extended position, so that the back of the foot formed a line with the spine of the tibia, while

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