INDEX. Abscess of Liver-W. LOVELL DODGE, 9. conite, for palpitation, 245. Aconite, Is there a Difference in the Home- Actwa Racemosa-C. C. CURTIS, 281. Actwa Racemosa, or cimicifuga—S. SEWARD, Agnus Castus, in Facial Neuralgia-CLAR- Albuminuria, Fuchsin for-Trans. by WM. Allium Cepa, common onion-W. WRIGHT, Anæsthetics, 330. Anesthetics in Labor-S. P. BURDICK, 279. A New State Board of Health, 132. Arnica Montana, in disturbances in the Par Arsenic, in Scrofulous Ophthalmia-Loos- Arsenicum, in Chronic Gastritis-T. L. Asimina Triloba, common paw paw-W. P. Awa, in General Weakness and Nervous- Bismuthum, in Facial Neuralgia, 290. Books, Reviews and Notices of 26, 45, 81, 109, 135, 168, 224, 226, 275, 306, 338. Calcarea Carb-A. F. RANDALL, 131. Cases from Practice-C. E. CHASE, 292. Catalepsy, Complicated with Chorea—D. Catheterism in Difficult Cases-F. G. 16. Caulophyllin, Does It Secure Easy Labor Central New York Homeopathic Med. So- Cervix Uteri, Stenosis of-H. N. GUERN Characteristic of Disease at this Period— Chronic Gastritis, Arsenicum in-J. L. Ciliary Blepharitis, 18. Clarifying Water by Peach Kernels, 245. Clavicle, a New Bandage for the Fracture Clinical Cases-GEO. M. ОCKFORD, 290.- Clinical Tests-GEO. M. ОCKFORD, 211. Constipation, Nat. Mur. in-J. C. BUR- Constipation, Opium in-D. F. HALLETT, 53. Convulsive Contraction of the Esophagus Correspondence, 140, 166, 193, 227, 253, Deafness Cured by the Politzer Inflation and Diarrhoea and Dysentery, Infantile-ASA Differential Diagnosis of Syphilis and Chan- Digitalis in Dropsy-W. H HAINES, 52. Diphtheria, Ice in, 55. Diphtheria, Mercury and its amalgams in, Diseases of the Uterus-C. P. HART, 266. Distemper, Treatment of, 91. Dysentery, Autumnal, Colchicum in-H. Dyspepsia, a case pronounced hopeless- Dysmenorrhoea-D F. HILLER, 52. Ear Abscess, 312. Eczema, Psorinum in-WM. C. HAWLEY, Editorial, 19, 44, 72, 103, 132, 160, 188, 216, 246, 274, 304, 330. Electricity in Diseases of the Ear. I. C. Epidemic Remedies, C. H. VIEHE, 134, Erysipelas, P. K. GUILD, 68. Erysipelas, Treatment of, CLARENCE M. Etiology and Therapeutics, A. C. RICKEY, External Otitis, its Resembance to Blephar- Felon, Cure for, E. F. BROWN, 246. Fungus on the Lower Jaw, Thuja in, Tuko. Gastric Catarrh, Trans. by WM. SCHER- Gelsemium, in Chills and Fever, SAMUEL Gelsemium in Infantile Paralysis, W. M. Gelsemium in Vaginismus, JULIA II. SMITH, Gelsemium, Notes on, T. M. TRIPLETT, Gleet, Sepia in, W. M. HAINES, 53. HALE, on Sterility, JOHN W. STREETER, HALE'S Sterility in Spanish, 104. Hepar Sulphur Kali, H. JOULLON. Hepar Sulphur, for Sensitiveness of the Hernia, Hypodermic Injections in, 89. Homœopathic Med. Dep't of Iowa State Homoeopathy Illustrated, 22, 51, 80, 100, Homœopathy in Chronic Disease, BROWN, Homeopathy-Its Sphere of Action and Hot Water for Diseases of the Mucous How to Choose a Doctor, 214. Hydrate of Chloral for Foul Smelling Foot Hydrargyrum Chloratum Mite,, 247. Indiana Institute of Homœopathy, 101 Inspissated cerumen, Sixty-three cases of— Intermittent Fever, Roasted Table Salt in, Intrapariated Hernia complicated with Iodoform in Dysmenorrhoea--E. M. HALE, Items of Interest, 82, 114, 170. Jaborand in Obstetrics-E. M. HALE, 66. La hesis, in Melancholia-G. N. BRIGHAM, Liver, Abscess of-W. LOVELL DODGE, 9. Lycopodium, in Colicky Pains, 292. Lycopodium, in Rheumatoid Pains-GEO. E. Lycopodium, New Important Pathognomo- 171. Malarial Fevers-F. W. ADRIANCE, 295. Mania-S. H. TALCOTT, 280. Massachusetts Medical Society, 312. Mate, or Brazilian Tea, 215. Medical Controversy vs. Medical Discus- Medical Ethics, 304. Meeting of Homo. Med. Society of N. Y. Meeting of Homæ. Med. Society of N. Y. Melancholia, Suicidal Case of-N. E. Here. Biniod, in Intermittent Neuralgia- Mercurius, a Possible Proving of, 88. Miscarriage, Treatment of-J. H. SHER Morning Sickness-A. MCNEAL, 146. Nasal and Facial bones, compound, com- Nerve Stretching-104. Nerve Stretching and Neurectomy of the Neuralgia, Facial-USSIER, 163. Neuralgia, Intermittent, Merc.-Biniod, in- New Mode of observing the vibrations of New York College, opening of the twentieth Ninth Paragraph of the Organon-W. A. Nipples, Cracked, 90. Notes from Practice-W. P. ARMSTRONG, Nux Vomica, in Umbilical Hernia-W. H. Obstetrics, Jaborandi, in-E. M. HALE, 66. 150. Parotitis, and its simple treatment—-C. H. Pelvis, The, - and Diseases of its Organs-- Pelvic Organs, Principles controling the Phlegmonous Erysipelas of the Face, Jos. Phlegmonous Erysipelas of the Face, D. Physical Diagnosis, J. W. DOWLING, 280. Pimply Face, Acne, 90. Placental Adhesions, W. P. ARMSTRONG, |