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[Transactions.] Бып.

Tiflis Botanitcheski sad. Труды. i→ Тифлисъ. 1895Trautvetter, E. R. von. Императорскій С.-Петербургскій ботаническій садъ въ 1781-[1874] году. [Imperial St. Petersburg botanic garden, 1871-1874. 4 pam. С.-Петербургъ. 1871-75.]

Willkomm, Moritz. Beobachtungen über die bewegung der vegetation im Dorpater botanischen garten, vom frühlinge bis herbst 1870. (Appended to OETTINGEN, A. J. von. phänologie der Dorpater lignosen, 1879.)

Der botanische garten der Kaiserlichen universität Dorpat. Nachrichten über die geschichte, den gegenwärtigen zustand, die einrichtungen und sammlungen des Dorpater gartens. Dorpat. 1873.

Wolf, E. L. Дендрологическiй садь Императорскаго лѣсного института. [Arboretum of the Imperial forest institute. i, ii.] С.-Петербургъ. 1905–07.

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Hornemann, J. W. Hortus regius botanicus hafniensis, in usum tyronum et botanophilorum. 1 vol. in 2. Hafniæ. 1815, '13-15.

Supplementum. Hafniæ. 1819.

Jacobsen, J. C., and Rothe, Tyge. Beskrivelse af væxthusene i universitetets botaniske have i Kjøbenhavn, med oplysninger om havens anlæg og ordning i 1871-1874. Kjøbenhavn. 1879. f°.

Description des serres du jardin botanique de l'Université de Copenhague. Copenhague. 1879. f°. Kamphövener, Bernhard. Fortegnelse over de træer og buske i det forst botaniske anlæg i Charlottenlund, som ere forsynede med navne. Kjöbenhavn. 1845. Lange, Johan. Beretning om universitetets botaniske have for aarene 1871-73. Kjøbenhavn. 1874.

Fortegnelse over de i Veterinair- og landbohøiskolens have og i Forsthaven i Charlottenlund dyrkede frilandstræer og buske. Kjøbenhavn. 1871.

Souvenirs de l'ancien jardin botanique de Copenhague (Charlottenborg), 1778-1874. Copenhague. 1876.

Vejviser i universitetets nye botaniske have. Kjøbenhavn. 1875. Linné, Carl von (1707-1778). Hortus upsaliensis, exhibens plantas exoticas horto Upsaliensis academiæ, a sese illatas ab anno 1742, in annum 1748. Vol. i. Stockholmiæ. 1748. Linné, Carl von (1741-1783). Decas prima [et secunda] plantarum rariorum Horti upsaliensis sistens descriptiones & figuras plantarum minus cognitarum. Stockholmiæ. 176263. fo.

Plantarum rariorum Horti upsaliensis fasciculus primus, sistens descriptiones et figuras plantarum minus cognitarum. Lipsiae. 1767. f°.

Mörch, O. J. N. Catalogus plantarum Horti botanici hafniensis. Hauniæ. 1839.

Schouw, J. F. Foreløbig fortegnelse over den Kjøbenhavnske botaniske haves planter, indeholdende dem, der ere blevne undersøgte i aarene 1842-1846. Kjøbenhavn.


Kongliga Svenska vetenskaps-akademien Trådgård bergielund. Acta Horti Bergiani. Bd. i→ Stockholm. 1891→

Swederus, M. B. Botaniska trädgården i Upsala 1655-1807. i. Akademisk afhandling, Upsala. Falun. 1877.

Thunberg, C. P., praeses. Horti upsaliensis plantæ culta 1780-1800. Pt. ii, v. Upsaliæ. [1803.]

praeses. Horti upsaliensis plantæ cultæ ab initio sæculi. Quarum partem quintam p. p. J. F. Medén. Upsaliæ. [1826.]

Wittrock, V. B. De Horto botanico Bergiano. Om planen för Bergielunds botaniska trädgård samt om trädgårdens tillstånd 1891. Stockholm. 1891.

and Juel, H. O. Catalogus plantarum perennium bienniumque in Horto botanico Bergiano annis 1890 et 1891 sub dio cultarum adjectis adnotationibus botanicis nonnullis. Stockholm. 1891.


