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solidated and arranged a vast amount of material which cannot fail to be of vast utility to the student and practitioner of medicine.

The work is profusely illustrated by about one hundred and forty engravings, executed especially for its elucidation. In addition to the

above engravings, the work is illustrated by sixteen plates.

The head lines sufficiently explain the scope of this work of Prof. Jones, than whom no one is better qualified to write upon these subjects, and his teachings may be regarded as strictly reliable and in accord with Southern professional sentiment.

Dr. Jones has long been regarded as the microscopist of the South, and, in fact, has an international reputation in this specialty, and his investigations of these fevers cannot fail to be of great interest, since the germ theory is claiming such universal professional recognition.

The price of the above work is $6.50, in neat substantial binding. Postage to any part of America, fifty cents. Postage to foreign countries fifty cents.

Address Prof. Joseph Jones, M.D., post-office box 1,500, New Orleans, La

SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL GAZETTE.-We have received the initial number of the above thirty-two paged new candidate for professional favor. It is edited by M. F. Cooms, A. M., M.D., and J. B. Marvin, B.S., M.D., assisted by an able corps of seventeen collaborators, among whom we notice the name of Dr. L. S. McMurtry, of Danville, Ky. The names of these men guarantee that it will be ably edited, and prove an acquisition to the ranks of journalism. gladly welcome it to our exchange list. It is published at Louisville, Ky. Subscription $1 per year in advance.

SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY for February contains: "Julius Cæsar as Pontifex Maximus," as a frontispiece; "The Likeness of Julius Cæsar," by John C. Roper; "The Residuary Legatee, or the Posthumous Jest of the Late John Austin," by J. S. of Dale; "Half a Curse," by Octave Thanet; "Ivory and Gold," a poem, by Charles Henry Luders; "Reminiscences of the Siege and Commune of Paris," by E. B. Washburne, ex-Minister to France; "Seth's Brother's Wife," by Harold Frederic; "The Last Furrow," by Charles Edwin Markham;

"Glimpses at the Diaries of Gouvernevr Morris," by Annie Cary Morris; "The Story of a New York House," by H. C. Bunner; "Our Naval Policy," by James Russell Soley, U. S. Navy; "The Ducharmes of the Baskatonge," by Duncan Campbell Scott; "After Death," a poem, by Louise Chandler Moulton; "M. Coquelin," by Brander Matthews; "Russian Novels," by Thomas Sergeant Perry. Price 25 cents a number; $3 a year. Address Charles Scribner's Sons, Publishers, 743 and 745 Broadway, New York.

SYRUPUS ROBORANS.-This preparation of syrup of hypophosphites is manufactured by Arthur Peter & Co., of Louisville, who claim its flavor and perfection as a pharmaceutical compound; that it is an open and fair formula; that it is made accurately by that formula; that it is the cheapest to the trade, the physician, and the consumer of any syrup hypophosphites compound now on the market; that it is a perfectly stable syrup. This stability makes it readily miscible with liquid pepsin, U. S. P. in from 3 to equal quantities, Fowler solution in from three to five drops to the drachm, and with syrup iodide iron, thus enabling you to unite the hypophosphites as a basis with these important agents to suit special cases.

BUFFALO, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1886. Provident Chemical Works, St. Louis, Mo..-GENTLEMEN : Some time ago you very kindly sent me a box of your Crystaline Phosphate. I have not had an opportunity heretofore to give you an ex pression of opinion regarding it. Now that I have given it a fair trial, it gives me great pleasure to say that it certainly is a most excellent preparation, and one of undoubted value in the class of diseases for which it was and is intended. Very truly yours,

361 Seneca St., Buffalo.

VERY CORRECT.-The more I see of hernia, the more I am convinced that, if the protrusion does not go back readily and speedily, the best interests of the patient will be subserved by an early oper ation.-P. S. Conner, M.D., of Cincinnati, in the College and Clinical Record,

SCOTT & BOWNE, manufacturing chemists of New York, make a specialty of producing an emulsion of cod liver oil with hypophosphites. Their great care in selecting the oil and in making the combination is amply proven by the high therapeutical value set upon the emulsion by the profession. It is no new remedy, but has been steadily growing in demand for a number of years. It is certainly very useful in restoring wasting tissue, and in cases of scrofulous children it acts almost as a specific. They also offer a Buckthorn Cordial, which is highly useful in the treatment of constipation.

THE Committee of Arrangements of the Ninth International Medical Congress, at Washington, D. C., which will meet in that city in 1887, is divided, for active work, into the following sub-committees: Congressional Legislation, Finance, Printing, Reception, Entertainment, Transportation, and Place of Meeting for the Congress and its Sections. While this committee is composed of some of the ablest and most influential physicians of the District, a citizens' auxiliary committee has also been formed, to assist, on behalf of the "laity," in welcoming and entertaining the distinguished guests.

