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Anatomical evidences of reduction in certain of the Amentiferae. [Chicago. 1914.] "Bibliography," p. 58.

A botanical index of cretaceous and tertiary climates. 1915.]

[New York.

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Lotsy, J. P. Vorträge über botanische stammesgeschichte, gehalten an der Reichsuniversität zu Leiden. Bd. i, ii; iii, 1. Jena. 1907-11.

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The climatic distribution of certain types of angio- MacDougal, D. T. Alterations in heredity induced by sperm leaves. (Lancaster, Pa. ovarial treatments. [Chicago. 1911.]


Bailey, L. H. Sketch of the evolution of our native fruits.
Bateson, William. The methods and scope of genetics.
Cambridge [Eng.]. 1908.

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Bessey, C. E. Bailey's Survival of the unlike. [Review. Boston, etc. 1897.]

Evolution and classification. [Lincoln, Neb. 1894.] The phylogeny and taxonomy of angiosperms. [Chicago. 1897.] Brooks, W. K. The law of heredity. (Reviewed by Asa Gray in Andover review, 1884, i, 208–214.)

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Coulter, J. M. The origin of gymnosperms and the seed habit. See GYMNOSPERMAE.

Darwin, Charles. The effects of cross- and self-fertilization in the vegetable kingdom. (Reviewed by Asa Gray in American journal of science and arts, 1877, 3d ser., xiii, 125141.)

On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life. New ed., from the 6th English ed. New York. 1873. East, E. M., and Hayes, H. K. Heterozygosis in evolution and in plant breeding. Washington. 1912.

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Farlow, W. G. The conception of species as affected by recent investigations on fungi. Boston. 1898.

Vegetable parasites and evolution. Salem, Mass.

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Meehan, Thomas. Bud varieties.

Proc. Acad. nal. sci. Phila., 1870, pp. 128-130.


Objects of sex and of odor in flowers. Philadelphia. Variations in nature. Salem, Mass. 1883. Naudin, Charles. L'hérédité et l'innéité. [Paris. 1888.] On the nature of heredity and variability in plants. (Reviewed by Asa Gray in American journal of science and arts, 1876, 3d ser., xi, 153–156.)

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presence and absence

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Barbier, Achille. Des moyens de grossir les graines et les fruits, de doubler les fleurs et d'en varier à volonté les propor1861. tions et la forme. Bordeaux, etc. Candolle, Alphonse de. Origine des plantes cultivées. Paris. 1883.

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Vilmorin, L. L. de. Notices sur l'amélioration des plantes par le semis et considérations sur l'hérédité dans les végétaux. Nouvelle éd. Paris. 1886.


For effects of frost, see also PATHOLOGY.


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Balfour, J. H. Observations on temperature in connection with vegetation having special reference to the frost of December, 1860. Edinburgh. 1861.

Barral, J. A. De l'influence exercée par l'atmosphère sur la végétation. [Paris. 1860.]

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The same.

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Henslow, George. Introduction to plant ecology. London.


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2 pt.

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Annenkof, Nikolai (I.). Observations sur la floraison de quelques plantes cultivées faites à Moscou pendant les années 1844-1848.

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From a larger work, pp. 69-102.

Berger, A. M. The calendar of Flora. See [LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778, praeses].

Bigelow, Jacob. Facts serving to show the comparative forwardness of the spring season in different parts of the United States.

Mem. Amer. acad. arts sci., 1818, iv, 77-85.

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Sitzungsb. Kais. akad. wissensch. Math.-naturw. classe, 1867-70, liv, 757-770; lix, 489-505.

Pflanzenphänologische untersuchungen. Sitzungsb. Kais. akad. wissensch. Math.-naturw. classe, 1866, liii, 264–


Resultate mehrjähriger beobachtungen über die belaubung und entlaubung der bäume und sträuche im Wiener botanischen garten.

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