Autran, Eugène, and Durand, Théophile. Hortus Boissierianus. Enumération des plantes cultivées en 1885 à Valleyres, Vaud, et à la Pierrière, Chambésy près Genève. Genève, etc. 1896.

Briquet, John. Rapport sur la marche du Conservatoire et du Jardin botaniques de Genève pendant l'anneé 1901. Genève. 1902.

Burnat, Émile. Notes sur les jardins botaniques alpins.

Bull. trav. La Murithienne, ann. 1897, append., pp. 1–24. Candolle, Alphonse de. Dixième notice sur les plantes rares cultivées dans le Jardin botanique de Genève. Mém. Soc. phys. hist. nat. Genève, 1846, xi, 425-450.


Notice sur le Jardin botanique de Genève. Genève.

Rapport sur le jardin expérimental de M. Jordan. [Genève. 1878.] [Candolle, A. P. de.] Catalogue des arbres fruitiers et des vignes du Jardin botanique de Genève. Genève, etc. 1820. Note sur quelques plantes observées en fleurs au mois de jan. 1828 dans la serre de M. Saladin, à Pregny. Genève, etc. 1828.

Plantes rares du Jardin de Genève. Genève. 1829. and Candolle, Alphonse de. Notices sur les plantes rares cultivées dans le Jardin botanique de Genève. 10 pt. Genève, etc. 1823-47.

Congrès des jardins alpins. Premier congrès tenu aux
Rochers de Naye, 1904. [Genève. 1904.]
Correvon, Henry. Catalogue des plantes contenues dans
le Jardin botanique alpin de la Linnæa à Bourg-St-Pierre,
Valais. No. i. Genève. 1901.

Comité inter

Jardin botanique alpin de la Linnæa ·
national. Rapports annuels pour les exercises 1894-95 et
1896-97. Genève. 1898.

Micheli, Marc. Le jardin du Crest. Genève. 1896.
Weigel, C. E., praeses. Dissertatio academica, sistens
Hortum gryphicum, quam submittit L. T. Grönberg. Gry-
phiae. 1782.

Universität. Der Botanische garten und das Botanische museum. 1895-1903, 1905. Zürich. 1896-1906.

e ASIA AND MALAY ARCHIPELAGO Akisato, Ritō. Miyako rinsen meishō zue. [Illustrations of famous gardens.] 5 vol. Kyōto. 1799. [Anderson, Thomas.] Catalogue of plants cultivated in the Royal botanical gardens, Calcutta, from April, 1861 to September, 1864. Calcutta. 1865.

Blume, K. L., ritter von. Catalogus van eenige der merkwaardigste zoo inals uit-heemsche gewassen, te vinden in 's Lands plantentuin te Buitenzorg. [Batavia. 1823.] Boerlage, J. G. Catalogus plantarum phanerogamarum quae in Horto botanico bogoriensi coluntur herbaceis exceptis. 2 fasc. Bataviae. 1899-1901.

Bois, Désiré. L'Institut botanico-agricole de Buitenzorg, Java. [Paris. 1910.]

Boldingh, Isaäc. Catalogus herbarii plantarum in horto bogoriensi cultarum. Editio 1914. Bataviæ. 1914.

Brown, R. N. A hand-book of the trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants, growing in the Madras agri-horticultural society's gardens and neighbourhood of Madras. Madras. 1862. The same. 2d ed. Madras. 1866. Buitenzorg, Java-Jardin botanique. Annales. Vol. i→ Batavia, etc. 1876

Supplément. i-iii. Leide. 1897-1910.

Der botanische garten "'s Lands plantentuin." Leipzig. 1893.

Hand-guide to the botanic gardens. Batavia. 1897. Lijst der families en geslachten van niet-kruidachtige gewassen uit den Botanischen tuin. Batavia. 1892.

Verslag omtrent den staat van 's Lands plantentuin en der daarbij behoorende inrichtingen, over het jaar 1873, 1874, 1892, 1894-1904. Batavia. 1874-1905.

