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puts pharmacy and applied chemistry much in debt to him. The number just issued contains, among other matters, interesting information on the extent to which cocaine has come into use. Dr. Squibb has, since October, 1884, made and sold seventy-six and a half pounds of the alkaloid, using in the process about twenty-two thousand three hundred pounds of leaves. The price has fallen from $1.25 to 13 cents per grain.-Polyclinic.

A DEFINITION OF GOUT.-Dr. Milner Fothergill gives the following succinct account of the pathology of gout: "When kidneys first appear in the animal kindom, the form of urinary secretion is uric acid. Uric acid belongs to animals with a three-chambered heart and a solid urine (reptiles and birds). The mammalia possess a four-chambered heart and fluid urine, the form of urinary secretion being the soluable urea. When the human liver becomes depraved or degraded, it has a tendency to form primitive urinary products. To the question, 'What is gout?' the answer is: 'Gout is hepatic reversion, when primitive urine is formed by a mammalian liver.""-Columbus Medical Journal.

MISSISSIPPI VALLEY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. - The next meeting of this Society will be held at Crab Orchard Springs, Ky., in July, 1887. There is every prospect of a large attendance, and the papers to be presented give promise of being of unusual value. Physiciars having cases to report should communicate with Dr. J. L. Gray, corner Wabash Avenue and Sixteenth Street, Chicago.

A CURE FOR WARTS.-Take 15 grains of corrosive sublimate and dissolve in one ounce of collodion. Brush the warts carefully once a day with this solution. This remedy is more efficacious and more convenient than other recommended procedures.-Zeitschrift d. Oester. Apotheker-V,


Prepared According to the Directions of Prof. E. N.
Horsford, of Cambridge, Mass.

FORMULA:-Its analysis shows that each fluid drachm contains 5 1-2 grains of free Phosphoric Acid (P205), and nearly 4 grains Phosphate of Lime, Magnesia, Iron, and Potash.

Among the numerous forms of Phosphorous in combination, Horsford's Acid Phosphate seems best adapted as a medicinal remedy, and it has been in use by the medical fraternity of the United States and elsewhere for several years, with the most satisfactory results, in

Dyspepsia, Indigestion,

Mental and Physical Exhaustion, Insomnia, Nervousness, Diminished Vitality, Etc.

Especially serviceable as a menstruum for the administration of such alkaloids as strychnia, morphia, quinia, and other organic bases which are usually exhibited in acid combination.

It makes a Refreshing and Nutritious Drink in Fevers, and with water and sugar a delicious beverage.

We have received a very large number of letters from physicians of the highest standing in all parts of the country, relating their experience with the Acid Phosphate, and speaking of it in high terms of commendation.

Physicians who have not used Horsford's Acid Phosphate, and who wish to test it, will be furnished a sample on application, without expense, except express charges.






Each dessertspoonful contains

Free Phosphorus, gr. 1-100.

Total Calisaya Alkaloids, gr. §.
Pyrophosphate of Iron, gr. i.

This is the only preparation containing in solution Free Phosphorus, Pyrophosphate of Iron, and Calisaya Alkaloids.

It is the only Elixir of Calisaya which contains an effective proportion of Alkaloids.

The proportion of these Alkaloids is invariable—of Quinia, Quinidia, Cinchonia, Cinchonidia, and Chinoidine. The exhibition of a given dose of these Alkaloids in solution with agreeable pungent aromatics, produces more emphatic and certain results than the same dose in the pill or powder form.


It is the only preparation extant containing Phosphorus in solution. dessertspoonful actually forms a very effective dose of the combined remedies for an adult.

It is a beautiful bright amber-colored elixir, acceptable alike to the taste and to the stomach.

As a tonic in convalescence from fevers and debilitating diseases; as a brain and nerve tonic and invigorant, these remedies have long enjoyed high repute. As combined in this "Phosphorized Elixir" (Fairchild), better results may be anticipated than from any other form in which they are prepared.

It is important to specify Fairchild's, owing to the great number of similarly named but valueless "Elixirs of Calisaya."


82 and 84 Fulton St., New York.

LOCAL APPLICATIONS IN VAGINITIS.-Slocum has recently, in The Medical News, called attention to a communication upon the use of vaginal tampons of absorbent cotton "coated with boracic acid" in the treatment of profuse and offensive leucorrhoea, a method which he prefers to the use of boroglyceride cotton tampons, because the glycerine causes a copious watery discharge which, though at times beneficial, is not always desirable. At the Jefferson Medical College Hospital boric acid has been used in the treatment of vaginitis with very satisfactory results. A large cylindrical tampon, with a string attached to it, is covered with glycerine and then thoroughly coated with boric acid sprinkled from an ordinary pepper-box. It is allowed to remain in the vagina for forty-eight hours.

Delineau, in the Révue Médico-Chirurgicale des Maladies des Femmes for October, advises, in vaginitis, the use of a powder compossed of salicylic acid three parts, powder of poplar charcoal five parts, and powdered talc ten parts, applied by an insufflator to the entire vaginal surface.

We find in the same number of the Révue the following method of preparing salicylated cotton, which may also be used not only for uterine, but also for vaginal application. One hundred parts each of concentrated alcohol and of purified cotton, ten of salicylic acid, and one of glycerine are provided. The salicylic acid is dissolved in the alcohol, the glycerine added, and then the cetton is saturated in the mixture, the superflous fluid squeezed out, and the cotton dried and kept in hermetically sealed flasks.-Phila. Med. News.

Death Under CHLOROFORM.-An inquest was recently held at the Manchester Workhouse, Crumpsall, on the body of a man who died while under the influence of chloroform, administered for the performance of an operation. The jury returned a verdict of "Death from misadventure," and were of opinion that the drug had been skilfully and properly administered.

A MUCH needed Sanitary Association, with 125 members, has been organized in Montreal.

Reviews and Book Notices

A MANUAL OF OBSTETRICS. By A. F. A. KING, A. M., M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children in Medical Department of the Columbian University, Washington, D. C., and in the University of Vermont. Third edition. Cloth, 12m0, pp. 379; with 102 illustrations. Philadelphia: Lea Brothers & Co.


We have in this work a splendid compilation of the existing views and practices of a subject in which science and art should have their closest association.

It is without the purpose to supersede, and it contains the promulgations of but few "doctrines.' Its already considerable distribution is its best recommendation as to practical requisites; while the intermediate nature of its assistance, if rightly appreciated, is an admirably designed aid to thorough conversance with the branch.

A commendable departure is a chapter on the jurisprudence of the subject, a bare enumeration of whose topics would almost exhaust a book agent's volubilty; yet it is brief and, for the circumstances, concise and definite.

HAND-BOOK OF PRACTICAL MEDICINE. By HERMANN EICHHERST, Professor of Spinal Pathology and Therapeutics, and Director of the University of Medical Clinic in Zurich. Vol. III.-Diseases of the Nerves, Muscles, and Skin. One hundred and fifty-seven wood engravings. (Wood's Standard Library for October, 1886.) New York: William Wood & Co.

The very large amount of information comprised in this volume, and its ready practicability, constitutes its valid claim for the foremost place in the set.

It should be a matter of professional pride that the literature of to-day can furnish such a fund of hitherto unobserved and

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