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Also in ed. of 1708.

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[blocks in formation]


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Arnold arboretum, Jamaica Plain, Mass. popular information. No. 1-63;- New series. Vol. i, ii→ Jamaica Plain. 1911-16→

[Final memorandum about John Davis homestead to Arnold arboretum.] Typewritten.

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Contents: - Its past, present, and future; by C. S. Sargent.- An appreciation from Kew; by W. J. Bean.- The Arnold arboretum and the gardens of America; by J. H. McFarland.- The benefits to nurserymen and landscape gardeners; by J. K. L. M. Farquhar, Arnold arboretum, Harvard university. [Boston. 1902?] 2 plans in 8° cover.

Bartram garden. Account of the Bartram garden, published in "the Horticulturist" in 1850. Revised and corrected. [Philadelphia. 1864.] Bartram's garden, Philadelphia, Pa. [Philadelphia.] 1904. The same. Re-issued with new plan of garden, etc. Philadelphia. 1907.

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[blocks in formation]

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[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

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York. Shaw, Henry. Will establishing the Missouri botanical garden. Also Act of General assembly of Missouri, approved Mar. 14, 1859, and Deed of Henry Shaw to Washington university, Oct. 14, 1885. St. Louis. 1889.

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[ocr errors]

-] The same. St. Jago de la Vega. 1794. Edwards, Bryan. Catalogue of exotic plants, in the botanical garden of Jamaica, 1792. (In his History, civil and commercial, of the British colonies in the West Indies, 1793, i, 190-202.)

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