Since 1904, published in Jaarboek van het Departement van landbouw, which, for the year 1905, has the title Verslag omtrent de te Buitenzorg gevestigde technische afdeelingen van het Departement van landbouw. Burck, William. Wandelingen door den Botanischen tuin te Buitenzorg. Batavia. 1892.

Spaziergänge durch den botanischen garten [zu Buitenzorg] von W. Burck.- Im kulturgarten zu Tjikeumeuh gezogene gewächse von P. van Romburgh. Leipzig. 1893.

Calcutta, India - Royal botanic garden, and other gardens in Calcutta, and the Lloyd botanic garden, Darjeeling. Annual report for the year 1906/07-1910/11, 1912/1913→ [Calcutta. 1907-13]→ f°.

Cameron, John. Catalogue of plants in the botanical garden, Bangalore, and its vicinity. Bangalore. 1880.

The same. 2d ed. Bangalore. 1891. Catalogue des plantes du Parc colonial et du Jardin botanique et d'acclimatation du gouvernement à Pondichéry. Pondichéry. 1872.

Clautriau, Georges. Les installations botaniques et l'organisation agricole de Java et de Ceylan. Ciney. 1899. Cleghorn, Hugh.] Hortus madraspatensis. Catalogue of plants, indigenous and naturalized, in the Agri-horticultural society's gardens, Madras. Madras. 1853.

Cordes, J. W. H. Eene wandeling in Buitenzorgs plantentuin. Indische gids, 1889, ii, 1271-1296, 1483-1500.

Eykman, J. F. Een bezoek aan 's Lands plantentuin te Buitenzorg. 's-Gravenhage. 1887.

Filet, G. J. De planten in den botanischen tuin bij het Groot militair hospitaal te Weltevreden. Batavia. 1855.

Tweede katalogus der in den botanischen tuin van het groot militair hospitaal te Weltevreden aangekweekt wordende planten.

Natuurk. tijds. Nederl.-Ind., 1854, vii, 19–36.

Griffith, William. On some plants, mostly undescribed, in the H. C. botanic gardens, Calcutta. Calcutta journ. nat. hist., 1844, iv, 375–390.

On some remarkable plants in the H. C. botanic

gardens, Calcutta.

Calcutta journ. nat. hist., 1844, iv, 231-256.

Hasskarl, J. K. Catalogus plantarum in Horto botanico bogoriensi cultarum alter. Bataviæ. 1844.

Hortus bogoriensis descriptus; sive, Retziae editio nova aucta et emendata. Pars i. Amstelodami, etc. 1858. The same. Pt. ii. (In Bonplandia, 1859–60, vii, 170, 254; viii, 90.) Retzia; sive, Observationes botanicae, quas in Horto botanico bogoriensi [annis 1855 & 1856] fecit. Pugillus, i, ii. Bataviae. 1855-56.

For later edition, see his "Hortus bogoriensis descriptus." Hochreutiner, B. P. G. Catalogus bogoriensis novus plantarum phanerogamarum quae in Horto botanico bogoriensi coluntur herbarceis exceptis. Fasc. i. [Buitenzorg.] 1904. Un institut botanique [Buitenzorg] sous les tropiques.

Jena. 1906.

Plantae bogorienses exsiccatae; novae vel minus cocnitae [sic] quae in horto botanico coluntur. [Buitenzorg.] 1904. Hongkong Botanical gardens. Statistics on plant and seed exchanges, 15th of March, [1871]-April, [1879. Hongkong. 1879]. f°.


Government botanical gardens at Saharanpur and Mussoorie. Report on the progress and condition of the gardens. 1882, 1883, 1886, [1896/97]. Allahabad. 188297. f°.

Oodeypore. Annual report on the gardens of His Highness, Maharana Fatah Singhji, for the years 1894–95, 1896-97. Ajmere. [1895-97.]

[Ito, Keiske. Figures and descriptions of plants in Koishikawa botanical garden.] 2 vol. [Tokio. 1884], '83. f°. King, Sir George. A guide to the Royal botanic garden, Calcutta. Calcutta. 1895.