MIND AND MATTER.—At a recent trial as to the sanity of an individual, which took place in Hopkinsville, Ky., the following laconic replies were elicited from a prominent physician of our sister Commonwealth, who was on the witness-stand as an expert:

"What is mind?"

"No matter."

"What is matter ?"

"Never mind.”

"THE DOCTOR" is the title of a new bi-weekly journal, published and edited by Charles Welles, New York, as "a popular paper for physicians and their friends." Another new journal is the Dental Review, published by W. T. Keener, of Chicago, Ill.; another, the Pittsburgh Medical Review.

THE AMPHITHEATRE is a monthly medical journal published in New York City. The medical students and the medical colleges of America are to be its particular source of solicitude.

THE "Antiseptic Shake" has become a well-recognized convention in the clinics of the city. The surgeon about to operate extends to his invited guest, not his hand, but his elbow, which is gently seized by the latter, a slight pendulum motion is made, the courtesies of the day exchanged, and then the quasi-anatomical relations cease.


it is shown that true courtesy is not inconsistent with micro-parasitical innocuousness.-N. Y. Med. Record.

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THE superiority of Lactopeptine over pepsine as a digestive agent is everywhere acknowledged, and is rapidiy succeeding it. From extended experience in the use of Lactopeptine, we unhesitatingly recommend it as a most valuable remedial agent in certain forms of dyspepsia, vomiting in pregnancy, and especially in cholera infantum.

-Canada Lancet.

FIRE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA.-The anatomical hall belonging to the medical department of the University of Virginia was destroyed by fire on the 20th of November. The loss is estimated at $8000, a portion of which is covered by insurance. The medical course will not be interrupted in consequence of the loss sustained.

PARKE, DAVIS & Co., of Detroit, Mich., have placed both physicians and their patients under lasting obligations for their elegant and eligible pharmaceutical preparations. Most especially so, by means of their excellent capsules, both empty and filled, which have never failed to give the utmost satisfaction.

DR. JULIAN J. CHISOLM, Professor of Eye and Ear Diseases in the University of Maryland, has accepted the Presidency of the Section on Opthalmology in the International Medical Congress, to meet in Washington in September, 1887.





zoboracic Acid.

Antiseptic, Prophylactic, Disinfectant, Non-
Toxic. Non-Irritant, Non-Escharotic,
Absolutely Safe, Agreeable, Sci-
entific, and Strictly Pro-

And equally adapted to internal use and the
surgical treatment of all parts of the human
body, whether by spray, irrigation, or simple
local application,

Listerine Comes Nearer an Ideal Antisep. tic than any Preparation Ever Presented to the Medical World.

Listerine has withstood the comparativ clinical tests of the many officinal drugs cently classed as antiseptics in the natur progress of medical theories and laboratory observations, no one of which so happily combines the above qualities as this carefully prepared formula of Benzo-Boracic Acid with Vegetable Products and Ozoniferous Essences, all antiseptics and chemically compatible.

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FORMULA. Each fluid drachm of "Lithiated Hydrangea" represents thirty grains of Fresh Hydrangea, and three grains of chemically pure Benzo-Salicylate of Lithia. Prepared by our improved process of osmosis, it is invariably of definite and uniform therapeutic strength, and hence can be depended upon in clinical practice. Kidney Alterative and Anti-Lithic.

Reliable, Uniform, and Definite The solution and elimination of an excess of uric acid and urates is best attained by an intelligent combination of certain forms of Lithia and a Kidney Alterative.

The ascertained value of Hydrangea in Calculous Complaints and Abnormal Conditions of the Kidneys through the earlier reports of Drs. Atlee, Horsley, Monkur, Butrfer, and others, and the well-known utility of Lithia in the diseases of the uric acid diathesis, at once justified the therapeutic claims for Lambert's Lithiated Hydrangea when first announced to the medical profession, and it is now regarded by physicians generally as the best and most soothing Kidney Alterative and Anti-lithic Agent yet known in the treatment of URINARY CALCULUS,

Send for new Formula Book and General Reports establishing its value externally in Surgery, Obstetrics, Gynecology, Leucorrhoea, Gonorrhoea, and all Mucous Membrane Catarrhs; internally in Typhoid and other Fevers, Zymotic Diseases, Diphtheria, Scarlet Fever, Dyspepsia, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, and all forms of Cholera, and as a general Prophylactic.






LAMBERT PHARMACAL CO., 116 Olive St., St. Louis,

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