Lipski, V. І. Цейлонъ и его ботаническіе сады. [Ceylon and its botanic gardens.] С.-Петербургъ. 1911. Lucknow, India Horticultural gardens. Report for the year ending 31st March, 1895, 1897. [Allahabad. 1895-97.] Matsumura, Jinzō, editor. Icones plantarum koisikavenses. Vol. i Tokio. [1911] Miquel, F. A. W. Choix de plantes rares ou nouvelles, cultivées et dessinées dans le Jardin botanique de Buitenzorg. La Haye. 1864. fo.

[Murton, H. J.] Catalogue of the plants under cultivation in the botanical gardens, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Singapore. 1879. Peradeniya, Ceylon Royal botanic gardens. Administration reports. Pt. iv. 1889, 1900→→ [Colombo. 18891900] fo.

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The same. [5th ed.] Colombo. 1898.

Illustrated guide to the Royal botanic gardens. Colombo, etc. [1906?]

[Perrottet, G. S.] Catalogue des plantes du Jardin botanique et d'acclimatation du gouvernement à Pondichéry. Pondichéry. 1867.

Price, Sir Frederick. The government gardens, horticultural societies, introduction of some of the better known trees and plants. (In his Oootacamund, 1908, pp. 117–128.) Romburgh, Pieter van. Aanteekeningen over de in den cultuurtuin te Tjikeumeuh gekweekte gewassen. Batavia. 1892.

Im kulturgarten zu Tjikeumeuh gezogene gewächse. (In BURCK, William. Spaziergänge durch den botanischen garten, etc., 1893, pp. 107-208.) Roxburgh, William. On the growth of trees in the botanic garden at Calcutta, in Bengal.

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Transactions of the Society instituted at London for the encouragement of arts, manufactures and commerce, 1814, pp. 208-210.

- Hortus bengalensis; or, A catalogue of the plants growing in the East India company's botanic garden at Calcutta. Serampore. 1814.

Scheffer, R. H. C. K. Rapport sur l'état du Jardin botanique de Buitenzorg, île de Java, et des établissements dépendants, année 1877. Batavia. 1879. Solms-Laubach, Hermann, graf zu. zu Buitenzorg auf Java. (Leipzig. Straits Settlements Botanic gardens. Annual report for 1884, 1886, 1888-1890, 1894-1896, 1900, 1902-1905, 1908→→→ Singapore. 1885→ fo.

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Der botanische garten 1884.]

No report published for 1887. 1889-1895, title reads: Annual report on the Botanic gardens and Forest department."

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Natuurk. tijds. Nederl.-Ind., 1850, i, 431-440.

and Binnendijk, Simon.] Catalogus plantarum quae in Horto botanico bogoriensi coluntur. Batavia. 1866. Nieuwe plantensoorten in 's Lands plantentuin te Buitenzorg.

Natuurk. tijds. Nederl.-Ind., 1851-53, ii, 303-310; iii, 326-332; iv, 393-398.

Plantæ novæ in Horto bogoriensi cultæ. Natuurk. tijds. Nederl.-Ind., 1862-67, xxiv, 305; xxv, 399; xxvii, 15; xxix, 241. Thomson, Thomas. Report on the Hon'ble company's botanic garden, [Calcutta. Calcutta. 1857), Tokyo, Japan - Imperial museum. Yūyō mokuzai seiran. [Illustrations of useful woods. Vol. i. Tokyo. 1873.]

Imperial university. A catalogue of plants in the botanic garden of the university. Tōkyō. 1887. Treub, Melchior. De beteekenis van tropische botanische tuinen. Batavia. 1892.

Korte geschiedenis van 's Lands plantentuin te Buitenzorg. Batavia. 1892. Trimen, Henry. Hortus zeylanicus. A classified list of the plants, both native and exotic, growing in the Royal botanic gardens, Pérádeniya, Ceylon. Colombo. 1888. Voigt, J. O. Hortus suburbanus calcuttensis. A catalogue of the plants which have been cultivated in the East India company's botanical garden, Calcutta, and in the Serampore botanical garden, from the beginning of both establishments (1786 and 1800) to the end of August 1841. Calcutta. 1845. Warburg, Otto. Die öffentlichen gärten (speciell die botanischen) in Britisch-Indien. [Leipzig. 1886.] Wassink, G. Enumeratio plantarum in Horto botanico nosocomiali bataviensi cultarum.

Natuurk, tijds. Nederl.-Ind., 1851, ii, 656-664.

Went, F. A. F. C. 'S Lands plantentuin te Buitenzorg. Baarn. 1915.


Algeria. Catalogue des végétaux et graines disponibles et mis en vente au Jardin d'acclimatation au Hamma, près Alger, pendant l'automne 1862 et le printemps 1863. Alger, etc. 1862.

The same. 1866-1867. Alger. 1866. Cape Colony. Report upon the botanic gardens and government herbarium. 1887-1891. Cape Town. 1888-92. Cornu, Maxime. L'acclimatation végétale en Tunisie et le Jardin d'essai de Tunis.

Revue générale des sciences pures et appliquées, 1896, vii, 1080–1086. Delchevalerie, G. Flore exotique du Jardin d'acclimatation de Ghézireh et des domaines de S. A. le khédive. Le Caire. 1871.

Evans, A. E. A catalogue of the Aburi gardens being a complete list of all the plants grown in the government botanical gardens at Aburi, Gold Coast, West Africa, together with their popular or local names, uses, habits, and habitats. Liverpool, etc. 1906.

[Hardy, Auguste.] Catalogue des végétaux cultivés à la pépinière centrale du gouvernement à Alger. Alger. 1850. King William's Town, Cape Colony Botanic gardens. Annual report. 1889. King William's Town. 1890.

Nigeria, West Africa. Annual report on the botanical
gardens, Old Calabar. 1896-97. Old Calabar. [1897.]
List of plants grown in Botanical gardens, Old
Calabar, 1897. Old Calabar. [1897.]

List of plants and seeds issued and received by Botanical department, 1896-97. (In its Annual report on the Botanical gardens, Old Calabar, 1897.)

[Rivière, Auguste.] Le jardin du Hamma et la Société générale algérienne. Paris. 1872.

Wood, J. M. Guide to the trees and shrubs in the Natal botanic gardens, Durban. Durban. 1897.


Bailey, F. M. Catalogue of plants in the two metropolitan gardens, the Brisbane botanic garden and Bowen park, the garden of the Queensland acclimatisation society. Brisbane. 1885.

Guilfoyle, W. R. Catalogue of plants under cultivation in the Melbourne botanic gardens, alphabetically arranged. Melbourne. 1883.

Maiden, J. H. Records of the Sydney botanic gardens. [Sydney. 1903.]

and Betche, Ernst. Notes from the Botanic gardens, Sydney. No. 1, 2, 13-16, 18. [Sydney. 1898-1913.] Mason, T. An account of the plants growing at "The Gums," Taita.

Extract from Trans. proc. N. Z. inst., 1897, xxix, 393-412. Melbourne Botanic gardens. Guide to the gardens. Authorized ed. Melbourne. [1901.]

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[Moore, Charles.] Catalogue of plants in the Government botanic gardens, Sydney, New South Wales. Sydney. 1895. New South Wales Botanic gardens and government domains. Report for 1897→ [Sydney. 1898]→ f°. Schomburgk, Sir Richard. Catalogue of the plants under cultivation in the Government botanic garden, Adelaide, South Australia. Adelaide. 1878.

"Authorities quoted," pp. xi-xix. South Australia Botanic garden. Report on the progress and condition of the garden. 1869, 1873, 1877-1883, 18851889. Adelaide. [1870]. f°.

1869 title reads: "Report of director of Adelaide botanic garden." 1873-1885 title reads: "Report on the progress and condition of the Botanic garden and government plantations." Victoria, Australia Government botanic garden. Report. [1856-7.] Melbourne. [1857.] f°.

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Folin, Léopold, marquis de. Le jardin d'acclimatation d'Orotava à Ténérife. Bordeaux. 1884.


Breon, Nicolas. Catalogue des plantes cultivées aux jardins botanique et de naturalisation de l'île Bourbon. SaintDenis. 1820.

The same. Saint-Denis. 1825.

A catalogue of the exotic plants cultivated in the Mauritius, at the botanic garden, Monplaisir, Reduit, and other places, Mauritius. 1816.

The same. [Mauritius.] 1822. [Richard, ] Catalogue des végétaux cultivées au jardin du gouvernement à l'ile de la Réunion. Saint-Denis. 1856.

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Areschoug, F. W. C. Lunds universitets Botaniska institution, 1872-1897. Lund. 1897.

Baenitz, Karl. Herbarium dendrologicum. Prospekt. Jahrg. viii, ix, xi. (Leipzig, etc. 1907-10.]

Herbarium dendrologicum Kleine ausgabe in 4 lieferungen. 1907. 2o ausgabe. [Leipzig, etc. 1907.] Bertoloni, Antonio. Lucubrationes de re herbaria. Bononise. 1822.

Candolle, Alphonse de. Sur un exemple de conservation remarquable de feuilles et de fruits verts dans de l'eau salée. [Genève. 1878.]

Cosson, Ernest. Instructions sur les observations et les collections botaniques à faire dans les voyages. Paris. 1872. Bibliography, p. 31.

Hanley, Sylvanus. On the Linnean manuscript of the 'Museum Ulricæ.'

Journ. proc. Linn. soc. - Zool., 1860, iv. 43-90. Herbarium. No. i→ [Leipzig. 1908]→→→

Jackson, R. T. Ink and paper for museum labels. [Philadelphia. 1898.]

Knowlton, F. H. Directions for collecting recent and fossil plants. Washington. 1891.

Macoun, W. T. How to collect and preserve plants. [Ottawa. 1904.]

How to mount plants and complete the herbarium practical results from the study of plants. [Ottawa. 1904.] Martindale, I. C. Desiderata. [Camden, N. J.? 1881.] Petiver, James. Brief directions for the easie making, and preserving collections of all natural curiosities. London. [17-?] fo

Rafinesque, C. S. Herbarium Rafinesquianum. Herbals; or, Botanical collections. Pt. i, [ii]. Philadelphia. 1833. Rusby, H. H. Botanical collecting in the tropical Andes. [Detroit. 1891.]

Stone, G. E. Formalin as a preservative of botanical specimens. [London. 1899.]

Vriese, W. H. de. Kruidtuinen en herbariën in betrekking tot onderwijs en wetenschap. Leiden. 1849.


a NORTH AMERICA [Canby, W. M. Catalogue of American herbarium specimens desired. Wilmington, Del. 1877.] Merrill, F. J. H. Natural history museums of the United States and Canada. Albany. 1903.


Barnston, James. Catalogue of Canadian plants in the Holmes' herbarium, in the cabinet of the University of McGill college. Montreal. 1859.

Brunet, L. O., abbé. Notice sur le musée botanique de l'Université Laval. Québec. 1867.

Penhallow, D. P. A new botanical laboratory. [Montreal. 1890.]


Alabama biological survey. Botanical exchange list. [Auburn. 1898.]

Ashe, W. W. Contributions from my herbarium. See
Biltmore herbarium, Biltmore, N. C. Advance list of
duplicates of the herbarium, 1898. [Biltmore. 1898.]

[List of duplicate specimens. Biltmore. 1896.] Coulter, Stanley. A report upon certain collections of phanerogams presented to the State biological survey. [Indianapolis. 1896.] [Delacoste, ] Catalogue of the natural productions and curiosities, which compose the collections of the Cabinet of natural history, opened for public exhibition at no. 38 William street, New York. New York. 1804.

"Botanical objects," "Specimens of South-American wood," pp. 62-77.

Gibbes, L. R. Catalogue of herbarium of L. R. Gibbes. [Charleston. 189-?]

Harvard university herbarium. [New Haven. 1865.] Hitchcock, A. S. List of plants in my Florida herbarium.

Trans. Kansas acad. sci., 1899, xvi, 108-157.

Kent, G. H. The Ware collection of Blaschka glass flower models. Cambridge. [1908.]

Lotsy, J. P. The herbarium and library of John Donnell Smith. [Baltimore. 1894.]

Mayer, A. G. The status of public museums in the United States. [New York. 1903.]


University Botanical department. [List of plants. Minneapolis.] N. D.

[Sargent, C. S.] Jesup collection.- North American forestry. [Set of labels from the Jesup collection, Natural history museum, New York.] N. P. [188-?] Sheldon, E. P. Notes from the Minnesota state herbaria. Some extensions of plant ranges. [New York. 1893.] Shriver, Howard. Catalogue of plants in [his] herbarium, Wytheville, Wythe Co., Virginia. Philadelphia. 1884. United States Department of agriculture. Catalogue of the United States plants in the Department of agriculture. [Washington. 1867?]

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De Wildeman, Émile. Plantæ novæ vel minus cognitæ ex herbario Horti thenensis. Tom. i; ii, 1, 2. 1904-1909. Bruxelles. [1904-09.]

Promenade dans le Musée commercial et industriel de la Maison de Melle. Gand. [1883?]


Dollfus, Adrien. Le muséum de Londres, British museum of natural history, South Kensington.

Bull. Soc. études sci. Paris, 1889, xi, 101-125.

Don, David. An account of the Lambertian herbarium. (Appended to LAMBERT, A. B. A description of the genus Pinus, 1824, ii.)

Also in edition of 1828.

[Druce, G. C.] An account of the herbarium of the University of Oxford. Oxford. 1897.

The Dillenian herbaria. Oxford. 1907. "Biography of Dillenius"; "Bibliography," pp. xvii-lvii. Fielding, H. B. Sertum plantarum; or, Drawings and descriptions of rare and undescribed plants from the author's herbarium. London, etc. 1844.

[13 plates with index, prepared for a second volume of Sertum plantarum. Lancaster. 1849.]

Grew, Nehemiah. Museum Regalis societatis; or, A catalogue & description of the natural and artificial rarities belonging to the Royal society and preserved at Gresham colledge. London. 1681. f°.

"Of plants," pp. 179–252.

[Hooker, Sir J. D.] Catalogue of the plants distributed at the Royal gardens, Kew, under the sanction of the secretary of state for India, from the herbaria of Griffith, Falconer, and Helfer. [London.] 1865.

Jackson, B. D. Index to the Linnean herbarium. London. 1912.

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Kew Royal botanic gardens. Official guide to the Kew museums. A handbook to the museums of economic botany. See ECONOMIC BOTANY.

Official guide to the museums of economic botany. See ECONOMIC BOTANY. Lawson, Peter & son. Synopsis of the vegetable products of Scotland in the museum of the Royal botanic gardens of Kew. Edinburgh. 1852.

Vines, S. H., and Druce, G. C. An account of the Morisonian herbarium in the possession of the University of Oxford, together with biographical and critical sketches of Morison and the two Bobarts and their works and the early history of the physic garden, 1619-1720. Oxford. 1914.


Bonnet, Edmond. L'herbier de Lamarck.

[Paris. 1902.] Notice sur l'herbier dit de Gaston d'Orléans, conservé au Muséum de Paris. [Paris. 1889]. Camus, Giulio. Herbier des Alpes de la Savoie offert à l'impératrice Joséphine par Joseph Louis Bonjean. [Annecy. 1904.]

Candolle, Augustin de. L'herbier de Gaspard Bauhin. [Genève. 1904.]

Cap, P. A. Le Muséum d'histoire naturelle. Paris. 1854. Decaisne, Joseph. Le jardin fruitier du Muséum [d'histoire naturelle]. See POMOLOGY-FRANCE.

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Desfontaines, R. L. Choix de plantes du Corollaire des Instituts de Tournefort, publiées d'après son herbier, et gravées sur les dessins originaux d'Aubriet. Paris. 1808. Dupoty, Auguste. Promenades au Muséum d'histoire naturelle. Paris. 1851.

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